THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM SUITSAND OUTFITUS. M 'THINnGiRK 6ENIIIJL "TeNaaaFal~ls Route." CENTRAL STANIDARID TIMIE. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express. ........3 47 P. M. N. Y. &Boston Special ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern ............94" Atlantic Express ........... 45 A5. M. D~etroit Night Express........ 5 55" Grand Rapids Express ..........11 Mall&Express. .........9515 A.1.. Hasten. N. Y. S&Chicago....... 8 i3" Fast Western Express..........138 P. xM. G. It. &Kal. Expres.........555" Chicago Night Express ..........94: Pacific Express ........12 301A. 5. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Ag-'t Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effert, SMay 7, 1898. Trains lease Ann Arbor hy Central Staad- aid Tine. NORTH SOUTH 8:431A.M. *07:30A. M. +12:40P. M. 11:15 A.M. 4:56 P.MK. 8:40 P. M. t 5 . .t8:05 P. i. ;Run hetween Ann Arhor and Toledo only. t These trains on Sunday only and ran be- tween Toledo and Howell. All other trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. H. W. BENNETT, G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- CRET AND STYLISH TAILOING, G EWe operate the fiest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any ill the State. We respectfully solicit your valuedi patronage. All garmenuts made by us kept pressedl and in repair for one year. 106 E. Hurono. New State Phoine 43. CALEDAR.Notice to Choral Union. CensaLENDR. 1T-Mc eian old memnbero of thc Choral v es. oa, c. 2MichiganAgiutrlCle. Unionl are earneotly requested to at- vo.ray O.1.Michigan Agiutuasolee tend the meeting, Tulesday, Oct. 11,: Satirdy, ct.13-Mihigll 7:30 p. inI.,ini Frieze Memorial Western Reoerve. Hall, in iirder that thse chortis may Wedneoday, Oct. 19.-Michigan he orgaiiized. Tile firot concert in vs. Caoe Scientific School. the Choral Union Series will be given TSaturday, Oct. 22.-M1ichigan vs. on Dec. 16, by the choruo. At this Notr Dam. F concert a miicellanseous program will Friday, Oct. 21.-Jas. Whitcombhegvn . .SALY Riley on the S. L. A. Couroe. h ie. A .SALY An AllFreshmen Elecen. Notice 1 Football Manager Roger Morris All captaino and managers of class desires the DAILY to state that all football teams will please meet me ill candidates for tile Freshmen Eleven Room 9, Uiiiversity Hall, at 5 shonld report at once to Coach Clark, o'clock, next Moiiday afternoon. who will have charge of that eleven. J. Wo. POTTER, An all-freshiien eleven will be or- Assistant Manager. ganized at once sod practice iwill he- gin just as soon as arrangemtents are Fred W. Newton, '96 L., io in a miade tos get a practice field for the Saginasw, E. S.,lose office. freosimen.? The inter-class schedule WANTED--A housekeeper. In- Zi Ill 7 ZZ-A SHI 114 WV 0, Emba] Ass. idenci GE' W, BOR RAILWAY. 1w11 De pumsnea in111a rw ans, . quire at 534lS0. State lSt. 14 Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter Floyd Wilson, a member of one of H. B. Krognlan, '93, is snperi n- PE after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. the Michigan volunteer regiments, is tendent of the Negaunlee schools this in. and up to 11:15 p. im. For Ypsilanti sue of the few who left the Univer- year. at a quarter before the hour up to 12:43 sity for the army last spring that sasv W. W. Smalley, '98, is teachingB a. mn. Cars leave corner William and actual service. He was in the trench. Latin and Mathematics in the high V Main Sto. Tickets on sale at Brown's es and on the fighting hunes before ochool at Adrian, Mich. Drug Store. Santiago. Wilsonos regiment par.. The .Free Press, the old reliable ticipated in the three days' fight. and leading State aiid Sporting paper He is a quiet and unassuming fellow is handled by F. Stofilet, Opera House ___________________ and Moors his honors easily. Nesvs Depot. Call aiid subscribe. A. '..THE Orchestra Plaijers. Good delivery guaranteed. KINDERGARTEN An orchestra is to he formed this Dr. Fonda Nadeau, Inedic, '98, is CIGAR STORE season in the School of Music under on the staff of thxe Northern Michi. Cx~eosoer 1 loox o rooce sorono x th chrgeof r. eit. Sudeto aiiasylum at Traverse City. Cigars ovro75br30 s h fTobdcox0ibCigsofrthschage A Mc.Zance Sablet gtoCiplayan orchestral CgainotruAlchnceibleoo Thererhestal1is0rbanjoTheinisthebaj worldhew trattha on io Pipe free iwith oevey purchas. (string, swind or brass) wislinug to has as fisc a tone as the Waldo. Ex. 102 E. HURON ST. join this orchestra, will please call amline thsem at the Music Co. Store, -=at the School of Music fromn 1 to 2 p. Washington St. Can get a good 0110 iSedi U, of 1, Shaftn Parlors and Balh Rooms isod see Mr. Zeitz for particuliars. for $12.00. 14 Pens 32 SOUTH STATE STRE ET. w______________________________ rite bodie'oaristic Ha:irDecsing. up stoles..Old s::~ei ~i.s s e dited01, frendslcall abaio. We welicoeonow ones. g4 rapi: =.ILT JAOW0t ~ lentscbrer, the 1otographer. SGc. WA1IR[,N, th BArI L.____ ___ Now Quarese. in the Thomopso150i1ding. - - ________ _____ Only First=Class Barbers Employed. IMFeGolloniate Bureaa ol t1aflcm!6G Gstume. A Si) THE MODEL of State Street GOTRELL &1 LEONARD. peom is Berm & ELY'S , LANYs, N. Y. BARBER SHOP It you desire Cops, Gowns, and Hoods made to order ond rsnted. Aloo Claso denst-class work ond courteous treatment Canes, Class Hato and Cops, Clann College Pius. Addreon try George and Harry at 332 S. Stote St. Wv. C. KERN, Western 3inge., _______ Hakeil Siosern, Unix., of Chicago. ENOGH DIETERLE, Fnerale ctr Every kn._Eb n id Cails attended Dav or Night. RANDALL, THMHTGAHR OAL" A. S'AEI3LESI, Al Nox. 161 E. Lihcrty Strecct.Mesidence 533S. WASHIGO LlK.t AN ABO K 119 Weot Washington Street Fourih Ave, Phone 129ONBOK. AN O. Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. wine, ..ALL ,. isialSllpplies AT LOWEST PRATES. QEBERLE MUSIC STORE hent JLiberty Street, Ann Arbor. sly 3 dooms from Main Street. FUNERAL DIRECTOR lining a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Amhulance night and day. Re. e302 Fifth Ave. mq AnlJeweler T YOUR LUNCHES. AT W. TUTTLE'S 338 Sx. State Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... ERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Derryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. Stae Phone 119, G. SPALDING & BROS. TheNx n h urante FOOT BALL. SUPPLIES Official outittern to ali the leading college, school and .9 athletic club teams. Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball exclusivelyhbyYale, Princeton, Harsard Sylsania, Cxrelol and all othser leadin cxs and unisersities. Managers shoal for prices sodsaempies befosre ordering there. waliteg Oficial FootEBall Guide, I by Wle Caso. Records, photo- hs of leasding teamss, 1898 rules, with tin- sOd explanatory nsotes, loc, SPALDINGS & BROS., NessYrk, Chicago It Newu Stand, 601 E. William SI, ie me ai triol. First class work and npt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, :340 S. Stat~e OP., s Boos for 25c. and upwsrdsand sells eriin Fountain lens for $1.10 and up. 01 Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c, :s Stationery in the city a1 lowest prine. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.