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March 30, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-30

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VOL. IX, No. 135.



Woman's Gm to Be Finished. Lits Name a Ticket. Homeops to Have a Team.
The Board of Regents met yester- Yesterday afternoon the literary The Athletic Board last night de-
G n W LD day and besides transacting the usual student members of the Oratorical Cided to allow the Homeopathic De-
amount of small business, awarded Association held their caucus and partment to enter a team in the class
F. Lettellier & Co., of Grand Rapids, nominated a ticket to be presented baseball series, there being only 48
Will announce that we have now the contract for the interior finish- as the choice of the department at the men in the entire department,. a
received our Spring and Summer ings for the woman's gymnasium. annual election of officers of the Ora- fewer number than in any single
Woolens. Our stock for the incor- The accepted bid was $3,363.71. A torical Association next Tuesday class in college.
ing season is the largest we have ever gift was received from Franklin H. night. On this ticket the Alpha Nu On the evening of April 7 there
shown, is exclusive and conFined, in Walker, of Detroit, of $200 to be society is represented only in the will be an entertainment in the Gym-
.turned over to Prof. Francis Kelse choice for president, all the other nasium in honor of the legislature
oth foreign asd domestic gols, arid aind expended in the purchase of ien being members of the Adelphi which will visit the University on
is composed of the best fabrics in Latin books, Charles F. Brush, of society. The ticket is as follows: that date. There will be boxsing,
every line that can be obtained. We the Brush electric works of Cleve- For president, M. H. Carmody; vice relay races, music by the glee and
carry the largest line of Woolens in land, 0., announced a gift to the president, S. Wells Utley; secretary, banjo clubs and other attractions.
the city. We intite yosttoucsll and niversity of a complete liquid air H. E. Westerdale; treasurer, C. D. The committee from the Athletic
plant to cost about $1,200. The Hurrey; Delegate to Northern Ora- Board in charge is: Meltlhop, cair-
inspect the same. plans for the plant have not as yet torical League, Wm. B. Harrison. titan; Wood, Tefft, Riegelmran and
been made as it was thought best by A steering committee of five was Teetzel.
Ifl the donors to be sure that such a gift also appointed to hustle for votes.
S , C , tould be acceptable before going to An effort will be made to get the Degrees Taken b Facult Mem-
any expense. However it is expect- young ladies of the Literary Depart- bers.
108 E. Washington St , ed that by the time college opens rent who are members of the asso- Of the 222 members of the faculty
ANN ARBOR. next fall the university will be in ciation to go to the election and help 46 have taken upon examination, the
possession of a well equipped liquid elect at least one of the officers from degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
air plant. It will be invaluable to their department. Fourteen won the degree at the U i-
students of engineering as offering versity of Michigan, live at Cornell,
W arentdthem an opportunity to investigate Senior Latm Affairs. four at Johns Hopkins, four at liar.
W arranted this "new power'' more thoroughly A new turn has been taken by vard, and one each at Chicago, Yale
than could othertise be possible. politics in the senior law class in and Allegheny College. Nine tooi
Cutlery. The gift of Hon. Peter White, of that the class decided at its meeting all of their academic degrees at a
Marquette, of $400 as a fellowship in yesterday morning that President single institution, namely, seven at
American history was accepted. J. Egan had appointed the class-day Michigan and one each at Harvard
We have just received a R. Allen instructor in mechanical committees illegally and therefore and Johns Hopkins. Sixteen re-
azors and Knives, frula engineering, was given a leave of ab- those committees could not act. Then ceived the doctors degree at foreign
swarranted,andwe sell them sence for five months. the class took such action as would universities-five at Leipsic, two at
right too. See our window. -- confer the power of appointing these Jena, and one each at Freiburgh in
Another Slap at the Unicersitn- same committees upon the president. Baden, [10,s1s, Glasgow, Munich,
jj7Another bill has been introduced They were then "legally" appointed Vienna, Marburg, Berne, Zurie
into the legislature to cripple the and are made up practica-lhy if not inl lBerlin.
University. exactly as were the original com.
Yesterday ties this sose ernt mittees, the same persons being Sousa and His Band.
aninto a committee of the whole, the named over again. lThe Women's League, in orgai-
first bill considered was Anderson's What compheated problems of nation ossuess'sLsugin r s
tlisdwlln . zithi: eg girls, brigs Siousa
risg thi rest nf the rotege e year w to allow the Grand Rapids Medical poltics an gvernment ti ust i and his band to Ann Arbo in the
will serve lunss at an hours drm,dor College to have the bodies which class bring forth before its unseemly
n . ineo es, Cigars, and e sent to A Ar wrangle has co to a end? L near future to play U versity
R. E. JOLLY & 0 .O hbor for the use of the Medical De- than a week ago the class president H s he great s yccessscoreh hy
308 So. State Street. partment. Representative Chamber- was threatened with impeachment tineassui tes . l. ar trss it
lain wanted the matter referred to and yesterday the class conferred up- iueared us theisS.ry Aco seewrill
the Universit conumittee as its in- on huim the very power they were dis- tstuie ausesrtywehcom e sfromsith
* ~~stud lit auiets-e. 'hehscsaue -soit
N r terests ought t be protected and puting with him over. wit were so well received last year,
N ew Cam eras incidentally attacked the standing ofw-e e cid t
*. t.lc Sdt are with the great leader this seas
the Grand Rapids institution. Rep- Of Interest to Biological Students. It was only lsst year that Mr. Arthur
for 99. resentative Burch, of Wayne, sup- prof. C. O. Whitman, of the Uni- Pryor, thie trombone soloist oase a
ported the bill, because he thought versity of Chicago, will deliver the decided hit in responding to an en-
ne \amr n w put those he saw in it a scheme to cut off annual address before the Michigan cr ih"nteBnso h
new cameras i n thle wind owssoewt O teBnso h
with a card that read like this Wayne caunty also, i favor of the Academy of Sciences this evening, at Wabash,'' commenting o which,
heading, we were not offering University. Representative Herrig, 7:30 standard time, at the Normal the DAiLy said later, "No sooner
bargains, but one lady wanted of Saginaw, favored it because it was College in Ypsilanti, on "'The EvO- had two or three reasures been
to buy one for 99cents- Two an entering wedge to prevent the lution of the Color Pattern of the played, so that the audience recog-
men thought better and paid* University from "rbigee lyd
us $16.20 each. The new feat- "rgrabbig every- Wings of Pigeons." These markings nuized the tune, tian they brok
ures make these cameras very thing in sight." After long dis- have been much used by Darwin and forth in cheers and applause."
desirable and the prices are cussion and the defeat of an attempt others as a source of evidence for the
right. to strike out all after the enacting evolution of all domestic breeds of Celebrated His Birthdag.
Calkins' Pharmacy clause, the bill passed the comnittee. pigeons from a single wild ancestor. Tuesday was the birthday anni-
The University following in the Prof. Whitman has been engaged for versary of Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley
our Nam e ~~~house twill continue their fight on this soue years in breeding various spe. nu n eerto fti vnsMs
Your Nam e today and if they fail, will carry es of wild pigeonsdand his observa aC in cprpetratedo a tlittleeveurris
Ee ede smeePau 15 it ite the Senate. tions form an important contributionpay ssc th
Enraved on Copper Pate, in oma morabcnrbto party which the senior mechanical
wi 00mateststyle-card,for .50 Schoolmasters' Club. to the subject of evolution. Tickets engineers graced with their presence.
55 9 0ards, egrud hom yssr sin piatu, hoc for the lecture may be had on apph- A generous spread was served and at
The next meeting of the Michigan cation at the Zoological Laboratory a late hour the party broke u
90 CENTS. Schoolmasters' Club will be held at in Ann Arbor. Everyone had a most enjoyable time
The Best Stock, Ypsilanti, tomorrow and Saturday. On Friday afternoon, at 1:30 and all are loud in their praises of
The Latest Styles. Profs. D'Ooge, Kelsey, Hempl, standard, Prof. R. Ramsay Wright, the genial professor and his wife a
Ask to see our new Stationery. Drake, Henc, Demmon, Reighard, of the University of Toronto, will entertainers.
McLaughlin, Hudson, Carhart, Reed speak before the Biological Section
A !4 and Mosher, Drs. Wait, Glover and of the Schoolmasters' Club on "Biol- The alumni of Michigan Univer.
NAv jGuthe, and Instructors Goddard and ogy in the Secondary Schools of On- sity resident in Wisconsin will give a
A. G. Hall, will take part in the tario.'' It is believed that the Onta- banquet to President Angell in Mil-
ANN ARBOR exercises. There will also be papers rio experiences will be helpful to waukee on April 7. There are about
up town Down Town by Mr. Finney of the General Li- present and prospective teachers of 300 graduates in the state and a good
. rHatolst brary and by ex-Regent Barbour. this subject. attendance is expected.

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