4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The New Wernser Editioni --OF TFIE- Ency'cloped ia 4 -_ A -. - - - ALPINE HAT SALE, All Shades for 1899 Now to. D N Call and see them! S3i ftts for "2. D. A. TiIKIER & SON. britannica., ne~lolt ueuo GmGCsue ALBAY, N. Y. The Best Reference Library for the ! Cape, Gowns, and Hloods made to order sod rented. Also Class Home, the Office, the Library. Cases, (less Tats and Caps, Class College lins. Address W. C. KERCN, WesteroniMngr., __HasokelO l ouseum, Univ. of Chicago Nearly six feet of printedl matter. WE K EE P U P TO DATE. (Each1 volume is 11 in. long; 9 n Every rig in ourrbhrn is being repainted and varnishetd widle; about 2, inches thick, and for spring trade. weighs about e5 poundts.)H D ES LI RY Can it all gio into your head? Not H L E I E Y likely ! Better have the wvork isefTE.L.PH-ONE 106. 51560E. LIBF.RTY. to rferto h( in lelibi itelfCanopy famnished for parties. The entire set of Thirty Superh OcaoVlneseiee pnpy . S U D" N Saent of We call attention to our complete line of ('enter D~raft Nickel Plated Lamps, rarnging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps ace of the latest and $ 100most improved patterns and makes. Including "The N ew llorheoter, ""The $ 1,0 0 8 Yale," "1The Royal,"'"The Blerlin Student Lamp, ""'The P'erfection Student _____Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for thse Leapt Msteep conae and see us Old Number: SHEEHAN&(f CO. ~ SIH D N O JOS. W1 KOLLAUF, 214 ]East WaeshinonaaSt., onear St, .Av ANN ARBOR. W. J. BNsoe, PseIe.S Wa Aso VIe Vs se J. V1.C WoeAT, asVices-ire, JOSeta. WALTs, As, Oah lier SVING Transacts a general lianking,1Business. FIRST NATIONAL LANK Ortan ehs1i; Captatl, $100,(00. Surpluesad Prote, 14000c ''reansacts ageneeralr'aartitgtrrrinea. Ters eochaeaggsboughtandesold. I5"otet etter:-o credit. E. Dl. KINNE, sees. IIlARttdON SttttF S. W. CtARKlSOtN, Cashier, Capttt, $0005. Srpluts, $30,000. 'r rawsi- general bankingtrbusiness. N, KExewm, Pres. C.E5. tGsEra, Vice-Prv FaRE. 1H BELSEt.Cashier. The flin tirhor savings Bany CapitalStatk.S$0,000.tSur plus, $150,M), Reo rcue ec00,. ExcllntPerrrane. hu insh BlaRaces. Orgtanized trader theOGeeral Banking tee-N% ExcellentPerBooksece.eChapioshp Rcof this State. Neceives depositl Lye and i ll UnvriyThesIes I' aySok'rmar crd Michigan, Yale, Pennlsylvanlia ,ehange ontthe prineicipalcrat ftire iite Dat Soc Cop it cord' Sates. Dtasts cashedtat's"pratter idealitittlio AGEINTS, . hig lilt lasct night itsl''A Wife's Cornell, ('eorgetoviciantd Chicago Safety dest boxerst1 re 5~1 320,'onlh tae tret. onorr."','le play mroved efwiftr a are eniteredi intheftsreli~y rarces fortrthera, Vice-Otee.;Chase. N. ttiso, teehicer: 0l 32 vtl SatrSre trdairfn rrstrart toliniolt tridtire differ- iriterc,,llegiate clrairrpiorrsbp of tireJ.Fritz AssistatCtashier. -- -entt ors sstainred titeir parts itta Untedl Staetes. 'Tenteet wit11 be ST U D E Nmanniriier whichid u eredlit ftirte first- hreld uner tire auspices of theireu M & PATRON Z E STUDENTS ilarss orpar richlr? re. 'Tie vet-ity of Petntsylcvanira at Phil'rdeli AMhPE C R esr ma3wihthy. - cipanty is dleservinig of a pacrkedi phia, sorie titme intthie latter part of T H E- If You Do Not, \hy Not? jihouse each evenintg if thit repertoire text irronti, Twcently-five colleges N er ,n :o tlboi~c'-cio~oio ofr tire seeek is trp to fire stardtlro f tire eriterer initthie different colleger th eua rss ihrfn s tat, last ighit' eperforrrrarrce. events rind raboutt 35preparatory e fC~ New 'Phane,441, 202 S. StatSt'chlsIll iathe seconrdclass evernts., a c G Studentas Laundryes'fsociatiot, Freshmen Law Meeting. o'-ah' ierfreisle eke vrtiguolykp Nrn Voght, '99tLt, wmNR Fo00 L~aw.' 1OTLdsopnfcd ile Wekpevrtngualyet 't'hre eswill be a mreetinig of tire swatch with light chain atnd charmrrsfet-class Grocery atnd lirikery. freshrmurr law clarss eroilti hrday rat Fitnder lersee rt University Steward's and see ue. TrRIL O C~r~l318 S. STATE ST. A TRIAL ORDER 11 r. ininrrr Hoit C. 'Fins is artIrm- office atnd receive reward, hat is rll Itali.orn irorttieetinigrind till rmermbers of --- Li}Iaoutidry Agony. tht cias ire requestedl to be presernt. 'lickets for' Sousa's band concert YOU'RE NEXT J. E. KERB. ilrl be on sale on arid after 8 o'clocek, U. of M. Larbrer Shlo P. C. M E YER, Saturday, April first ast E. E. Cal- rsnl RBathIoloolots- 'rer. No. 179r. C07O.' Wlltleot S1. Masonic Club. kiris sriSlate s., arnd1H. J. Brownr, .J. R. TaOsANOwsar. Prop. 1220 S. eran- Masorne desiring good eirrrployrrrerrt ott Mairr st., at tine arid places serso THE RENOWNOED MANDOLIN VIRTtUOSO during srrrrrrer vracrtioni, call at irray be reservedi. Personrs are PAT RENTEBRE MR W EIG NEPA Ecilrb-roomrr this evening, (March 28,) warnied against purchasing of arty WRREN THE ARBEI at730W o'clockAG other persons, as these are lire only AND YOU WILL ALWAYS W-9a :0ocok BE IN LINE. Wilt gve tessenstin the inandolin and ILR. M iDvYE Pres. authorized places. Prices are 50, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED- guitarr at the G diversity Schosol of 75c. and $1.00. TH-ODL o Sae --re 3111500 every Friday. For Terms and Loss-Orr Williarr St, a roll of THlO E fae m t&eet hoars apply to thre Secretary. fancy work containirrg a pair of ,TTE Bw~w LE- BARBER SHOP It you deaire ilver scisoors and a goild thimble prrze owili be given each week for first-class work and courteous treatment V'D AI tmarked "Fredericka Xrtias, 1889." the highrest single ocore. Price 15 try Gesrge and Harry at 312 S. State St. ! Heturnr to 224 S. Main anti receive canto for a two-hrand game. Open Eble n State Phone i44. r'ewvard. 34 afternoon arnd evening. EOH OEELFuneral Director t~ I EVE YBO Y LOOKS for tire Easter Neckocear, EVERY .~OL~ and we hrave made preparations for you ail that none sirsl1 be disappointed by not being able to procure suitable Easter Neckwear. Our efforts have not been in vain, for we have congregated the most beau- tiful colorings and designs tire nmaker iras ever produced. The price, 50C, pays for the best of them. W G E o SEE OUR WINDOW. 123 S. MAIN ST. No. t61 E. Liberty StreeLt.Rsid e n63 Fourthi Ave, Phone 105. (OF '990 MifIL W/ARD TAILOR STATE ST Springm and Summter Make an o tle re to. Eaaly Selection. 07=: