THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 C Large DIsplay. 17aflcy S1)OX Beautiful Patterns. Goo 117 S. MAIN STREET. .. MIGHIIRN GENTUIL "The Niagara Fells Route. CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME TakingEffetAugl14,0898. MNail and Expres .......3 47 P. 3i N. Y. & Boston Special ........4 58" Fat Eatern ..............9 431 AtlanticREpres...........7 45 A.M Detroit NicrhtExpres .........55 Grand Rapids Exprcssc.......11 tin Mail &Expresso.............8 40 A.M. Boston, N. Y. & Chicago .......9 1001 Fast Western Bopro-ss .:......1 38 1.t G. -& Kal. Reptress .........545 Chicago Night 1.1pres........ 9 453 Pacific Eporess.............12 209A. Al ,0. WV. RUIGIBOS, H. W. BAYS, G'. P. & T. Ac-t. thicano. Ag't Ann Arb or TIME TABLE Taking Efec, Nov. 32), 1898. crain5 (coon Ann Actor bly Central Stand. ord (inn. NOTH II SOUTH 0:43310. n ! 25 . I .s ' 2:101P' . 11:25 As. M 4:56 p. M.:0.S A . . lRon betwseen Ann Artor and Toledo sniy All trains daily excepi Sunday. E. S. GILMOOIE, Agent. WV. H. IIENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. car loaves City Haoll, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special U'. of Mitcaps for all extra ones- sions. Baggage, express and Students' supplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, Detroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited. :Magnificent new fast trains via the Wabash, with free reclining chair cars; Wagner sleeping cars, palace coaches, and fatuous dining cars, Going est this train leaves Detroit at 8:25 p. mn. arrives New York 3:30 p. m. Going west, this train leaves Milan at 8:07 a. in., artives Chicago 2:40 p. mn., St. Louis 6:52 p. m. Kansas City 7:15 a. m. The Wabash is a good road. One trial will convince you. If you contem- plate tnaking a trip to New YorE, or to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kansas, 'Inxas, or Colorado, and will write to th~e itdersigned, we will hi glad to give you any informuation. F. A. PA~LEa, A. G P. A., Chicago. C. P.. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. K. .S. GRoEENaWOODA1. P. A., Chicago. Ohio Centfral Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowvitog Green, Martetta, Finodlay, Atliens, Ctl~tnsbOs, M~iddleport, and Charlestons, W. Va. Columtbus trains use Lake Shore Uinion Station at Toledo. 'lThrotugh trains with Sleeping ant Drawing Room cars from Detroli and1(1Toledo. MOoULTON HOK,Geenal Passenger Agt. Its Timetobino Bicycle Question. Co oli P :::iasiRablersc Stetarns, "slssesys, Sterling' and other:s at PDpenr'c Drugn The Corner Candy Store, NO NEED North of Qaarry's Drug Store. To nelrd to the manufocturers swhiei Tl'enders a kind invitation to ail wishing yns can obtain a(getnuine fresh gsods fit reasonsable prunes. Lunches L Mandolin or ait all hoiurs. Hot coffee and sanwichts asiiurflGuitar at W . S , P A R K E R 'S , 3 1 5 S . S T A T E . It g ;l i t i f r e t 1 i A i A r )r s r , A h 3 L C S N E E L U I T R Ui'1. OF AT. J NS, 50 Celife. SIEEL UI I FnWatl: lI~nioioc peialo, NO. 114 W .bs~ t J. L. C HA P M A N. - L~ W I WSOPG~j y- 206 Soute Min S::'ocl. 9, MMARTIN.. FUNERAL C.ALEN DAR. Friay, April 2-- Ailloic Ilico DIRECTOR Friday, lii'cli31 - So:llllornol'oin W'1t0'1i11111Gyai u09111. Esu3:oir a isplecialty. No. 2111 ..t411 11(o5 at Gr(41 (r'-". 8Stulrday, April 21-- isior l'ass -5Are. Ambu1(lan0ce night m(id11da.K. Re 3loiidiy, April 3-lirlilgan is. 80(5111. idence 302 Fifth A (.. 1(11ed0 Leagure, atlRcgeiit's Field. Tic Boai'd of Contr'ol 11ad1 amie't- l.'npp't~esr Mo1nday , April 3-tI i'0r 111010 113' 11n las ighlt. It is 1lllel('looOd Ilthed1llIiI 1 is S. L. A. ('(ur11e.iqsestion of telig:ibility' of sera WI Tfuesidayi, Apr1 i l -,app 11 Ihall, plalycrerns siscussed, a111d1the uattcr alnppr nteW .A .A 4:153 1).in.-Ili. 3Ptil Calls 011loft bF lmiilg ar ii li WPinA sionof he rign, atue an De- W m-Arr C Leadiing t1011 of thflicigina So" 13( 1 'he lar gesta ot iii 11(1CoIIIlete X''T.Ar olJeweler fitlye (ft( II(llSu.hmof Spring Suil~ings and(0Panillgs -- WeOidna, April 5-11A Night in thie city. Suits Ito order, X14 to Off1" by Uoivcrsity Comnedy Club at $411; Iatiils to ordler, $3.U5 to i10; T he Only Full Line of Atlienio'Theatre. Markintoohes to orilcr, $3 to $15. C ooae Thiiroday, April 6-Facutlty cot- Otily to be fountd at Gr.Ec, the Low neys Cooae cert at Friczc Hall. tailor, cor.. State and1 Waohington. In the City. Just neceived by Saturday, April 8-Sousa'o Baitit1 Join clasoco 'at Graoigcr's Seblom tn Unilversity flainl. of Danintg. $3 from 11000 un~til Monda~y, April 10-U. of M. Mini-seasont closes,_Maty 3.338 So. State Street. otooa h tit har. One feelo likc bilying Mantdolins - Thttreday, April 13--'Cyrano de antd Guitanrswhictlicr lie neecs1o nc Sr OUR PHOTOS Bergcrac"' by Mrs. Baker. ttot wheict liccatn obtain themll at ouch Fritday, April 14-(Evening) Faoter ttnhelardh of liov prices of the Alnnl. .. AR E.. Recess begints. Arbtir Mulsic Co. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH , B , j i t 3 1 B i, ). r d it i lIReuitschtet, the ijbotogjapher. (INCORPORATED) ARE WOMEN'S MAKING SHOES T H'E Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Pihone t19. A. G. SPALODING &c BROS. New York - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offclelatftters to all the teading collrges schools and athlletic clubs of the country. Tile Spalding Bicycle, ridder by the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Ctalopios.andi all tihe leading college riders. Every Requi- site for Baae Ball, Fool Bali, Golf, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnsasium. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Otticial IBali of the Natioal League and all tile leading college associations. ttalldoe Cataloqgue(If Allenie Snorts tFree toany addrrss. Spaldin~g's Official Base Ball Guide for 1899, Mtarch 30. 10 L'rnts. A. G. SPALDINGI & BROS., New Yrk, Chicags The Hocking Valley Ry. Osnly Line Havng Uniso Depoetsin1 Btoths Toledosasd Cotlumbuss. NO TRI)SFERl.. TO ANY POINT. + H tr Tmaijs Betweeiio + 3 Hise'Above Cities. V Rates alwayo the lowest and accom- modations Itle best. For particulars call on local agents, or address L. W. LANDMAN, Genl Tray. Agt., 17 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mtich. ON MEN'S SHAPED LASTS The Newest All Kinds $ 5 Fashions One Price 35 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. 110 EAST HURON STREEJ WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.