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March 28, 1899 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-03-28

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Otf1 1 GO TO Ii WiLL GVE lS K L F
L~IJ'i. ta~e~sArt Store 20 per cent Reduction _
r oalStdnsTHE-
TeNe WeerEiin Art Novelties and of the U. of Al. on goodso purchaneil
-OF '111E- FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. at my store. r0 atWst~g~m5. o~Ot o
in, Ipadd 217 S. 4th Ave. Puons'173. S l buy Store.
NN I ntd,&IIia trGIeoiate Bureau Otf RG&~M1G £otume. .J. Beos8n A ATr tC t A, sh e r SINGI
Th BetRfrneLirrwo h Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rested. Also Class Transacts a general
Home, the Office, the Library. CaBCaaHtsadCpCatnolg is.Adea Isking Bosiness.
___ ___Haskell flrsisa, Univ. ,or Cicirao-
Nearly six foot of printed ttatter. ><dEK E PT A E IS AINLB KOai s's,
(.Eac voh ie i Il n, og, 9in.Fapitat, 0000. O opln's and Pofits,"0(0
wie;a ot o lst i nh s 11 i ck t agn9dtvery rig inoooar hartn is being repainted anod varntisheod Transacts iagenert al bnkig bnsinsFo zr
w eighs tOlit 5ft sttls. ) sprtit e. credit.
C'atn it all go inttttyouir tead? Not HVI ES J IVER E .KNNI, -nA{R~o7 01
likely! Btter hathio le soork itself TE.LEPH-ONE 106. 515 E. LILHF.RTY. SWLAott.oo.
tt refer tto ttlett ittdoubt. Ctanttpy futrttisltedl for piatties.
Thte entire set of Titirty Sooperlt >ht
Ocao ouiisdlvee po a-L AFO S 6TUD TS, uIZai3
ttte t o tf IFo. Mainand Ir !It'tt ItItC,<
We call atttenonst to our complete line of (Center D)raft Nickel Plated Lamps, catpitat, 150~,05. s~s, $30,000. 'tran.-zw
~ 4~ -ranginsg in price front 75c to $2.510 each. 'lThese Lamps are of the latest ansd genseraltbanking tt,sjssss.
mo * * st imprsved patterns and makes. IncloditINT ew Rocrhester,""it'he R, KOsaso, Pres. C. E..OttEENE, Vtce-Ottr
Yale," ''he Royal, ""'rhe Berlin Studenst Lanip," "The Perfection Student FRas's .L t,t 's hi tet't
Lamp." If you want the heat Lamp for the Least Mtoey come atnd see us-hC rtC---
Old NumbetrBO.MC:D fo111 ~~rSvnsBn
SH F A fl ) 44 SO. MAIN S., A1 .CO ittttArtortS 0,000stoth'NntX'O

University Booksellers, "'The Dawen of Freedott" seas
proodtced atthle Athtens 't'hseatre last
AGENTS, sightt by tite Daly stock l's. Tise
.20 Soestis State Street. cart is a very strostg one atnd the play
wvetnt swlth atdash. Mr. Carroll Dtaly,
whtoittrtrasyedl ta(Ctbass hero, gtave ta
Si D E N IS itttlishtedl andtlfitnishted performnte.
PATRONIZE STUDENTS 'Te etire cotmpanty is far ahleatl of
- ~tihe tverage iso aoility. 't'sere ws ao
If You Do Not, W hy Not? Very ltarge attetotanoce, atsdste tre
SFOs ot' ttt ssttt~ttt fssofo sutre thsat thteir euogtagenienot sere
tthe semisssirice. tEitherfnshttf. ''ttrottglo theeok trill he trollpt-t
New 'phosse, 44t, as2 a. Sate Sta. ronoizetd by Attt Arboithlettre giters.
Student's Laundry tssociatio?, 'T'ooigltt, "A Wifc o ioior."

Robert R. Galley, thte old Prittee-
tott cetttre rutsht, is toss'etngtaged nlt
nissiontars twtrkat T ietstits, Choinot.
Tise getoeral csoventiott of thte Pii
D('ltaoIPhi fraterttity still Ito heldl
uttnter thtoauspices of KenstC'haltter
ito Atoo Arbontext Novetober.
Entgltonosleasto oteollege papers
whiile intthie Unitetd States thsere are
uopwatrds ttf 400 college ptapers, ito-
elstdittg 11 slailies.

Masonic Club. Lot5T-Lttdy's opeooftoced silver
A RI L RD R. M atchs titlo light ectaito attdlchartot
A TRI~l... ORDER. Maos tlesiritog gootdetstploymtettFindler leave at University Stesward's
duttng stttmmter vacatiotn, calft1tt office atsd receive reward.
Tliot i s all I tak 1(11 cloob-rosoot this evenoinog, (Mlaids 28,)
my Laonitly A'seitcy. tt 7:31) o'clock. 't'ocets fotr Sousa's band concert
P. 0. M EY E RIR. M. DYE, Pros. ~will be ostle oitltotos after 8 o'clock,
Te.WtiPt. (~t .Wlliamt00 Saturoday, Aptril first ttL+. . Ctol-
Tel. No. ;9.Lo0T-Ott Willioo St. Ls.- t, to roll of kilos ttt Staoto st., anod H. J. Browrn,
T -s-o oe -ANOINtl -55 fatncy tork contaointing a pair of ott Sfalil st., tttaoe tont places setats
THEREOWND ANDLI VITUSO silver scissors anod a gosld timtble tooy be reserved. Personts sre
MR.XV EU EN PA Emarked "Predericka Xmsas, 18." warnetd agtoitst purchoasing of any
Itotrto o 22 S. ailsantIrec tholer lpersons, s these are thte otnly
Will give lessons on the mandolin and rewtard.34 authosrized places. Prices are 50,
gruitar tt the University Schosol ofThoe Atholetic Associatio is con- 75c. attd $1.00.
Muisicesery 'rtday. For 't'erms and siderilog a plano to issote a little book-
hours apply to the Secretary., whicho will contain a complete history AT TttE Bosvotxo ALLEY-A
of Michigano athletics, prize wiii be given each week for
NNDALLthe highest single score. Price 15
RANDALL ~ G. F. Paul, '99, has returned tot cents for a tswo-hand ganme. Open
State Phone 144. college. afternoonloanod evening.
Don't Throw Your
Peninsular G lasses no matter how badly
thtey are broken. We
Engr~ in ~ A ay e~dwill repair eye-glasses and
Engr vin s A ay pectacles while you wvait, or
Ti " endyou another pair wyhile
yours are being fixed. Nothing
C 01-n! nt;!\'-it but the best materials, expert work-
1o . ~ - manship and honest prices. Eyes
_~b t' examined free of charge.

Orsgstnizedttnder thtsOtGeeraltttatntitg tto
ot tisoStats.e eceses its, buytt t ttttll
exchage0onthepricpattiesttto ttt VitOtt
ttes. Dtratts.aett popots, e r idstictir, ont
Satfetytdeposistttboestto ret.
Opptces: C hristiant Macki. Prs". ; t.ID.ttint:
roan,, Vie-res.; (Chss. Eo.Hitoesh,ier:o Y
J. Frito AstntCatshiet.
first-class Grocery aond t3akery. Ct,
and see us.
318 Sr STATE ST.
UJ. of 351. Btrb r 51101)
J. R1. TsiJAOWSKoos'atPOrop. 122 S. State'' -
THE MODEL of State Street.
BARBER S toPisDsisso & RoY's
BAR ER HOP It you desire
first-class work and courteous treatmsent
try George and Htarry at 332 S. State St.
ENOCH VILIUILL, Pansuaeleor a
Calltsattended tDay sr Night.
Ns. 151 E. Libesty Street. Rtesidence hits
Fourth Ave, thone 129.:
[ping adSummer Make ae
L Styles ar-e in. Early Selection.4

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