2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Prot. Worcester on the Philippines. +j, + Prof. Worcester in the Oct. Cen- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the tury, says of the Philippines, after Colege year, at considering the impossibility of hand- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. g thems back to Spain: "But can we not withdraw and OrFrcE: The Inland Press, enning Block. leave the civilized natives to work BothiPhones 147 ___ thPhones__47. _out their own salvation? There can MANAGING EDITOR. hardly be two answers to this ques F. EaELHAa.'1 L. tion, for their utter unfitness for self- LUSNIESS MANAGER. government at the present time is o. x. HANs,'iL. self-evident. If, with the lack of EITORS. education and experience, they are Athletic Editor, T. R. Wooltow, '00 L. incapable of governing themselves, P. W. JONEs, '9, A. 1. MDouoAL, '01 E, much less could they keep their say- F. D. SAxe, 01 L C. 5H. Loot, 'ill M,oresprssbi G.DI. UonoTT' 01 E. age eighbors inrdersu rs gandage and piracy, atd resist the encroachments of foreign powers. There could be but one result wereg _ they to make the attempt. Numer-B The subscription price of The DAILY is 2 5. for oUs leaders would arise, each with be college year, with a rglar dllor hforo Anachy notonach olay Notic, a ooatioalo, and liis own following.A y would stier matterint eidef to publication tr t b soon follow and abundant excuse haded in0alteDAtaLYoffie hefor 85p.si., or mailed to the editor before p. a. of the day would be afforded for outside itter- prvias to that on which they are expected to ference. European powers would in- rcp nmay heelolat tic DAnofic, tervene to protect the interests of Mye, or sicllet'o owoad or with Bsiaess Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by their subjects, and in order better to crriest o del erthio oco coy lailaro ol attain this end would annex the is- All changes in ad rt inm iatteraust be ht n ads." tie oficeobhr4 p.ttm. oantoay pev'iousto tothat on which they are to appear. Tennis Tournament. Another managing editor of the The result of yesterday's playing DAILY has been married. This time was as follows: it is Geo. B. Harrison, managing First-class singles-Wherry beat editor for two years preceding J. F. Felker, 6-2, 6-2; Ripley beat Leso Thomas, who was last week married ter, 6-2, 6-1. to Miss Mabel Bennett, of Topeka, Second.class singles-MacNeil beat Kas. The DAILY extends its best McCly, 7-5, 8-6; Williams beat wishes and sympathy. Keith, 6--i, 6-3; Earl beat Ballot, 6-2, 6-0. A Freshman Trich. Doubles-Niles and Montgomery Although a little late one of the beat Schmid and Strassburg, 3-6, yearly jokes on the freshmen has just 6-3, 6-0. come to our notice. The playing to-day will begin at 4 During the week that the opening o'clock. The following will appear of the Law Department was delayed, in the semi-finals: First-class-- a certain senior had several freshmen Wherry vs. Ashcroft; St. John vs. as table companions. The question Gore. Second-class-Jernegan vs. when work would begin was a much Niles; Williams vs. Lester. mooted one, and on Monday of the No games will be played tomorrow second week Mr. Senior announced on account of the football game to his friends with all due authority, with M. A. C. If the weather is that while the building was incom- good the finals will probably be plete, the faculty had decided that played off next Saturday morning. work must commence, and that the first five lectures would be given in Gol Meeting Postponed. the Methodist church, advising them The meeting of the Golf Club, to be on hand early as the juniors which was called for today, will not and seniors would try and crowd be held until further notice, as it hasa them out. Accordingly eight o'clock not been possible to obtain an option found the freshmen knocking and upon any grounds as yet. This striving to get into the church, and meeting will, however, be called in a wondering if they had been already day or so. shut out. After nearly an hour of- patient waiting they returned to their rooms with the consolation of learn. ATHENS THEATRE. ing that the obliging senior had Wednesday Evening, Oct. 12. changed his boarding place. LINCOLN J. CARTER'S Lamn Librar Appointments. Sensational Comedy Drama The dean of the Law Department announces the following appoint-Uh ments for the ensuing year: For D . assistants in the law library, W. H. North, Roy M. Watkins, C. E a Hurriy Bocane Scene. Barthell and Theo. F. Lake, each class having a rpresetative froi rices s, 5 ana 75 cents. among its members. For practice iH~ttosale tatearo, a so M ta5., and court clerk, Geo. D. Harris, of Ken tucky, was selected. - The regimental hospital of the UNIVERSITY Thirty-first Michigan is to have a School of Dancing new hospital steward. Private Walter M. Warren, M. D., a graduate of the -AT- U. of M. Medical Department, class Granger's Academy. of '98, was appointed to that position, atll 001100246. vice Dr. McLean, who has been dis- charged in order to accept a coin- A ConfeCtionery Store mission ssurgeon. FULL OF SWEET MEATS. The Jeffersonian Society will hold CocaBostits-,SorgdeCornearram anato its opening meeting next Friday different forms. Hot Coffee ad Lunches. Soft .en.Ro 2ribusaChocolate Soda being a favorite. Cigars, evening, in Room 24, a.ain building, eto., at at 7:30 o'clock. w. s, PA RK ER'S, 315 S. Stat St. - Before Buying Your FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT See Ours. We guarantee the Style, Workmanship and Material. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT, Cutting, Reyer & Co. 201-203 South Main Street. CAMPUS DRUG STORE.... ON THE CORNER NEW STORE.. . NEW STOCK S In fact, everything new hat the people-they have simply changed location. ....JAS. J. QUARRY. FALL OPENING We cordially extend to you an Invitation to examine our Fall . and Winter Shoes. You will fnd all of the swell and newest lasts and with popular prices. REMEMBEt THE NAME. 218 S. MAIN ST. WANR & MILLER, Tile So106 M611. Ro~ams 1a3aar HEADQUARTERS 115 South Main St. Japan For LAMPS of all kinds. PORCELAIN CHAMBER SETS. INNER SETS and FANCY CHINA. ese Goods and Novelities i F MONEY LOANED MAKE A STRIKE on Watches, Diamonds, Wieels or other Per- __T __ tonal Property. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BOWLING ALLEY. Office at residence, 331 E. Liberty St., Ann Ar- 310 S. Main St. bor, Mici. All bsainesn confidential. Htoaes, 0 to1i:30am.tand toa8:3tand stol.mo s T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. Joseph C. Watts. Open Da and Night Bargainsin Second-handwatches and Diamondse -Y COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE If You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter how small or how large, a Job of WE CAN DO IT Printingfor you. Call and get acquainted. Tso1 (The Inland Press, HenninggBlock. - Fl F CALLACHAN &CO., 340 S. STATE. Opposite Law Building. We can supply any law book published. COOLEY'S BLACKSTONE "'"RDEDITION. with an appendix of foreign words now ready. Call for new catalogue. THIS IS A BRANCH OF THE CHICAGO HOUSE. SHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET, OLD GUNBOATS can YOUR FANCY, BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fit YOUR FINANCES. W. J. APRILL. 119 E. Washington St.