THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SD.aI-ff_!- JOS, We KOILAUJF, The New Werner Edition THE-OR -OF THE- - AI~R ALPINE HAT SALE. 214 Esat Wshigtn St, ner5thAe Encycl p ediaAll Shades for 1899 Now In Call and see them! :f3 Hats for $2 N ABR Enyco~daD. A. EKIR & SOIN. B ritannica. .N , a sepa The Best Reference Library for the Caps, Gowns, sod floods made to order and rented. Also Class 'transacts a gneral Heme, the Office, the Library. Canes, Clss Hats and Caps, Class College Pin. Address Banking Business. --- ___ Ioklseu ~sm, Uni. ,f Cicag Nearly six feet of printed mnatter. WE KEEP UP TO DATE. FaiRtNaT1000 NApL Bsand Krnts f'~o' ( eivolumei is 11 in. long; 9 inCpii iso opo s sfO100 wide; ahout 2,1 inches thick, andI Every rig in or ban is being repaintesd and varnished Transcsa esgasl booing hosisnes. Fri weighsshbot,5 punds.) for spring Iradeos cr.eogisded.Fsii E. D. KINNE, Prs. HARISON SOUL, Cas it all go intos your head? Not HMOLM ES' LIVERY, .it.~r likely!l Better have thse work itself TE.LKFS-ONE 106. 515 E. LIBF.RTY. 5 .CLR -N Ccis to refer to whes i idsoubt. Canopy furnished for parties. The entire set of Thirty Superb LAME TS jFTE & ha Octavo Volumse delivered uison pay-p F orI n N g We call attention to our complete line of (enter Draft Nickel Pated Lamps, Cpi, 5,00. oSpus, $30,00.'la , gnescalbankiibusinss. Iranging in price from 75 to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and R, Knxr, Pes. C. E. Osoos, Vice-':" $ *Q Q. most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The ' FEss HBLSEs.Casr. Yale," "1The Royal, ""The Berlin Student Lamp,""'fhe Ierfection Student _____________ _____ - Lamp." If you want the est Lamp tr the Leat Moneyp come and see us SH E A eC .Old Number: 0 0 . 111e fin flr1or SuainuS (Bank ANN ARBOR. MICH. D E NJ cc. Reoues,.,10,0.aiisV- University Booksellers, A WEEK OF STANDiARD PLAYS. Athletic Asociation Dac. o hs staeece iesteposibsadseing Beginning with Monday the Daly sots.asIsfts as ed ipsa iope iicatc c AGENTS ~ Stock Company will egin a week of It was incorrectly satedl in the sfty dpositbosts rt~ standard pans at the Athens Theatre. columns of this paper a5 few says on, viees.;ssCas.sE.OLicoK, Cashier:Si 320O South State Street. This cospany comes from the 14th et., that the dance to be givens by the J. Fit Assistnt Csiss. Theatre, N. Y., after a successful tour Athletic Association us the gymna. STUDENTofm30pweeks.,The fcompanybhasfheen STUDENTS~ ~~ playing to good houses until its regular slu Api7,wsfrtebnito 13 llll rr 1season closed this week. For this rea- the Trophy Room fund. Such is not E~ t PATRONIZE STUDENTS son they have decided to ply a few the case however, the dance being -- -9'-- weeks longer at popular prices. So an given for the benefit of the assoia- . T H E If YOU Do Not, W yN t opportunity is given of iearing a strictly Wh ofirst class comspany, in standard ply' tion treasury which is in a sadly d. We cni givc you the higist coasonorit at popular prices. pleed coditin. It is the aim of 1iFlanc II.G I the rgiiisspricis. Ecs trisii.eaigf-TeDanof Fedm"the associatio to mtake the dnei Sue hnt's undry02ss.oSt.which pears at the Athens theatreStdn'La dr oii p as successful as was the one given mdm. Voght.55 Lit, .R. Fox, os Low. Mondasy, March 27, as the opening pro- last December. The eonoilee froism eke vrthn sal e 'The play is of a superior sort, on an te Athletic Board having te dance first-class Grocery and Btakery. Cl order identical with that of ' Shenai- ii charge is: W. L. Day, chairmai, and see us. A TRIAL ORDER. doh? Mr. Carroll Daly was strong in C L- Niles sad P. W,. Jones. 318 S. STATE ST. hi ato noi oe.H a ---That is soll 1 aslk for three curtain calls after each act. 'The YOU'RE NEXT Ily Laoudry Ageicy. play has the ring of success, and the Tickets fo Sousa's band concert audience lst night placed the stamp ofwilbonslonadftr8'cck Uof.BrerS p P. C. MEYER, approval upon it and the work of Mr. ci b nseowniafer8 'clck aUnfd .Ba rberSlimst Gilmore's cumpany." Saturday, April first at E. E. Cal- R m. Ratan o il ro.sss.ste _____________-. -ilia St kins on Sate st., and II. J. Brown, - -- - Dr. Eliza Me. Mosher deliveredl a on Main S., at time and places seats PATRONIE THt RCNOw5NOD MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO lecture at the Coogregational Churchs say be reserved. Persons are WARREN THE BARBER, MR. Wv. EUGENE PAGE, yesterday cn the "Intellectual and warned against purchasing of ay AND YO O WEILL ALWAYS Moral Results of Modern Newspaper other persois, as these are the sly EILNE Will grve lessons os the mandolin and Reading." She expressed herself fa- authorized places. Prices are 50, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. gutrat the University Schoosl of vorably as regards tie magazines, but 75c. and $1.00. T EM DL fSaeSre Muisc every Friday. For Terms and scored the nmodern daily newspaper. is DNN & ELY's hours apply to the Secretary. -----As' THEs B0wLONO AsLEY-A frB-aBsH oP If yutou e re -- Los-Lad's oen-faced silver prize will e gven each week for frtcaswr n oreu ramc ssatch withlightcain and charm, the higlest sigle score. Price 15 tyGog n ar t325 tt 1 Pusser leave at University Stewards cents for a two-haisd gane. Open ENOHmRE bamer and State Phone 144.' office sisd receive reward. afternionanaid eveniiing.EN Co InEaTEndE D eay Dit r N. ie1 . Lierty Stret. Reidene 53. E E Y O Y LOOKS for the Easter Neckwearre hoe -2. L L II JI I aid we have iade preparations for PIGd you all that none sllah be disappointed OF '9 byinot being able to procure sitable _Eiaster Neckwear. " ILTAIoR Our efforts have not been in vain, for we have congregated the most beau.T TES tiful clorings and designs the maker his ever produced. The price, 50C, ' FRONT . pays for the best of them. W AG NE R & O. Spi and Summer Make as SEE OUR WINDOW. 12 S M INST 1 syes are In. Early Selection.