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March 25, 1899 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-03-25

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Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washington St ,
We have just received a
ine line of High Grade
lRazors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. S e our window.
0CH Dd andNiR.
During the rest of the college year we
will serve lunches at alhours. dayor
ight Full line of Pipes, Cigars, and
308 So. State Street.
New Cameras
When we put those
* new cameras in the window i
with a card that read like this
heading, we were not offering
bargains, but one lady wanted
ujj y oe for 99 cents. Two3
menthought better and paid
us $16.20 each. The new feat-
urea make thesecameras very
desirable and the prices are
Calkins' Pharmacy.
Your Name
Engyavedos'Copper Plate,$.150
100 cards, engraved from your own plate, for
The Best Stock,
The Latest Styles.
Ask to see our new Stationery.

For Next Year's Oracle.
The Oracle election came off yes-
terday with the usual accompani-
ment of excitement. The whole
class was stirred up over the matter
of machine politics and turned out
in rather large numbers though the
ballot was not as large as was antici-
pated. Before the election the mat-
ter of support of class athletics was
brought up and Track Captain J. F.
McLean addressed the class upon
that subject. A tax of 25 cents was
levied and a committee appointed to
look after collecting it.
From the moment that the first
nomination was made excitement be-
gan and continued until the tellers
finished counting the votes at half
past seven. Numerous speeches were
made denouncing the so-called ma-
chine ticket and altogether the repu-
tation for storminess that Oracle
elections have held in the past in no
way suffered from this one of 1902.
The ticket that was first in the
field was elected with the exceptioni
of two persons only. Niel Snow
among the fraternities and Phil Burs-
ley of the independents pulled strong
enough to gain places on the board.
The 10 persons who will have the
doubtful honor of perpetrating an-
other Oracle on the public are as
follows: Fraternity: Miss Avery,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; J. O. Emer-
son, Psi Upsilon; R. R. McCloy, Phi
Delta Theta; A. G. Browne, Delta
Kappa Epsilon; Niel know, Alpha
Delta Phi; Independent, Miss Lena
Smith, A. H. Fowler, Phil Bursloy,
M. G. Mayo, W. A. Benscoter.
Ben Dacies Song Recital.
One of the most enjoyable concerts
of the year was given last night in
University Hall by the great Eng-
lish tenor Mr. Ben Davies. A good
audience had come to hear him and
gave him a hearty reception.
Throughout the entire program every
number was extended warm marks
of approval. The singer though
called back several times refused to
respond with an encore until his
exquisite singing of Rubenstein's
"Fly Away Nightingale" caused the
audience to greet him with such a
storm of applause that lie could no
longer with stand.
Professor I. C. Russell of the geolo-
gical department of the University of
Michigan has recently made an examin-
ation of marl-lands in the southern
part of the state, and found remarkably
favorable conditions. The marl, mixed
with ordinary clay, is used in the manu-
facture of Portland cement, and Michi-
gan will evidently take a leading place
in this industry. The marl occurs as a
highly calcareous or limy mud or ooze
in the bottom of lakes and in marshes.
It usually contains shells and appears
light colored or nearly white on drying,
butris sometimes darkened by organic
matter. The swamp-lands where the
marl occurs are usually considered as
of little value, but they are really
worth more per acre than the best of
agricultural land, and at the present
time are in demand.
The sophomore baseball men at a
meeting-held at the Delta U. House,
elected W. G. Grayson of St. Louis,
captain for this year.

Changes in Baseball Rules. or who addresses remarks to any per-
At the annual meeting of the Na- son except the baserunner, shall be
tional League directors, the follow. fined $5 by the umpire. If then the
ing changes in the baseball rules for coacher does not desist, he shall be
1899 were made: removed from the game.
The rule relating to the position The new rule relating to the power
of the catcher was passed without a of the umpire in a game was passed.
dissenting vote. The rule prevets By it the umpire is now the entire
a catcher from playing outside of the master of the play.
lines of his position in order to field Rule 62, fixing penalties for viola-
hunted balls. tions of the rules, provides that the
Rule 20, section 1, relating to penalties for the first offense shall be
benches for players, was changed so a fine of $5. For a repetition, the
as to provide that each club must player shall be removed from the
furnish players' benches upon a por- game and a report made to the presi-
tion of tle ground not less than 25 dent of the league. The president
feet outside of the players' lines. may suspend him from further par-
The benches must be covered and ticipation. The rule also provides
closed at the back. This rule was that ai lumpire, within twelve hours
changed with the idea of preventing after removing a player from a game
the spectators from talking to the or from the grounds, must make a
players and vice versa. The rule report to the president of the league.
also provides that no person oither If the case be a flagrant one, hose-
than the manager and players shall ever, the rules say that the umpire
be allowed on the bench. The rule mst notify the president of the
also provides that all players, other league by telegraph within twelve
than those assigned to the coaching hours.
line, or at the bat must remain seat-
ed. For violations of the rule a sec- lIibrart Report.
tion is inserted in the rules by which It is customary to collect during
the umpire may fine a player who one week of every year statistics of
violates it. The rule will also have the number of books issued and by
the effect of keeping the president the students of what departments
of a team off the field and bench. they are received. The report for
Rule 23, defining a balk, has been this year based on last week's attend.
materially changed. There are eight ance at the general library has just
sections to the rule, as follows: been given out. This is not an un-
1. Any motion made by the usual week, but may be taken as art
pitcher to deliver the ball to the bat average for the whole year. Sum-
or to a base without delivering it. Mary of books issued on checks:
2. Throwing by the pitcher of No. Percent-
the ball to any base to catch the age.
baserunner without first stepping LiteraryrDepartent.....3,740 7670'
baernersetgotEngineerng ............ 425 8.71
directly toward the said base, imme- Law.................453 9.29
diately before throwing the ball. Medical.................. 103 2.11
3. Any delivery of the ball to Homeopathic............ 5 .10'
the bat by the pitcher while his pivot Pharmacy............. 14 .1'
p P Dental....,. ............ 20 .54
foot is not in contact with the pitch-
er's plate, and he is not facing the Total University.........4,766 0771
batsman, as defined in rule 29. School of Music.......... 5 .0J
. The holding of the ball by High School.. .1.. 8 .7.
Th g t aby Others................... 67 1.38
the pitcher so long as in the opinion _ _----
of the umpire to delay the game un- Total..................4,876 100.00
necessarily. Average recorded issue in the
6. Standing in the position and reading room 812 volumes per day.
making any motion to pitch without To include the use in seminaries,
having possession of the ball. laboratories, and of unrecorded ref-
7. The making of any motion the erence books, this should be doubled,
pitcher habitually makes in his which would indicate a use of about
method of delivery of the ball to the 1,600 volumes per day. The 210>
bat. seats in the reading room were al
8. If the pitcher delivers the ball occupied at several times during each
to the bat when the catcher is stand- day of the week.
ing outside the lines of the catcher's The men's cloak room recorded
position as defined in rule 7. 4,059 checks for the week, an aver-
It is provided that if the pitcher age of 512 per day.
violates any of these sections the Estimating the women in attend-
umpire must call a "balk." ance at 388 per day this would make
The proposed amendment to rule in the reading room an attendance of
42 was the one that Boston fought. 900 per day, and an attendance in
The proposed rule provided that any seminaries and others of 300 per
ball hit over a fence should entitle day make a total of 1,200 visitors
the batsman to a home run, except in library per day.
where the fence is within 285 feet ofE .
the home base. In case the fence Edwi S. Pratt, father of L. A.
was within the prescribed distance, Pratt, of the Inland Press, was nom-
the batsman should only be entitled ated Thursday on the Democrati
to two basese The rule was wiped ticket for judge of the 13th judicial
out and the Boston players are at district. He is a graduate of the U.
liberty to keep on soaking runs over . class of '66.
their left and right field fences and At the meeting of the Michigan Acad-
have them count as home runs. emy of Sciedce at Ypsilanti next Wed-
Rule 52 was changed so as to pro- nesday, Professor Asaph Hall, jr., of
vide that any coacher who by word the University of Michigan, will read a
r s rws or spaperon Variations of Latitude Obser-
or sign tries to incite the spectators, vaios at the Detroit Observatory.

Up rown
Stat, St.

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Opp. Court House
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