THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN DAILY. Publtshed Daily (Snday axcepted) dhaingthe College yeaa THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'it~a: Teinl ad PeatHenning tlek. Bth Phnea- 17 MIANAGINOG EDITOR. F. Eaaoaaaa, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. O . i Nto, 'eL. * EDITORS. Athetie Edit, T. i. WOtatt, 'tO L. P. W. JOaE, 99, A. 1t. M iltteAt m,, 'Stad. F. D. EAMANt, 't0 C. H. LeND,'00M, G. D.tteaaeet.'thE. J. ato. Wtt. '0 The eahetettitapriceohe taDon a'x25 tee the ea11eg" ya, wteh a egalat eliey la'tae nona eatday. Natierneaetl iattetsand aot tatte itndd f oe eubliatint eh haded it at te DttY eit ebeet a p m.o mailed to tle etitreefoetxpo. tofa the day pvioa ttattaotwhih they aeexetedlo appar Sattsceit ite oosmylft. l at te DIoficlec. Meyer, oa t Oflet'lole attad rwt B. n bEauaaae. Sattltaibte twill cneattfavtorebit tepotingpremplly at tistlfe anye ttftilee at cariestott telie'rtpaope. Alttcaestin advetittngomttalettttastaitt the altiec Ity40p. tt. ante day peios tato tat 0n whichlteibarettolapptle. IN CHARGE opTODAYt'ISUE. F. D. EAMAN. Will Be Helpul to Teachers. To give better directiontotheit work of spplyngscioolapptlyig to the ativersity twitl suitale ctdi- dates for vacancieseoitt their techlitg force, aod of seurig positionst as teachtera for tthoelihotare sttdyitg or who have sttdiedin ithie Utiver- ity, it hlatObeetn tdeeed lst tti- ganie ott apponttttet cottmlittee cositinig Of ote representaltive frmll each departtmentothecfaclty of literatre, scetce adth ie arts. Thie ecretary of tie cotttttlee kees lists of tiose webto are or weboi halve beaenastudets inthie departtmett ad who desire ptsitionts asoteclers, atttd also of those tnow tetchig wo de- sire to e tratsferred to eter posi tiotts. Tie comttitee will promtptly reply to officers tf sciools attd col- leges who are seekittg teaciers, atd is prepared to rcottttead ltteist wishiog its assistattce suitable cattdi- dates for ptsitionls as teacier, pritci pals or superittetdents. No fees are charged for aty services of tie cin~t- mittee. Cottmtu nicaiottesolttilbe adtdressed to tie Secretary of tie Ap pointmoent cotmmtittee, University of Michigot, AtttaAbr. The execu- tive cottmuittee is cottstitutedilsto lid lowts: Prof. Hittsdale, cairtat; Mr. Godart, secretary; Prof. Hutdsot' ProfKelsey, Ast. Prof. Reed. Otier members tf tie geteral commttllee are as ftlloss: Profs. DOoge, Kel- sey, Craig, Levi, Henlp, Delatlot, Trueblttod, Hudso, Weniy, IHits- dale, Tayitr, Reed, Freer, Hall, Pettee, Ruttsel, Newcottbe, atd Reigitard attdlItstrulctors Mesel attd Goddard. Jonas Well eeiced. Prof. Alberto Jonas gave a piato recital io Citciatnati last Satrda afternoot,otder te auspices of te Ladies' Musical sociey. Prof. Jotas is always well receivet, bt itt this case litowoo especially so, repotding to to less thata 10 encores. hel papers of that city were very etthu siastic in their praise of his prograt. It is rutmored tiat Prf. Jotas is en- gaged for tie opeing orchestral cot- cert ttder Voo der Stuckeo for next season.- A Chapter of tie Phi Bea Kappa Society has just been established at Purdue Boo Davies Tonight. At his stog reciltl it i rrity Hll1this evenlitngMr. BettlIDavies, the fatm~~tosEnliohli tnor, will sitng toe folliowitlywieily varied aatii a- tractive program.t Recitative aed lAir, D Ieepar and Dereper Mli, and Waft Her, Antgels," (.-ittlilal).H.. de (a) larttlltarl tile Lolk! Scer (b) Who i yviai..... tlle. (a) Mondat htl.t.t ..t . .len............'Stit1101I (e( Widong........... (a) When100 thro' the Pioz oeta........ilfred alt ti it) 'the Days of Youth... (to) Thlee 14teamtu....lRunteotlin b) FlySAwaly Nighttiegole Oltd EnglishtSongo.-17tCentury. I atttomp~t fromelLave's Sickeness to F'ly..... Ittt.......Prelh Dtrinki to tte only with thine eyes...............'traotlniat Recitative and Air, Moo of my The Hteart Faneies... Gorini Tliomtas 111l Sing 'tlee Soegs ef Araby .. .J'. Clue Prof. Adams on Wiar Indemnities. Itt a letutre iteftote lisaclass inthllt 'Tranlspolrltttl 1titon Polemlt recently, Prof. H. (C. Adatmse 1a11 ocassiontoi Onle if the twioest titngsour1110' Silo ptrobabtly coutldtitot Ihave poaid it, tot event if she rotld, it wold likely self. Germant~y thouttghtt het grealt tiat' itdetmtnit)' from IFrance1wa0 gtt- stimltted indlustty for a witile, it 00011 broulghit111 a comm~letcilic'sis attd latetrt getneraliecottotaictie- presson~. We lilty'wel beIthatnkfulI thaltI Ite have tiltitdemen~tity to look forwatrd t. Pupils Recital. 'rie puitlsrteoitoti at the Schtool of Mutsic,IWednteetday alterlloon lwas tehltlttnetIandlt astitnttexceptiott- ally eljtyltble otne. Lottis Elitel platyedlawtithisusal ~lispirit re'ttderittg espeeiy wtelhtie Fautasia Cicacon variazzonttl an0111)Cavatlina t (frt't Sutite Op. (ii) by J. Ralf. Tile fol- loitnlg ttupils tootk loart: Misoes Martha Holly, Vit'gitnia Fl-k, Edithl MeNaougititn, Alice Weinisteint and Mr. Lottis Elbel. It oto ibeent tecitied 10 have setveral val ttt be hteld at Pennsylvatnia tis spritng. Itrotmt presenlt ittdicatiotts Kreuzltlein, Priusoteitn andilPer'cy Letlitgttttt sill tteet intthie broiad jutmpj. Sotte rectot'dosshoulid be e's- tabtlisihed, as all thlree of thtese ment have dtotte over 23 feet. r tI Y.o W~e anke Clothes to aiitasaai-e if Suits and Top Cas. ''he're is t certain air an~d style ttbout "toar kind' of clotintg that you don't get any. iwhere else. 'ie tmist oif thoe lit itt a sutit tofclollhes is intthie cot, and tile Itost of a fit inth ie cotat is 1110collar atnd laptels. 'T'hit's twhere,'l"our kln11,1''wtu th iat it is thte best matlde. We cn'tfit OlOfroi stik. Sails and Overcoats, $7.50 to $20. IMP'ORTEtRS AND11MANtUFACTURERStlOP CHEMICAL and PILYSIC(AL APPIARAITUS. MICROSCOPIC FININC-S. llIe'ad(nat'ers for nil Ltaboran- tory Suoppliets ttt 5. EainaStreet, Aan Aeaot Etch. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, None liktlsewherae. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. 'h age asotm e t oatCatitslinitIhetcity, toada hoautly. oysttesaaer'ed io any style : BOYS ! ATESTOP ! PILLA D KINDLKGFIThN THE FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS. H~uran 5t. Ea t F. and B. Bank, Ann Athot.Eih Students' Lecture Association. GEORGE RIDDLE With Orclhestrdl Accompanimetnt will retoder MIOSUMMER 'NIGHT'S DREAM, IN UNIVERSITY HALL. APRIL 3. A tmarveloats revelation is in store for thooe wiho go to hear himt. IWestphiail, tile sprintier, wthile l'llt- tilIgp arotttd the tratckcinttile gyttit. jf D I& est Chain Wheel, - $5. stiut yestertivaf' tertliotnfell al hut1N Ibm'Bve ere hileS$0 spratinted his attkle so tilat lie wiihBvl re hanes,$0 laid ttp for a fetw days. T'htere is no better whelel ttade at atty price. Ask Crescent ritdero if tis is tnot so. Make youer selectitttonsnoon tt Crescent. M ;STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. AT E S1HAT E111) VWest Washingtoan Street. SATURDAY, MARCH 25. GRANG R'3 SCHOO LOF D ACINGS T r arce Caomedy O A Parlor Match.I Prices: 25e, 50c, 75c Rood $1. x$5.00 per Teri" of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. . Bell 'Phone 246. A NEWTHN Itt Patent Leathlet Shoes for Sprtttg, is tile English Flat Last. We have ltlet in Bat~tottattd Lace. If you want to be successful, look succestul and wear our shoes. IIDPII~C C~flhCTAI 119thWtashingtan St. FRIlL SOSOJLE STORE, Ann Arbor.