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March 24, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-24

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VOL. IX, No. 130.



Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washinston, St
We have just received a
fine line of High Grade
Razors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. Se our window.
Op6n Dad and Night.
Doring the rest of the colege year we
willset lniheos at al hoesur, dayaor
nh. Fusl lie o Pipes, Cigars, and
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
New Cameras
for '99
When we put those
* new cameras in the windowi
with a card thatread likethisl
hading, we were not offering
bargains, but one lady wantd
to buy one for 99 cents. Twol
men thought better and paid
us $1620 each. The new feat-
res make these cameras very
desirable and the prices are
Calkins' Pharmacy .
Law Books
For the Second Semester
Text Books
For allthe departments.
Bought and Exchanged.
Rest Linen Papr,15,20 and 25c per b.

Strange Comparison Between the
Athletic Situation a Year Ago
and That ofi Today.
The Wisconsin Cardinal in an edu-
torial on Tuesday fittingly sums up
the athletic situation in the West as
Athletics, like politics, often make
strange bedfellows. Within a year
the principles and personnels of the
western college factions have entirely
changed. Last year it was Chicago,
Michigan and Illinois vs. Wisconsin,
with professinalism as the cause of
dissention. Today we find Wiscon-
sin, Michigan and Illinois allied to
prevent Stagg of Chicago from as-
suming a dictatorship in western ath.
letics. The present difficulty is not
a question of money. It is ridicu-
lous to suppose that Stagg was moved
to his present stand to save a few
hundred dollars for an institution as
rich as the University of Chicago.
Neither is it to be supposed that the
present combine is endeavoring to
force Stagg into line merely for the
purpose of getting a larger share of
Chicago money. For, while none of
the allied institutions are m a posi-
tion to overlook financial considera-
tions, they do not believe that Chi-
cago's patronage at athletic contests
is entirely dependent upon the par-
ticipation of U. of C. teams. It is
rather a question of whether or not
Wisconsnm, Michigan and Illinois are
to acknowledge an inequality in their
relations with Chicago-whether or
not they are to regard themselves in
the dependent relation of employees
to employer and appear at Chicago
on whatever terms Stagg may be
pleased to offer. It is this attempt
at dictatorship which Wisconsin,
Michigan and Illinois are fighting.
We have no fears for the "staying
qualities" of the combine. If Stagg
can stand it, certainly we can. The
money question which Stagg evident-
ly counted on to bring us to our
knees, will not materialize, and one
of the first moves of the combine
should be to demonstrate that inter-
collegiate contests can be successfully
held in Chicago without the assist-
ance of Stagg. The latter's hostile
attitude towards athletic clubs has
left him little support in the city
In this connection we would suggest
that members of the combine take
advantage of the invitation of the
First Regiment Athletic Association
of Chicago to a field meet this spring.
It would "carry the war into Africa''
and effectively demonstrate our in-
Freshman Banquet Committees.
Joseph G. Standart, toastmaster of
the freshman banquet, has announced
the following committees: Reception,
Donald 0. Boudenan, chairman;
Ralph J. Bidwell and Charles L.
Bush; arrangements, Arthur G.
Brown, chairman; Frank E. Cooley
and Christopher G. Parnell; invita
tion, Charles L. Hughes, chairman;
James E. Hanrahan, Clara May
Hosie and Clifford C. Smith; decora-
tions, Samuel R. Hazard, chai.man;
Leila E. Kelley and Robert F.

Editor U. of M. Daily:
An "Interested Party'' objected in
yesterday's DAILY to the methods
used in carrying ,n the 1902 Oracle
election, chargisg "bossism' and
cornering the class. He especially
dwells on a "combine between the
two factions.'' As a matter of fact
the "combine" is the result of indif-
ference on the part of the clas-.
Two weeks ago the election was pub-
licly announced at the '02 class
meeting, and the bulletin boards
have borne election notices sincee
Tuesday. Despite this ample tise
for candidates to appear, only a hal '-
dozen men announced their desire to
run for the board. 'Tihey proclaimsed
their aspirations, after completig
the requisitite number for the staff;
and, now, two days before the elec:
ion-announced 14 days ago -a cry
is raised of dirty work.
"Give everyone a chance" says
the "Interested Party."
Every one has a chance, and his
chance will not be molested. If any
of the men who failed to show any
interest till the last misute wish to
run, they most certaisly can. Plac-
ing one ticket in the field does not
corner the class nor bar other tickets
or individual candidates.
The election wil be decided by
the will of the whole class. What-
ever 10 freshmen are given the high.
est number of votes will be placed
on the Oracle staff regardless of pre-
vious party lines.
Badgers Ma Not Pla Harvard.
That Harvard wants a gamse with
the badgers caused no flurry in foot-
ball circles here. The crimson has
made liberal offers, but Wisconsin
will not, in all probability, compete
on the Harvard gridiron. The ex-
ecutive committee at their recent
meeting did not touch upon the mat-
ter of the Harvard game, and this
counts against such a contest. Pat
O'Dea, the Wisconsin captain, has
his heart set on a game with Har-
vard, so that he can measure legs
with Houghton, and this may in-
fluence the committee to change its
views. The badgers will play Yale
at New Haven, Oct. 21, the contract
having been signed within the last
few days.
An Athletic Dance.
There will be an athletic dance
in the Waterman Gymnasium on
Friday evening, April 7. The
management of the dance is in the
hands of the Athletic Board and
every measure will be taken to make
the event completely successful in
every way. The music will be fur-
nished by the U. of M. Band. The
party will be chaperoned by the
Board of Control and their wives.
The proceeds or the dance will be
devoted to the completion of the
Trophy Room in the gymnasium.
Tickets may be purchased from any
member of the Athletic Board at the
price of $1.
Gen. Nelson A. Miles spoke be-
fore the Harvard Republican Club
last Wednesday evening.

Stormq Meeting oi Senior -Laws to
Choose Valedictorian.
One of the most warmly contested
elections that has been held in many
years took place in the senior law
class Wednesday morning. The
contest was to select a class valedic-
torian and it took over an hour and
a half of balloting to determine the
There were originally six candi-
dates for the place, t. O. Dean, E.
C. Smith, S. I. Motter, W. R. Moss,
G. T. StephEns, and D. F. Dillon.
Dean led for the first two ballots
after which Smith went ahead, win-
ning on the fourth. Motter came up
strong for third place withdrawing
on the third ballot when most of his
votes went for Smith. Moss remain-
ed in the game for two rounds and
than withdrew, his votes being di-
vided between the leaders Dean and
Smith. The greatest of feeling was
manifested throughout the election.
Ever since the election last fall
things have been growing warmer in
the class until finally they reached a
white heat Wednesday. A feature
of the election was the forcible
ejection of some junior laws who
persisted in electioneering for some
of the candidates.
The election of the remainder of
the class day officers will probably be
held next week. The orator how-
ever will be chosen as in former years
by competition.
Northwestern Football Dates.
Dr. Hollister announced the foot-
ball schedule of Northwestern Uni-
versity a few days ago. Games will
probably be played with Michigan
Oct. 28 and the University of Minne-
sota Nov. 25, but the athletic com-
mittee has not yet approved the
dates. The schedule follows:
Oct. 7-Knox College at Evans-
Oct. 14-Wisconsin at Madison.
Oct. 21-Beloit at Evanston.
Oct. 25-Armour Institute at
Nov. 4-College of Physicians and
Surgeons at Evanston.
Nov. 11-University of Chicago
at Chicago.
Debating Team at Work.
The debating team which meets
Chicago on A pril 7, is hard at work
getting ready for the contest. Ow-
ing to the fact that they have to de-
bate a new question, the work of
pireparation is much harder than if
they lad discussed the same question
through a long list of preliminaries.
Mr. Simoons has been handicapped
for some time, owing to a painful
accident he received a few weeks
ago. He is much better now, how-
ever, and the work from now on will
probably proceed without interrup-
Dr. Eliza M. Mosher will discuss
the subject "What is the moral and
intellectual result of our modern
habit of newspaper reading," Sun-
day morning after the morning ser-
vice before the business men's class
at the Congregational church.

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