2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~( ~f ~The White Man',s Burden. - The United States by reason of its F ~ ~ n Pubtlished Daily (Sunadaysaexcpted)din~g the occupation of Cuba bas becomne ad- VFlYOU FA IL College yeam, at muinistrator of the University of Hav- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. anla. It as the only University in the Oeiiaoa ~ttoate Pe-. Ieoatte tok.Antilles,atnd is somiewitat older tlian To find it anywhere )P"E:TeitalanthaPraess. tnig lck tost sof the Attericant collegres. It Bot iho1 14.te as establiahed by Pope Itnnocent else, try us ... tANAttING EDITOR~a. in 1721 itt at-LoyalitndtiPotificttl 5.tratiat.Ot. Untiversity, butt int 1842 it wtts reor- gaidadecc sett fct itedcoining un-J. JQuarry, 0,1 AS'0L e oto ftegvriet h .JAthlti itttor, . It. Watnasta, t}0L. support of the gvrmnt o-Campus Drag Store. P. W. JOaaS, l'99, A. I. t1 aa..UAtLt, '01 tE, ever, Ithabestn itfttlttntl intadequate, ofF. St. taEtAMA. 'OS . t.n~t. LD'0M, especitalty sitice thte otlreua of te 0.. 5) IIJteta 01 E.St t . Woott 0. tat~ Cutbaattittsttrrectiott, taataetmllappro- ttries of professors atta fees frottt siti- 'Slat crpttatatpata e ye thA IL S t 2.50 tor atdetts having bhenti ttttitSute otitli-C ULLE 7 the cotle-eara, ithta ruartaatetlivery lactate ienttSootstithe lUniversiity. (yit. GO aEG noneachtatlay. Ntoticesa,taaataaaaaaaeatataaattd othe aaatter antentdedt tortapublaicationutt ahitetroks fotttdtlrecetntlyait itteestiga- handednati tahat te AILYofca1beforea85p.ait., arttitatithat te bialattce' inithete reasutry p prevtout ttattat tat t niicttthae expetttcted t of the ilttti lt tells $2.03, vet the C taat Sclat t ta' titv t ica, f ult y iitiag ott faiht aa tte Meye', ator ttSt Ic tat' acttaat o ith ui n tesse-e arc cth fieit 'yileontttt Manaage. Sb t b,tteate rill cnfatt acfavaoactat ' repotingpomt lyi at tcislfiet at' failuret to tt'wt'rk tf intrtuctitt a ntttl preservitig All capatatataitt atleatiata tatiatter u t be i lie vettettalle charactetr of tse Diii- the aticaIty 'tpi. ot.a ftt iacflateptacee t t hat Vtta tita . oilntretttthey acte'aoaeaar. uver__11sity . Ia tHARttEaota TOAY'Sva]i-tUt, The Great Band. 0. 1D. IHUONTT. ________ otis Oiit a tcSa lagt SuasR dwihigontoF the fis t it taittonthste be tore April a8, is tnottitoring-oiot Uttecer ity ofCicatgo IWeeikhi1isnt te [Pacific coat. Thety havtecbeetCAW ~~~~-0a e'ekly exchtatnges. Wet treceivedalenthuistaicallItandtat SfSat at trutthelito tltlttlteats ttt intenttiintal Fratico, wcersna itaatk'se etglite - ta tirirewcts itt eattd itSitoate trs tit tafilledt, ttttttts-hadttalSatIl Prices fromn $5 l out atleitic situationttitiight Ittoteatrea'way eset'ni'tii Sfair lakttf ' Inot interetaing. taoatati Stua a lwleastakes it just bo 1110 let ~~pide tt inte solotstit as' tttttitaaIy '0 lilt ata i esaebracn iinhttotllIth iatra, tadlliipresent ati Deceys vitcttoiy is onethatttimets ~ ~ f withlart-tty atitirttval ott all sids. Sectis i~ 'tit TPlers are fet eoutgsthtoccasitots of tit ltcM~tl1150Dtas tliacntutire in ou~r etalleate life atin citattdta iaDtrtlyIaye cvtolttitct DislDaves hias a etice of ' fcele ttItteeettdelil gltwriotthOtrtar te swetetsantd Miss Hlel br brctlttg tlt 11 t etc intgs a its taf pesaility aitti c1',- everyoneacis interesttd,it shtocldents h tt iaat tslci ttelrt- scalltocedatfatil tharotuglafor cittotttlie tat ccwil listiagetisla Iter aiteatg latkof tef arty suppoltrt.Thtste cchositeca ait vttetcla ttc -" art- ptushitg the inatter should cttt l h camn omnwohv tittteSoittti an taee fer o cllachieved auccess cith tte viaaitt. /'OLLEGE men everywhere atreavtea tihAtetttnpuPrhordSievtrtftettfittisatld Iit cotttitsneearly 3t0 portratit otarta ott~II. rhrPyotemstfnse ithesuetttltts farsupliort, if teededaaiS liattSattst stsi I \/orfteconotrtiontaofWashburnataott an rilan roiboe Solitte 'irtclastausicdeaestthe word ot atit ccit-t the ativerary of tht wtttld ita', eaer ktnotwt, cstttilpltesSte tbtaioed fto the ataltee.. tatcttatrattle daty arrives let te cele os'slit. btrattitonbitsuch tol hat it cwill live in list of Scta YslosN. UTP) the isltry of ounr csllege as the il ot desof Detecy ctill in te istoryilGoo Europe. Stud T i' ec ttf she itattion,The followeitag tersottsowhoastare C 1 3 .~ cu 2THE2 * INLAND PRESS + ANN ARBOR SPrinters, Binders, 2 $4- 2 BLANK-BOOK MAKERS o STUDENTS 'HE MO KE Idc u a ~prG Best 'World a to eed fr the Washbarn Souverti Catalog. ittand collegians,hreidesagivitngsoae actot trutaettsad atcmeteltttaoforet prices. ve sell Washburs, or intrtemetstay he. ALY. CHICAGO. ure Association.0 If you can't beast ytour oppontent jatii ccw aitiatntibeat others, seemis ta th p las' n btIeingagtcted upoata lresent inthe. politicatl circes of te freshant claiss. Anid frtoms an otut- oieptoiiat of veet the twail of itt "Iteestedalatary,'a as pubtlishaed So- aday, seetas ttt be ittwcithaout its groCmd.0Thetreseint first-yelar class has dtoeciel so far in the weay of politiltears andalnasteseemts tt to itntetltot establithing a tiewe prece- tdettitit the wtystf Or-acleeatiatns. 'Tlie trotmioters should sotp and con- aiatatortat at ettShe stotrmaiof closely cotnatectedl citha the Unliver- sity cwill leava- for iEurop~e at the coni- cluint of thiestollege yeaor. D)r. Nantcrede ad famttily, Mr. Roeddaer antd brotthaer, Prttf. titnt Mrs. Newe- cttamte, lProtf.tad Mrs. Freer, Dr. Effiingsr, Proti. Drakes, Mr. aittl MIrs. Lltayt, Prof. Ctar'hart tad fiaily, Mr. andt MNrs. Francotis, Prof. antit Mrs. F. Scoatt. Prof. Stantley has alreatly de- parteal far tectetiatent. Announcement. ITe Kitig's Daughters of te iii- tarian churcha cill give ata Easter GEORGE RIDDLE 'With Orchiestrali Accomai ett wiill roaende MIOSUM AER NIGHT'S DREAM, IN UNIVERSITY HALIL, APRIL 3. A marvelous revelatiota is iii store for those welo go t(' hear limi. .- 1X: -- -. C 3~m ~ x a , 03GC. rat1Ia atsuch ,a haty coitisSale and'Slipper an te parlorsoftBs hi h~, - $5 stirs t strcha usetytinI iste chutrcha sitSatuttdoy, Mairch2.f, et-hanWell$5 tsr ttiattectitta te up o the tt In The stile cwi lao hetl fralita 3 tto 11 p' th tleti ot eitilrcatrroMpst up . tperciiilibe served t sS6 p. in. Bevel Geared Chainless, $60. etat andt urge tiptoeery iniember o _01 - _-'Ihiere is nat better wtahsel tatate at lily rise. Ask Crescent ridet's the claiss the ntecessity of beighres-* if this is not so. Make youar selectittn notw oti a Crescent. etit andth elptruna its affairs. Ini this ATHENS THEATRE M, STAEBLERI'S Bicycle Emporium. weay matal-gtttt-gova'ri ttett in col 119 West Washington Street. lege politic.s cana be acecniplished SATURDAY, MARCH 25. G N ~ ' ~ O L F D N I G thiata in atatllster. G SG R 3S H O F D N IS Last Chance! I!HOYT Farce Comedy $5.00 per TPermn of 12 Weeks. The coatititee wil ho i Room 2, SO T Success, PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. On Thiursdtay anad Fritlay afterntoans Private Lessoscby Appointtaent. Betch'Phone 24(6. of this wecek heteet 4 and 5 o'cloack Ioi u aos e rm u to take maeasnremaentts for caps and A1P r7r ich the difforence i that the colder gownus. This ttill be Shia last oppot- youuiwant. -uliy enir ill have toplace TMACyWaHmast their orders. PC esI5edS ,Te rd 1.90 S. MAIN ST. P.icWs:o25es50Caair ania$1. S P roUU Belt Phone, 166; state, 194.