bc A-0 VOL. IX, No. 129. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1899. T HIRE CENTS G. H. WILD CO, Will announce that we have new received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incomt- ing season is the largest we lsave ever shows, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fahrics in every line thast can he ohtainsed. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call and inspect the sante. G. H. WILD CO., 108 E. Washaingtont St, ANN ARIBORt. Warranted Cutlery. We have jest received a line line of High G~radle tRazors and Knives, fully warranted, and we sell them right too. Sic our window. Don6lDadddMight. During themreat of the eollege year we will serve lunolis t altlionrs, day o night.. Fall linen of Pipes, Cigars, nnd Tobiacen. R. E. JOLLY & 00., 308 So. State Street. I INew Cameras for '99.I IWhen we put these Knew cameras in the windowi *with a card that read like thisl * heading, we were not offering * bargains, but one lady wanted f to buy one for 99 cents. Twol men thought better and paid f ures make these cameras very desirable and the prices are right.I Calkins' Pharmacyr. Law Books For the Second Semester ad Text Books Fee all tile departmests. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Bought and Exchianged. Besst Linaen Paper, n5,2ansd 25c pertlb. WAH R' To Celebrate Dewes a ictors. A movetment is it foot Ino IoldI htere onl May 1, te asniverssry of Deweys great victory in Manilla Bay, exercises itt comttentoration t soil celebration of that event. The platns have sot matured to any greats extent, ut in their etbry statee bespeak a great parade itt which thet students wits took active ptrt in thet late war will iccupy lprominent posi-t tionss. Atn effort will probably et tsade to secure University Hall atdod there to iave mns of prestinene int college as well as in tie war address the studett body upon stjects be- fittitig tite occissiot. Perhaps too a great bes-ire, sect as witnessed tie celebrattioctt ci our great athletic1 victory lst fatl, will firtt a ciositg scene inthits celebrttiont of tie na- tiott's victory. Casper Whitnest on the Situation. Itt the last editist of Ilaper Weekly, amcotg otier remiitrks itt WesterntCcllege Athleties Ctsper Wbitney liss the follinitg to siy itt regard to tite preett situtttioct. 'Cottpleticcstofasto edyers' foo- ll cotrct between Micligattasd Wiscossitt tarks a sew ertitt west- erti foittltl. It is even otire sigsii- canet tic te wet titn thCe resmnltiot of foothll relatotns beteen Pristce- tonan test nnPstylvaniaswoild le itt te east. Wiscotsion, Michigast gd Chicago hiave heldinit the last three years he same domnasice over wes- tern college srt tititwtas taccrued Har-vtrd, Yle tnd Pritceton before Pentnsylvtttiat took ttlt utdisputedl position s otheir peer. iBut tbetweeet Wiscnsin asti Michiganth iere have beett no ath- letic relatioiss for soneive years, atd Chicagii has had disproportioitate besefitstirougho the simsple policy of keepistg oistfriettdlytermsith btobitlt asie by halving for a playitg groettid a field whlose gate is wo-rtt for timse titat ot any other neserni college. Ciicago ias, ittsiy cpinions, ttkett 510 mtore aevastage cit fortnsate1losi- tiosothianteitier uofier sister istitu- tioits wousd ave dose, tiougthtie shiftistg stdetttmsangetmente of tie lattler wottldi have lost temt the ad- vastage far soner. "Osthtie otier lasd, Stagg, in his iperanet directrsiip at Ciicagi, has teveioped a policy wiici ias given athtietic promsinestce to iis in- stitution mtore rapidly tian was ever before attained by an Anericass col- lege. "Wiscosusint and Micligan are to play at Detroit itt 1899 anui at Ml- wakee itt15O0, feeiing tiemselves fcrced, thtroight eed cit a large gate, tol violate atll genii traditioss by gt. isg a haf-ays joutrney freoihomie to mteet onttutttally foreigtn territory. ''Titus dies te aitgitly diiar influence tie destity of college ath- letics."~ Pristcetois has tiree atersates lo- stead of ote on her debating teamss. Tisese three mets fortt a scrub team for practice with tie regular team. Prof. Ge. Hesmpiias been nom- iinated by the Destocrats of the 7th tward for the office of supervisor. About the Oracle Election. Editsr U. fMJL Daily: In your issue ciT ueseday tere isl ott accounst itt itow an Oracle Biardt is to be elected ont Fridiay atertinot and ferthter tesnsates ci thttose tic le so favored are givens aonsg withthtief tatemnt that bott facticons of tief class iave ccmtbined astd nasmed tie ticket. I have learsed by itquiryt titat thitl is sumte weeksesastcid of tie] tisne usually set for tie Oracle elec- tio and its view of tie fact that tie date was etc recestly astnouttced, tie' witole affsair appears tic sme in tie1 ightt f a I''cicut' itt wich both factins-tite class presiet ad the defeated candiate-itave cotibined for titeir stutal beneit. I dco not wishl to questin the abi- ity of the perentson ec, bit as the matter is ose ittwhichthtie class attd stot a ciqee soulld hitve deicest it- terest it seems5 cc to e rdicltly etsfair to call sutc nstelry eectiontanadc uicon scit sho:t noice. And to prmit the editorial staff of a class anniutal to e hosiencint itipoitical caucots, event if Ithere watOssutthl of a gathteringg a5that, atndlitrit ontil the class with thin asllrattce that therte will be ttccihtwltdciiito ily tmitnd be thic raskes ict sttbjectontotc bos rule. So, withithtis it initd I desire citly toclucall llicct frtseslmla, throuighlthin ciilmtsocf te cllege snespalcer, tic lii preett at that electico uchdvite hoetcly tupon tie tmetslofcctthe canidaiuts anttchif anty- ette desites to sttttfir sohlplaee ott he bord atid is snt atmicng the ctoset ci the "comitntedi factiins give hittta silicondato ii ntpieir as subserv- ient doers of theoses nyll. IN trElTES)PARTY. Chicago Alumni Act. The Alumisofitte Utiversity cit Ciicago recesty held it tieeting itt Chliculgos ian discussed the slttitt itt Western athletics. Stagg ad others addcressedi the tmetig. hi resuthtfcthicspeeces tas that hic ussocinationsiexpressecdits feeitgs itt thte folloing reslttti. "WcsHEtit.cS, The unsiverities itt Mcichigas, Wiscontsin adtIlIhitois itave comttihnedcitttd refusd to tteet thte University citCiicagic ittaty forntt ci athletic shrt: ad "cWHEESn, We unetlrstaniclthat the Utilversity cit Chicago is wilig to iclay retursi gasmes nithi these i5- stitutiotts ittasy icace tey ntttme, acceptintg any trn tehichithtiey cwiii acceptCci play in Chicatgo; tiereore he it "Resslved, Thatte, te ttemtbers of the Chicago Alumtitlutb11t of tie Usiversity citthicagi, take tils p portusity o mtae publhic exipressiois of our first belief itt Mr. Stagg, directcr of physical cltiutre at te Usiversity cit Chicago,stnd itt Iis metitods, anichbhit ourevescistrecirt as willintg ticsuport himtth ie etdlo thtis isottfi athletics botgtt tpont hiisi iy the usiversities cit Michigas, Wisconssins aniciIliois." Phil Kisig, Prisnetions'93, whio for te past tiree ye-ars aoiscted as heai coach at Wiscinsin, sill cochteSt baseball teamt at Georgetown Ui- versity this spring. Wisconsin us. Staqq. Tise intformtiiouniotes frotu a relia- ble siutce thtat Prof. Stgg is trying Sic biy ttp all te athletic fiels is Chicttgo fr thte cmtitg fotballs sea- con, his evident purpose being to forestall the Wisciotsin-Michigan gamse sext Thaksgiving. It is also stated oistgoodlauttluority thuaC Stagg is mtore tian anxiouse to play te baseball gattes arrangedi for te conisng seasost by Mnager frd of the university. Thre agreemsent ias esly sa verbal ose, lbut teverte less, Stagg is desiriius f huvig ft lived up Cc. Tiis coneenwittccior gracn front a toastwits luas acted in uthletic mtatters as Stagg has. Its Marci, 1898, M\asager Miller, of Wisc-osin, ettered isto ut writtesn ugreemuentt witit Stagg tiipuayasesies f three baseball gattes inthle saunit oir 1898. the Chicago prooessr, huiiwever, saew fit to cuneln these gamttes uithu harulyny tosttice, bitttni, it seets, theouilct i ounthuc thr fiiii ssud tite self-Constitutecd dictttor of westernt athuietics hoies Wi~sconsuiun nill not cuunce ast agreestentalrhedy esterelitutufor gattme withu Itis team.iu It is sut ktnoiinI st thuis tice whether the gatttes cilhe plyedh or sut. The miater is itt thu hndutis f thin Athuletic Coiuunci uttnd ciiie thloroutghlhy ciisiereidefore a es- ost is suuadi,-l'coiu caC rdiual junior Class Social. Thue gls of the 19(0 lus Ihel a tmeetig Tuesdauy sftirtooin stnicl-- ccidtoi give in receiptionith le bys cit thincass It cvie itt thuc forui of a dlsuncig party simuiiur ti Cle oises whlicht htuve hbeti givet ithle last ftw years Iby thinvriiius classes. She exact titmucatd place hauevnost yet beens agreed etiocit. Ott tcconts of te ttumerous sicial evetts whichs are stnuitncd fr Cleext fet eceeks, it is itoicutble thust thue reccptioineil nto be givet Uncttil sfter thin sprig vsccstiu. Soicuue fficl~etty lmay le experieticecd ittscritg Baurouor G~ymnassiuu fir-the afuir,as tetu authtlorities do sot nwishu to atllow nesy class to have thin use f thin builitic mtuore tlattocecayear. As te bos gave Cle receptond earlier it thcyar, it tuay e interpretedh tautt oituy tush Cle class Iave eest gratedl thinbild- insg this year, andthe girls, teicttuir hal, ciii have their request grstnted. Will Payi Case Scientific. Te sttaeroitise buisis-s cws trantsacted at last eveninsgs tmeetig if hic Athletic Boac. Mnagr Baird reporteil a fotbal gamue cwiths Case Scientifiic Schuol. for next fsl anil spoke of the probaiity of Cwc baseball gauses withu te Milake Leaiguseteusmusinsuthicspring trip. 'ble board recensisdiered its actiost at te last meetisg f giving te mtessbers of thintAll Freshmtuan footballh testi anu A. F. iss a circle sand isstecd hin cluss sumnerals its yelow wil Ie givenl. It is exioected tuut Cle ye1- lutw numerl ciiie hoe Cueditissct property of thin all fresiussicesstams. Freshmen Notice. All casdidates fcr the '02 bsehtall testi comei to rouss C, U. H.,1ridy, March 24, at 4 I. it. K. E. LtEt, Masager. Up rown Stte ,St. ANN ARBOR Down Town Opp. Curt Hose Pli t