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March 22, 1899 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-22

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S,"IO !/ 1"JS. W.KOLLAU,
'The New Weruner Editionoo1
-.ALPINE HAT SALE. 214 'ast Wahington St., near 5th Ae
E sc lo a diaAl Shades for 1899 Now t.
Callad see them! 3 lHts for '2t. ANABR
D. A. 'TI IK R & $ON. W - sPs ~ T
Bratan nica. Intor~oIeoiate Bureau 0oftIGadolilic m.d V nVL dVtCsi RIG
The estRefrene Lirar fo th ( ps, own, ad HodsAssess, N. Y
TheBet Rfeene Lbrryforth ns, owsandHodsmde to order and reted. Also (Class Transats a general
Home, the Office. the Library. Canes, (lass lHts and Caps, Class (llege Pins. Address Banking Ilusines,
* yW. C. KERN, Wstrn M1ngr., ________________
a_________ Onal it,,nram, Uni'. of Chirtag
Nealy six feel of printrd matter W E K zER U P -T 0D A T E. IRTNAINA gAN a s
(Each voluame is 11 in. loop; 9 i. Br i i u au shii xljtt ii aiile Capital, $10(00 srpi ad Poi, 40ass
wide; abotol21 isches thick, stafondra i il ranoncbag a ad.a urg ans h Foeignn
ftt sp I 1sI1'd cedt.ae'bogh anti alti trnt s etera t
weighs ablouit 5 ousiiil. ) $ nua /Oei.
Can it ll go iott yor lead? NotNEPta.' vOI5icersn.
likely!?IBetter hatve liii'work itself Cnpyfrnse forprtiOes 161 lERY LlKNC
to refer to wiheniin idouibt. Cniyfrihdtrpii
The eitire set of Thirty Superh LA SFO N& ~j jB
ment of We al attention to our complete line of (Center Dirat Nickel Plated Lamps Cr' Mal ari ' 1
rnginig in price from 75c to $a2.51) each. These Lamp are of the laest and Capital, 50,00. Sapls, aso 0. Trnasia
S4Q most improved patterns and makes. Inclding "The New Ioelester, ""The ge cnraianingbainss.
I * Yale" "''he Royal," "'The Berlin Student Lamp, '""'T'he Perfectioni Stdent R' n r, RPass. EC.. asn, vis-Ors
____Lamp." If you want the et Lamp for the Leat oey cate ad see us Fas _ ras.Csia
Old Number: EAN& 0
SH EEHAN & CO. ~~44 SO. MAIN ST., ®Tefa lbrsuu Bn
S E H N &TeANN ARBORMICH. D EA N 6.CQitae l Stro 5,0.rplsvinl~ Ban
Caitl sourt, .00,000Sii, 1055
heBen Dies Song eitl three tises. Dlr. Be Davies' voice OrgaizedtendrstlbsGeetalitBnktin Last
Unverity Bookellers, Teftrl oier fCt hrlis drtssetutic ina ulty et mot s ym-fthius stat.tResiesa dposit,ibayandslnls
Thefotrtl C(ll~l'tOf he h01al y oeaaseson tes pincial ilcattie s Cs Uied
AGENTS, Uniosn Series, a sosg recital y Bent wthisiitaliaro ssidngis medlet afeaty dpeit boatsr.to cnt.rprletfcto
withsinula feror nd ut~elecual Oss st tantasMacti. Pasaw. Harat
320Souh SateStret.Davies (le famouiis IEsgislitesor, twil iywherebhle isseahledto ininter.mn,ice-Prs.; Ch~a.E. liscaCasi; S
p- ' . ' e - Fisy esilig sext., Mach 24. Aitisic its smay ake ciihansd, e it auiii
S I U ®EL1IV I . gnuinite tesor-'thtt is, tase cotihts Oratorio Operatic Sceia, os a tender EE
PATRONIZE STUDENTS ing puitiy iOf voice atd ietod-' is Balia. His repertry is vesy coin11IY & PE C R
ntadatys sich a rtre eitg that Iis irelesive and diversified. 1st this.. T H E
If You Do Not, Why Not? advent stity wel excite great iter cutry as in Etigisntipslic asd
ecngive yoni the hightet citiss owraat est. Bt Mr. Davies cotmes to is critic unitie itsetussiati praise of
155 gnanepics. Etlcransl. tearinsg the(' lall-itark f aproval this srtist,. Ittshrtr, yuasttle. anti V
Now 'Phate, 441, 202 s. state St. frgetFansriu ok oeuo atcmindM.DaissynsilJ G roc rs
Student's Laundry lssociatio0, ftregs'iae asitcoeriasteytiri o otheart onihissetif liingOsosesstaerss
As'. Voaght. '99 it Sm. R. Fax. '00 Law. testgc ai otc1t' lafrso hefoitrti fliii'ssgtes We keep everything usualy kept in a
Gret Bitan nd he nrcd tats. Rihts of1 Harrd Freshmen, first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call
At the btigisinsg f his career Mr. and see us
A TRIAL ORDER. Davies devoted himitsef ( ttc pra, aid A calletige weis set recestly y 318 S. STATE ST.
was for several years a metmber of (le Yal I rt siisiasUsioni t the _________________________
Thaust is sll I ask fo the faisisis Carl Rosa Opsera CostipHarard 1902 Dehating Soiety. YO 'EN X
may Lasoury Ag'eauQ. t. 1t sialatc itseates 1hiachallesie tas )o irtipiyaccepted
P.C E E . soicitatiosihle thirstutrsieti his at. by te Harvard Freshimes. The U. ofilM. Barber Sop
P.eCEY R enio to cocets, bt retursiedi to Faculty of Hiarvatrd are, however, audTJ'~5a tl ooooiS. s t
Tel N. Vi. o E. William. te tae5atr create te testor oppsd tall isterctllegiat sh._J,__._TOJANOW__,_Prop.__2__S._state__1
role isa Celiers clarainsg peretta mass debatig, asd at a recestsmet- PATRONIZE
TSE RESOIANEO MAmnOLIN VIRTUOSO "'Dorsty' whichs rassiss Losdon for isg refuseti to ratify te Harsvard RE H ABR
MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, 1ssntesieii fastatlre rsies cettsc.I ssos AND YOU WILL ALWAYS
'years. More reestly le has exr° fross te last repotrt of Presidesis BE IN LNE
Will geve lessons on the mandolin and cised his talestusnte field of Ora Eliot that le is opposed to all forsas SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.
gitar at the University School of' oro, vasried Pbyss fete special oper- of Freslssssssi istereslegiate costests.
Music every Friday For Ternms and atic an eirasices. He is one of he This withouit doubt, pts a stop to THE MODEL. of Stae street
hoars apply to the Secretary, fete British-bhursn artists that have sala 1sit sscr aFehsis ABRSO If yo dear
receivedl a rtyal ctmantsd to sisg at deate etteesi thiset coleg. first-clas work and courteous treamen
R AN AL.L, ts has lieesshontored with Joist classs at Gransger's School try George and Harry at 32 S. State St.
tlil graiottus siaskaf faa-tr iby her aof Dascinisg. $3 frotssotetistil ENOCH DIETERLE ebalmer and
State Phone 144. tiast'atarsi Virut~iaisusatless thii seaasosi chates 1 baray L~s
. .L--=LTLZ Irl_ --I"_(_-P.'MIT YJTO _L--NEG=LIr1-ftS1''L-IT-_r_ I O- 6 E.FattiA e, Pioas 295 (>i3
We have received fnd opened a full line of bright
"~--- .'iewily designed Negligee Shirts for Spring and Summer wear W R
Early C m r Secure the Cream, therefore select ST TES
. STCorners
BOW while the stock is unbroken.
_ITS THE j WAGNER & 003COaaostooe aea
1 styesare n. Early Selection.

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