THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Q PRING erbS, ~)TYLFS. White Fedoras Goodspe'M~Stree _________________________________________________117__S.__Main__Street._ "The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRIAL STAND)ARD TIME Taking Effeet Aueg. 14, 1898. Mail adExpress. ........3047 Pe.. "N. Y. &Boston Special ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern...............9 43 AtlaeticExllpress............7 l45 A. N. Detroit Nigrht Express ........5 55" Grand Rapids Express .......11 10" Mal &Express. ..........8 40 AM. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago .... 111..9lt Fast Westerti NExpress........ 1 38P. M. G. R &Kal. Express..........5 45" Chieagos Night Esxpress ........ 943" Pacific Express.............12 20 A. M. 0. W. RUG(GLES, IH. W. HAYE4, G. P. & T. Ag't. (bicago. AgO tAnn Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Eifet, Nov. 20, 1898. Traines leaee Aee Arbor by Central Stand. aed Time. 6:43. . *1.:25 . M * 12:40 P. m. 11:25 A. I11. 1:56P. M. 8:40P. M. *Rls,, betweeee Ace Arbor and Toledo only All traisdaily exceptSunday. E. S. GILMORE. Agent. W. It. BENNE'TT. tG. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti anod Detroit every half hour beginnieg at 7:15 a. no. U. of M. car leaves City Ha~ll, Detroit, every eight after 'Theater. Speial U. of Mi. ears for all extra oeea- siono. Baggage, express and Stadents' supplies received and delivered. Wait- leg rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 511 Griswold street, D~etroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited. Magnificent new fast traies via the Wabash, with free reclining chair care: Wagner leepieg earn, palace coaches, and famous dioing cars. Gioing east this train leavee Detroit at 8:25 p. m. arrives New York 3:30 p. no. Gdoing west, this train leaves Milan at 8:07 a. n., arrives Chicago 2:40 p. in., St. Loiuis 1:52 p. no. Kansas City 7:15 a. no The Wabash ie a good roasd. (One trial will convince you. If you conteo- plate making a trip to New Yore, ur to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kansas, 'lexas, or Colorado, and will write to the undersigned, we will hildt iv o n ifrain F. A. PAalMER, A. G4 P. A, Chicago C. 1t. CoRANE,(G. P. & T. A., St. Loois, Me K. S. GnEcewoois, I1. P. A., Chicago. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowlincg Greeno, Marniettan, Fisdlay, Athenss, (Jolsiosbis, llli4leepeortr and Cliarleston, W. Va. Columbuo trains use Lake Shore Uniom Station at toledo. Through tralins ith Sleeping an( Drawing Room cars from Detroi and Toledo. MOULTON HOUK, Genernl Passenger Agt. Its Timetobgno Bicycle Question. Yoo will Fiad all tbe Leaders (olsubis, lasnlsles s, Stearnes, Vaxerleys, Sterlings, and others at The Corner Candy StoreNO NEED Nort of oarr's Oog Sore, To senid to the manufacturers when Tenders a kind invitatiiin to all wishing yocinbtnageue fresh. goods at reasonable prices. Lunces Mandolin or at all houro. Hot coffee and sandwicheo ovsh um Guitar W. S. PARKER'S, 315 5. STATE. iiglit