Aw> ,tl O F VOL. IX, No. 12. G. H. WILD CO. Will annunuce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest ee have ever shown, is exclusive and conS ned, in both foreign and domestic goos, and is composed of the et farics in every line that canc he otained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call and inspect the same. G. H. WILD CO., L0S E. Washington St , ANN ARBOR. Warranted Cutlery. We have just received a fine line of High Grade Riazors and Knives, fully warranted, and we sell tlem right o. Se our windowe. O06n DdU aid Night. Duingterst-iofiiheicolleyear we igii. Fll line of Pipe, Ciir, and R. E. JOLLY & CO.. 3108 So. State Street. OpenI AFTER ALL Concerts Lectures AD FOR THE SALE OF SoaWater Calkins' Pharmay® Law Books Fr the Secnd Semester and Text Books Pr all the departments. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Begh and Exchanged Bet Linn Paper, a5, 20 and 25n pel. WAH'5 ANN ARBOR AINN RIGOR, NI~Cll., WEDINESDAY, MIARCII 22, 1899.Tnsn ET TImEE CENTS AN UNUSUAL LECTURE, Larqe Audience Greeted Ian Ma- laren in Uiersity Hall. Iain Maclarein lst nigit gave a lecture that was qtite out of the ordinary on the snbject, "'Siime Traits of Scittislh Character.'' The lecturer eat clear of te ustal lee- ture an gave the audiencie a speech theat was5uiqtue aiiilhighly enter- taicnicig, s did Nacseci last year. Th le commndcing figre (f tie speker anid his Scottish dialect alike added to the efectiveiiess acd charum of iis address. He opened his lecture by the quo- tation fromc Sidiiey 4iiitli to the effect that yiit canicit get a joke into a Scotsalis skull wiihtut aic cpera- tiocn, addiig tiat this faemous reneaurk applied to an Englishmne's joke. The first promienect trait in the Scot is his hiuicor. This is pectliarly Scotch hecaise the Scot is highest ice the stage iof evolitin. umor is deeper tlian laughter. 'Plis eciines a claracteristic trait of the ruged Scot, hecause if his eicg accustiimed to the East wind, the gray sky, and the ocean. The speaker paid a glowivicg tri- ute to tie assioii for leriing of the ScctclcnaeIfe trcced the course of Kncox froci the cttagc tic the'uciver- sity acid said that the Ucivecsity icc Sctliacnd wsstosy ciear thue cottage door. Wit is esseitially Frenchci. It is cot so deep as lhcuir, ht it makes comedy of existence, acd makes life go easily. The Scoteluicaciis not droll as is the Irishmnumm, for tics latter sees everything stacding on its head. lice Eciglielhcmacna ci encse of humor hut~s foccilf unec. The Scottishe caiiic is nt full of sentimentality, but les a very deep sectimect. There is cio effusion icc it, hbut it is dccii cacd stroicg. Tle author read cmany selectiiins Iy wmy of illustration accd told characteristic stories, which kept te audiecce in extreme gooid nlture all the tcie. An Innovation in Debatin. Iowa and Wiscocisicnre goig to have a dehate ic the ciear futtre, and accordicngly each uiversity hiac seumitted a list of 12 sen fripossi- hle jtciges. Iowa is cniw quie ex- cited over wailt, they ternite ucfair actiion of Wisconisicn. T'hey cliii that of the ccccccliiipcsd y Wis- consin, two pecnly favor her side, one is ace ardett aleccicnus acd a fourth is dead. Twoii ced have al- ready een chcosec, oce frocc eacc list, acd whcecn the timce ciiiies to chcose the third mcani loa is cocci peiled to disose fromuc isconsic's list. She tturcs tietables oece Wis- conscn hy choosicg the dead cmal. Owicng to his ncin-existecce le caccnot act, so Wiscionsini is comcpelledi to select anotlher man friccm Iowa's list. Museum Lecture. Mr. Sargent, ctrair of the Mu- scum, will give anm illustrated lecture on Materiala icc lie Mcseum, espe- cially Shells, Friday, March 24, at 4:30 o'clock, in tics Museum Le- ture Roocm. Al' interested are in- vited. Athletic Association Roster. P. Ten Riper, F. iH. Vcn A len, L. D). Asth tie frtl ana etn Verdier, G. von Nied. ticiefo tleucecela iieticg L. W. Warfili, . N. Whuolrn, R. aced eeetiucu f the Athletic Associa- Weldron, H. A. Waren, J. J. Wler, tion is cear, ire puhlish the camces of C. F. Watkins, A. L. Wutling, J. f. the meiibers. Nione iwhiise- iniimis Watson, J.1.R. Welsh, M. S Wcielt, Prof. It. A. Ienley . 3. WehaterG.C. .F. care not upocethe treasurer's ooks WeauockA. A. Weer, W 1.b lowdt oea teXV-mnN .WiseiL esI. B.ld tion. Any whose cnamues have heecu Wetmore, A. Weeks, C. It. Wholiey, i. oiiitted ir are cot correct ice the fo0- WXhit, N. G. Wilims, 13'. K. Wilis, lowiciu list should corct the smie K. I. Wilanks, B. 1). W-kilbur it Wueinemeln, A. I. Williamus, L. A. iiy droppicng i pstal tii C. C. Aidamis, Whitteieyer. C. W. Whiney, W. I. Sigimal Phi House. Whenme a lkicig Witt, (G. a. Whily, C. Ii.uwicn, F. 3. correcthionus state. (1) Tuleiinuber of Woot, . 1. Wuod, C. F. Whitman, i. mueiibiership ticiket. (2) Name. (3) C. Wodworth, E. C. Wrden, G. A. Worden . 1RS. Woodrow. A. T. IWorey, Departienet. (4) Class. IV. F. Whitcomb, G. I. Wuerful, 3. A. (Continuued Fosie esterday.) Winter. F. 1. Luancashire, C. A. Lefever, F. W. Miss L Yeger, L. Young. Luaw, Fret. 1. H. Lane, R. 1). Law t. A. D. H. Zimmerman Law, W. G. Law, J. Larsen, E. Leander, ______ ft. . LeBaren, H.L1. Lehr, W. J. Lur mour, F. J. Larned, M.1. Levy, M. M. PERMANENT HOME. Levy, 3. Levy, H. Lewis, 0. M. Lester,___ Miss M. A. Leonard, .G. Leipheirne la toE ct3,00Cu Hus A. M. Lindaner, C. L. Lockwood, A. A.'Pa oEet$1000Cu os 1,oeh), P. M. Louwerse, M. L. Livingston, on the Campus foc Alumni. A. XV, Long, C. Lord, E.1. Lungyer, A. Lowenhaupt. F. L. Lowrie, H. H. A mcovemeenthus, eein started Lovell, F. W. Loomis, 1. IH Liskow, amnmg the Annu Arbor ahtuni, and Mrs. Lonmhard, 1. Lann,1'. L. Lster. tiemeumehrs of the 'facucty. to erect W. L. Mack,''., P. Martin, 1.3J. Mautze D. M. Madison, C. Mayworm, A. G. aIhlarge cubhohuse ouu the campus fr Marion, (G. E. Menn, W H. Malone, R. thieir use. James H. Iri-cti, secer- II. tMnn,. Megrg, A Meyer, R. L. tary of tie Alumnumi asoiciation, is in lelenudy, 13. F. Miler, Sid Milard.X. charuge of tie mouvemmet adu has H. Mills, XW. C. Miller, A. T. Ml, L. 8.~ Moedie, Mise.L C. Marris, A. B. Moran malreay secrei $3,001) amii $4,000 S, . Motter, F. 5. Morman, J. Li. iccsubhscriputions. For ia smg iwhie Morris, C. fl, Mdohr, P. Moses, hDr. there hus eenu a deire tci secumre a Mosher, P. W. Mothersill, T. 1. Morri- praetofce fr tie Aluumnui as- soS. ID. Montgomery, 'W.,Mullet, permuacenan oprt odine1 o Win. Mulligan, G. A. Muroney, A. Ma-1 Gregor, 1H. W. McClure. . R Mcd loy, posed cubichocuuse wlh e gvemn ui to W. (). McBride, 11. J Me( reary, 1. M- that purposea. It hosmaso exiected Ginnis,fE. 3. McGregor, H. S. McGee tatths le will be of service icc 32. G. MetHenry, 1) McFarland, f. C' etthaithsnp themn aun AheKeighen, W. M. McKee, Prof. A. C: mlctciuugn h ciy miuun h McLaeghlin, J.1,F, McLean, W. C. Me- visit theunuciverity fromc yecr tic year. Neal, Prof. 3. B. MeMurricie. lie cost of die uildingc tentulu- Dr. Naerede, '. A. Neal, E.1E. iNc- pated cwiii e upiwardhs of $30,000. son, C. L. Niles, XW. A. Nicing, J. T Noble, HI. Newell, 3.3. Neuter, M. R. A plan is also beig submsitted Nuxicy, to tic l humi of the univesity F. I. (Olmted, 3. A. Oppenhemeer, ahiw eby withc a subscripti of $5 A. FP.tOppenheim,3. F., daem, F. C.for evenu yearfromica imrge numbier Oirvis, it C. tOrvis. -ctteu It. it. 'age. H. W. Paddock, G.C.f the , i prmnet edowmcent Peul, John Parkcer, C. G. Prnall, C. Lucmale secture-ditoicciuntai a ai Pattoni, . B. Fell, C. Pelton, S. D, screary ocitie Alumicc aessociatiomn. P'etere, Miss B. G. Pierce J. L. Pierte, ITheiccesemnt systemi of suporting a C. S. Peggott, F. E. 'hilipsuon, S. A. Imlatt, II. 1B. Potter, F. 1V. Puotter, E. 13 asecctarylocufe proceedsofdc Powell, J. S. Prentise, . 1. rentiss, 11. Mcleupu Alacumus is not meeting 1. Probasco. cih hdnii.ccipated success suit)scme F. H Kendall, Ais W. F. Randolphtchahmnge has beuomue necessary. This L. A. Iteppaport;, A. I. itaymond, 3..A Rteasoner, A.1H. Seed, A. Reinking, %1)la also ciscueetimg* aith fair sc- B. Ripley, I. A. iegeimen. C. A. Riegel- tess man, J. A. ic, A. E. Richardson, A. E Richrdson, 1. Iichardson, CG. . it nAdephi eTrial ardson,AisL. At. Sinkle, . L.itoin son, 11. X. Roinson, A. 1. osehoomlie tral comducted at Acelehih Ptrf. 3. C. Rtolfe, 11. XW.IRotbinson,I. Hal, Saturdmay night, was a decided L. Koys, A. E. Itogers, . L. Rtobinscn, success. Fronmitimhe momet the G. Rtyan, H. IS.otasel,. F. fSluppe. ucerk declaredtecuti eso Prof. . N. Scott, E..Shul, 3i iecur nasic Scott, R. Scott, L. E. Seas, D.2. Scotten,untuil thu jury rendred1 its verdict R. NI. Siiuwmen, I. X. Shedoin, D. C. for tmilinutif, tie cosest imterest Socum, h1. W. Seipp, A. H. Syverson, G. casio mamnifsted y all. Mr. C. B. 1. Schiiller, K. Shaewgo, T. T. Shoe- Humic dscu .XX B. Harrisonm deserve maker, P. L. Sherman, Jr., Atls .L. HL. rya Sherman, I. . Sherman, I.R1. Small, eucmemdationu for their excellent D. 11. Slawson, Clifford Smith, Ii-. twovurk ais cttorneys, whie special Smith, F W. Smith, W. C. Smith, 113. cm-c-cit is duue Ar. Chiapmcan, of fle Smith, C. C. Smith, 3'. H. Siter, . J. 'y lawclcas whuo sic ahy ad mucu u- Sorensen, F. Sinmuons, I. . Simmons, peie sW .SosE ,Sue atal r' jde Speuce, . (G. Standard, . M. Stevers, Aimthoughm c slight deparure friucm H. Stevens i. C. Stevens, 0. S. Stiner, tim eulmiar uworkiof die society, the R,. . St. John, 3. 'T. St. Cair, 3. Sill, C etngwsitvr roialeoea F. Stipp, C. Steinhaner, G.A. Stephenmuemi -i uvr coiai uea 1. L. Stern, . M. Stewart, - Stewart' all miiat-ndance came testify. It is 3. M. Sfrashurg, J. Symington. ' graitfying to note die ecthusiasc' X. W. Talcott, W. W. Talman, L. ,1. such interest oaifested y tie mmmcc Tayler,(G. B. Tayhor, 1. H. 'Taylor, L. J. icclmie Litersr dlh n t m Tefft, X. F. Temple, H. T. fhurnau, Fr ceih si t cc W. Thurnau, 1. B. Thayer, P. K:.poraut wirk of training cen in pu- Thomas, N. W. Thompson, F. Thomp- it seakicng. son, C. L. Thorsgaard, M. L. Titon, S. ________ W. Todd, Miss K. Tray, C. T. 'Tryon Po.AC.M au liddnt Prof. Truehlood, F. TIrott, . 'fener, S Pcf A .M aglnr i o Turner, J. Turner. meuet his classes yesterday on account F. Underwood, S. W. Utley. l of sickness. State atn Down Town Opp. Court louse cain St