4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIYEIfSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Special 1Offer! The New WVernaer Editions -()P TIE- GO TO 1I WILL GIVE Stabler's Art Store 20 per cent Reduction to all Students Art Novelties and of the LT. of Al. on goods purchased FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. at my store. E n yc op'da 217 S. 4th Ave. Plcit i 173. SaI J bur so~reg K rltan nica lnterGoIlooiatie Bureau of01 e!GCsue K GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. The Best Reference Library for the - Gaps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also (lass Canes, Class lHats sod Caps, Class College Pins. Address Home. the Office, the Library. W. C. KEIZN, Western Mng,, nearly six feel of printedtimatter W E K E EP U P TO DATE. (Each voltoce is 11 in. long; 0illin Every rig in oar barn is being repanted sandl varnished wide; ahottt 21 inchtes thick, and for spring tradle. weights alottttt t otttttts.) HOJLM E.S IJ4V1 RY. (Can it all go into yottr head ? Not TE.LEPti-ONE 106. 515 E. LImRRY. likely l Betler Dtave thtetwork itself (Cantopy furnished for parties. JOS. W, KOLLAUF, _THE TrAII.®R, 214 Est Washington St., near .5tb Ave ANN ARBOR. W.JBOTPE. ANsnttt, tnt Thea It s SPIlL V.Sn. Ss, 2dt'tVt. Ciss.'M Jsss. C..WATZ, Ass. C attiesrtVI BWINK Transacts a general -Bankitng lBnsiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK0 Aizd14 tCapitat, $100,t00. Surss antiProfits, M0,000 'rraastssassen tobanktgobsintss.Fttretgn excttsseogh tt ansld. Ftrt. ssletterti o ncttt. E, D. IINNEi, Paes. HtARISOiN SOttit, Vite-Prs. S. W. CLARKSOtNCathter. 1 1 ttt refer t svlestintdtttttl. The etit Iic set tf Thirty Sttperb Octtvot\oluttttes deli verediuontitpays- LAMPS &I un'ifkrhanils fantk teln if We call attenttionstotsour comptlete litne of (enter D~raft Nickel Plated Lamps, Cor.AIi. t rangintg in price from 75c to $t2.50 each. Tltese Lamps are sf the latest ant ittttl,150,t000. Surpsttt,$30.0Trsansati= $ 0 0motimprovedptersanid makes. lncltuding "The New Ilselester, '"Thits gentral lt t bsnttt . Yale," "T'lhe Royal, ""The Blerlin Studentt Lamp, " "TIhe 1 erfectistt Student 11, Estes, Prts. C. E iiso r, Visit-I's-s Lamp." tf yott want the hest Lamp for the Leost M1otley come attd see ns x"H r liCser Old Number: SHEEHANMA&NCo.., D E A [N & C O . henrbr Svings an A PARLOR M1ATCH. Announcement icieauts ~ ,-tse tttitcttn UnvriyBooksellers, Bright, effective scenery and dashing 're l g'ofttltrst'tleU thi s ttE j1-5t'a dep ts, bu s and ells~ ycostuntes freare d.essential ttt thesccess of sutsra itsti'it" i,n leriientoication AG N S I~fc' otd.Knowing this, the Iratettetwl iea atr~~~teistttss to tt t'tisttttdepostt mttntgemuent of Etans and Rosy's ever- Sale an~d .Sttpper in te paloltrs ttf O~Tet'ittstIttristitanMacst..rs-.; WS. D. Itusi c gren sucess, A Paror Mach," hich ienVtce-Psss.; tthas.E. Itics shier:. 32()Soetli State Street. wreti ucssl APalrlac, whihttechiutch on Saturdaty, Mttrcht 25. J. Frtze Assitarttit Castites. Saturtdty, Marcti 25, hsave eqtuiptped theirThsaewlbeed 'o 3t11p - r prttductiton with new scenerytand co- tn., suptper will bte served ti t6 p. in. PATRONIZE STUDENTS i formance that glitters, front the ridge- The fresmn otal ,ea tLAMBNO R~ pole to the srea-gate, and that rings Yale, thtis year at thte ettd ttttileTHE with beautiful music like a circus pro- season, hiad to its cretlit a blantuce of ..TI If You Do Not, 'WAhy Not? cession. All the fun ttiat the author, $203.19, wvhichi will go ttowar'ds de. the segutatpi esi. Eith'srainh masterpiece, is given fnll weight; andfryn(lexptesothfllilaice s New 'Phone, 441, usa a. State St. there is plenty of novelty, brought navy. Students Laundry Association), spetially from Paris, in addition. 'The Hts. Vnaaht, '995Ltt. m. R. Fan. 'soLawtI. comipany is the strongest that has ever All organtizationis desirinig repre- We keep everything usually kept in a ____________________________presented this wonderfsl farce, snd the sentation ill the Michiguasia are flrst-clsss Grocery snd Baskery. Call A TRIAL ORDER. asegnstongteverywheethsrested requested to send cttpy by tiail, or and seee. call ill persotn ttn J. A. Bardinl, at 318 S. STATE ST. 'hat is all I ask fon Ntthittg fitter or mtore comlplete its 102th South Unliversity avetitelbe-YO REN X my )Laundrtly ge), the litte itt airectories has ever all- fore Saturday notont, March 25., O 'EN X Aec. petreldtMatt the inew Wasliteliase U. (ofiM. BarberIShop P.C. MEYER cotunlty directtory etlited bsy Glenl V. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. SldBtIttIlS Tel. No.179i. 607 E. William St. Mills. Aos511 exampl~le of the pub- Via the Annl Arhtor Ratilroad YOtt J. R. TRtOJANOWSKI, Propt. 3o2 5. State vI fishier's alrt it cannlot he excelled whtile c511 conuect for imlportatit points ts PATRONZBA E, THE RENOWNED MANDSOLIN VIRTUOSO its ttttissics anti data ara comlteccbelow. I WARREN THE adaBARBERevrdtil r Lae n Abr l~lll Itesratel~tevey tctttl. r. eavsAnnArhir.AND YOU WILL ALWAYS MR W E G NEPA E Mll s o econigratulated 011 this 7:t5a. ni.... Arrive Sc. Loisut-..652 p. in. BE IN LINE lutist suiccessfnl work whtich Shlows 7:25 a. in.... Arrive Katisastity-ttt7:5 ti. ini. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Wilt grae lessons on the mandolin and tstl ar2ao5l~ asakn isa ..ArriveCs ittnt i..2ii piT guiartilhadlabran antkig725ai..-Arrive itcinvilis...3 . Isni OE s tteSre gutras soe n iversity School of troutble onhis part. Thae volume 7:25a.-.Arriss tntttanu~pttis...3: aivn.THE M D M o tt "re sic leevery' Friday.For 'Terms and ctit7:25olitecdietoisafAt . ttni....Arrive LPsvwile it.....t. BAR71I0ap&.Em. hours apply to the Secretary. Arbtor adlpilt ticities as swell as t1-25vati..ArrivesClevelnd ..:5n.si inttu irs BERla soP Ifreosyamntesr _____________________________________ Ypilallti11u25 a. m.i..Arrive Washsigon..1:5. i is-ls skadnnttu ramn A of the vrs I itevillages and towtvtis125 a.nin... AriertyBXadhir......Ot,> .i.try George and Hariy.tatu:?. Statte St. AN L)ILL tf thc county slid sholtdl coiiitleuil tit2i a. in.. Arrive Piladelpais 4:'5p. i 11:25 a. n... Arrive ttalanibss. .svs.85piriffm. IfIEc t Embalmerad State Phone 144. quitresca1 directory of Itat kindtI. 8:495p.t....- Arrive Cinisnn 5 te itx tt slss tlilesr-1~5a. n Arv t i .... - 6:-50 l.pn.L lU VlsILttLnded a rl Dreta - Na. 1615E. tiberty Stae-I. R.,-easice5555S FanelS Ave. Itiatis1; PeninularDon't Throw Your Glasses Itt matter hosv badly OF '00 will repasir eye-glasses and Away Ile lttkl.W Engraving spectacles while you wcait, ttr MI L WAR D lenld you lanotlher pair while youlrs are being fixed. Nothling TAILOR C1 --ian- but the best mtaterials, expert swork-. STATE ST mnhpand hittnest prices. Eyes ~ -c~ exantined free of charge. DETROIT. MICH. : Spring t$/,JII' and Sammer Make an y x tles are it. Early Selection.