2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 111 .f 91,t1W * A Good Number. '* The March Inlander, which goes Pulse al Sundaysexicepted) during the on sale today maintains the high I F YOU FAIL Collece year, at standard set by this year's editors. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Perhiaps noi stroniger article has yet Th hltilP ce Hcec ich.appeared in our college pubhlications To find it anywhere 'PN:TeInlcnih restennig Blc. .than Prof. Wenley's eagerly-awaited Bot phne 47.stody of Kipling. Prof. Wenley is else, try us .. MANAGING EISN]TOIC. always an entertaining writer and F. ELic ARDci, '01 L. here fairly outdoes himiself. No less BUSINESS M1VANAG U. interesting is Dr. Gotohergos article J ury it. It. tic e, '0Ltilt stiiient life in iRussia, itn whlich" Q ary AiiiaI1c,tIi. R cecc, li e tots forth the imiportant part Campus Drug Store. Atheti Edtor T R.Woouow'0L. whiiclh the stutdetis take in the niii- P'. W. JESt, '99, A. It. MstDtscttLt,'1E listic noveenlns. Thte fictiont con- F. 9. tee, 05, 17 II tut.'OtM, sists of at further chironiicle of the C.D.EuNUm1 E J B oo), 0. Atiantias Clib, atndta sketch the -------- ' Blessinigs of Youth by Ralph Page. SThe numbher is especiailly strong in Thescipetipriac c oflite DAis t25et fiticeverse. Fred Gatshas ant invigora- C1je~G' the cliteetar, cwith aireua ivereforei ivte lt e nietilldWandtr'ied, noneccla dy.Notitces," imce intca t t y itlepietienanditaititltin othiie mtthein tedeifoili caetionmticcble and Haroldl Iotvtitn is thte autthorotf' haned in t th ii eAIhY. ii bfoee p. n.,cc mailedt ihe edilitoief e:3pinoft hiedty it sonntet A Detad Leaf itt Spritng. CC Esyacrte c ion a b let a th ALY fitce, Speciail evtatgelistic services are 1 0 SitiiieiSubcEie icnferaifaortttiseVine liiat theChurch f ChritF reotngpoly atithlisofficet ccy ftilur e ttctnitcted by Rev. I. N. Mecashi, car ietodelie laeer. i All tii aett'in aiii ttii~ tti uite ut bli l1. E. D., of IDes Moities,Ia Th 1i S11PIIP1I'C 1 che officelbi.in.oth la pevos o lh t jbeCett for the halatteof t eek .ur~ue -- ____ar axets followts: IN CiAREcoiTcc 'iSISSEch.Tutestday ev enting, GDisinay;" i JUNltT B. WOOl). Wedniesdaty, "Chattge if lHeairt;" hrdy SrpulBpim"Fi Caps and Gotwns are Hatinq a Bici{iday, "tYountg Iceoplle Awvay froiti Sale. Hlomte;'" Sattrday, The Taher- XA iThe cilaattd goitc commitittee of tittle.'' Chart sermtoni. Services Fresfo $1Up the setniorclastts repottat large utila- cmmttence att 7:30.rcefom$5U her otf ordiers rceilvedin ithe tacto----__ lays they lhavet been tkinag inteasure- A President Wanted. tiett It looiks astough tt large A comttiittee compotisedl of Messrs. mailjority tuf the Osenioris svouldl wear Ingh~am atndhHolbrootk intl Judge the gotwnts this year. As the boys Ilahit rittth ttrlofrgtaso alre puittitng ill ordetrc, the girls osill teIw state unalversity, hsbe tnt hisetlne itt the cutomit as itt pre- i~ting the'Uttiversity with the puir-_ vitous yeatrs. bte cotmtmittee will he pose of selectitiga president cor the t _ in Rotomn C at 4 o'clock 'Thursday Ioscatitnstitttioa. Profs. Atdatis, -.-i- ;iii Fridiay of this steelk ohersestill Pattetagill atid Hutchitas were con-ut- lie ite bitt chaticetot give ordlers or' ferredl with at length, hcit it is uttnter- ,halve inteasutreinients taketi. The stood thtttn defitilte offers wtere switig-outt sill lie hleNbefore ta ue.( tttheccLEE enteveywete etetn itedt spring vaicationtitn case the orders areoftecnruinofWsbnisr itn promtiptly. aNotice.FecceeIttcteWthetcl THER INLANDPRS ANN ARBOR SPrinters, Binders, BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HENNING BLOCK STUDENTSI O UNTRtY MtOKE 01acilWorld I Itceod'ccth Wchhtc ttecc i~oa 11 cadtteiic~ccdceeeec oncc tcted ctpcctcetepecc -ccl t chto cicctc cvh fLY CHICAGO junior Class Socials. The sticial cotttmittee of the junaior class is arrianginig for aother party. Thit pairty eairlier in the year wtto givent by the boys antI was the ttsual daticitig party. The tne wthicli is iniotaitng arratigeth for will be given by the girls atid will lie somnewthat iffterenit ftrotm this ordinatry eltos patrties. T1here is some talk if hay.- inig a catrid party itisteatd of danicinig. If thtis isntcdecidedtupn iisomie other niovelty wtill lie cotisitderetd. Latler ini the yeiar, somtetitne ini May, the class still give a theattricatl per- fotrmiance. Several platys hiave beeti discussed anthd ueon e h a t prctically been decided nptoni. Dr. Dock's Lecture. Last esetitig IDr. Dock delivered the secoiid of tis series oif lectures on Malaria, before the stutletits tof the Medical Deptartment. The Iecc. tnre dwvelt wtith the parasttes asO they exist ini the hotly, their reltiotoi i the different stages of the disease and this significantce if the vtirious formis whihh have been observeil. 'Thle next lectuire still discuss the probable meastires of itifectiton and host this parasites live ocitsitde of the body, also this 'tle that this tiosquitti plays in spreading te infection of malarial diseases. This University itt Califoirnia con- templates atdoptitig the Chicago Uni- versity system of liaviing courses con- tinue throughout this year. Thtersestill he a Pup~ils recital in Friese Metitirial IHall, .Wedinesday, Marcha 22, at 4 o'cliclk. obtainedieot he haecs ATHENS THEATRE SATURDAY, MARCH 25. HS Farce Comedy HOYT success, A Parlor Match. Prices: 25c, 50c, 7cVie uu l*I. Shirts for fult dresa are of faalt- less fit-they have non-bulging bosoms-nothing finer can be produced and they coat less than cutom made. At YueFurunihe crClothier CLUETT, PEABODY (a GO. (Successors to Claet. Cosn 6 Ccl) Makers Students' Lecture Association. IRAN MACLAREN., Tuesday Evening, March 21- 1890. Tickets, 75 cents. Deserved Seats, $ 1.00. Course Tickets, $1.25. Subject: "Some Traits of Scottish Character." TsBest Chain Wheel, - $35. CRESCEN S Bevel Geared Chainless, $60. Titers is tn better saieth timade at any price. Ask Crescent riders if this is not So. Make ytuir ,electioun now on a Crescent. M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium. 119 WVest Watshliagton Street. GRANGER'S SCH00IL OF DANCING* $5.00 per Terau of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. Socisourefamousce eam I, hut *E7 EU U E EU the diffeeceeithat the colder ~~ it gets themr urccreciacemee EU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o U aEEUE UMNalwant. II~EIIE 11111 MAC WIE Bell Phoun et66 State, 194.