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March 21, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-21

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VOL. IX, No. 127.


rI ov



G. H. VVI L CO.Position Taken byj Baird and Board
ofCtro aife qStudent
Will anniounce that we havxe now At a mss meeting of the students
received or Spring and Sumimer of the University held last evening
Woolens. Or stock for the icoim- in University Hall, the stand taken
for Michigan y Manager Baird and
ing season is the largest we have ever the Bard of Control in refereice to
shown, is exclusive and confnied, in athletic relations with Chicago, was
hoth foreign and(1d(Inest ic goods, andilunaniimously ratifietd y the student
is composed ot the hst farics hsbdy.
eeyline that can he ban e Ahout 500 students were present at
ehtanedyWethe meeting. President Weinsteini
carry the largest line of Wolens in clled the assemlage to order and
the city. We invite you to call and after a rief introduction presented
inspect the Same. Prof. A. H. Pattengil,- chairman of
the Board of Control, whon addressed
G. . CO ® thue students, and soswed the exact
lpnitioniiwhich Michigaii occupied ii
6. H. VV I LI the re cetly developed situationiiini
108 u.Wntshing;ton St , Westen athletics.
Prof. Patengili regretted very
ANN Altit10it. much that the difficuly uith Chicago
1usad risen, ht said tt Michigan
-was in no pay to hlame for it. ''The
sitution lhas eei forced upon us.
W\~arran13ted. We re cniteidiingtir a piinsile-
tha t of equal rights an equpim1)vii
I elr~. iges . Our conduct hasbeeishci ticty
C lti r ni the udefensive anil nt oii the nifen-
ive. Michigan demnmds () thati
We have just received a eachsiistititioin (MichigoananitCii
fue ine of High Grade cagi) stoll iaiie the place (it painmg
Rtazora and Knives, flly i alteriate year; (2) teat the iet
warranted, and we sell themn
right too. See our window. gae receipts le equally distribiuted.
Sttigg deiiaiiss (1) that 'll giiies e
WILDES P RM& i plyed i Chicagi; (2) that Chic ag
~1bIJ~1i~ ll~R1~k~Y shoiul eceive the gratera part of
iie et receipts."
______________________________ Piii. Pattengill stated tha t thu
p(, faculty sas takiing a great iiterest ii
006HI Dda l NORh. the iatter and were iiiucth stirred up
Duing, th se.restoritiie coe'eg yea e over the iiatter. Many of the fac-
wnsr e lnceseatiallhoers, day osltywso n iever hefore toonay ii-
neghs.Faiiliieeori Pipe,, Cias, and terest in athletic iiatters, hail takeii
R. E. JOLLY & CO., specilpians t cngratnate iiii
308 S. State Street. upoin the stand takei.
Manager Baird theni gave a coma-
*pete history of the put ansi present
*athletic relations etweeii Chicagos
pa1sand Micigian. He sal that oisi the
j.e eveniiiig fFe. 2v le had a meetiig
* F E ALL iths Stagg aid offered to draw usp a
* AFTER ALL contract upopn equal termis, bit Stgg
Concerts teerpd for a date with Wiscon-
inD fo TueaksivnextdaySgaeg
hN ut etore the NWisconesii iiaiiger
Lecurs nswer ced the sffer, Baird hadulr
FOR THE SALE of ranged with himia a writteni agreeiiet
nt to play Chicao nii any other
S d ater' than equal terms.Stg aai re-
Cakifus eied to accept those teriis although
Baird asured him that in all iriia
ClisPharmacy m ility lie would elect to pay inaCli-
cag, onie year from next fall. Eveii
Lawv Books Tuesday Baird offered to iet Stagg
and try to arrange a compromise, ut
aee he secnd Semeser Stagg positively refused.
Within the last few days Stagg,
Teixt Book~s has yielded one f his points-that
lFoe all the dpurtenets. paei atraeyears, ut still
SECOND-HAND BOOKS minl~tains the right to a greater part
Baght and Ech'aged. of the receipts. Onl the strength of
Beat Linen. Paper, 15, 20 and 2se perlb. this cocession le stated in his recent
circua' to the Chicage students that
li had offered to negotiate with
'\~'TA IIpreviuesly rejected our offer to nego-
ANN ARBOR tiate aid tried to get a gains with
UpTow Down Town Wisconsin in the meantime.
Stote ~ ~ (ai St ~ .Cor~ These are the reasons why Michi.

gao sill not pliay Chicasgo this yesar. I. IDavies, XW. 13.1)avies It. W. Dan-
After Manager Baird had inishied, a forth, V. L D ay J.Ft.Dandrde, C.'.F.
lelhridgee AV.tH.tslhidge . M. de-
iiotioniiwasi5unaeniimously passoedito Pont, 4. C. Dicknsn, HMtNetses, G.
the effect that tie action of the E. Dierrnsn, B1. E'.IDolphinta A. tDraz,
Board ainu of Manager Baird heJ.1. 11 tleel tG. .I ti ske J. A. lin-
heartily eidorsedl y the studentrent, C. C. Dutch, IJ.I11 Dw it.
hod rof Pat( il thn tank . O K. Mrl, (S. B Fdtky tr. J. R.
huuy et Pitmgil leutumlelEiner, I. Elurich,,1 I. I.1 lkun, A. (G.
the stumdemts for their sumport iii the Elick, T. Emioure, J.1.O. Fmersn, t.I.
miater. Emummons, P. H. Erison, I. E.BEers-
Athletic Association Roster. P. P. Furham, 11. C. Federon, J.
F.Femderen, P. H. Felker, C. (G. Ferris,
As the tiime fr tie anua esieietiimmeAV.T. Fishleigh, 1. .Fier, Keene
aut ehctise it heeAtheti 's.~FitztpatrickN. A Forward, -ord,
and leci,,nof he Ahlei Assoa- VVS ImFoster,X. E. 'mster, VV. Fox, h.
tionm is nemare,se pmuhlishu the nasmeus sit V. Freemaiun, E. 1. reemuan, Prof. . C.
the minsmberhesNonewhsxe nau meso1'reer JB Fsieth, 1.3ti.riend C.1)
arie int suostheeticasurimeiis bioks Fmrsole
sill he asloweesto vote.t the elec- hiGag, L F.iGandy,'HItVV.(arer
son, I.IGrer A.XXV.,Gardeeer Ft
timee Anyvwhimoseaeess have ibeenii iamdnee iR. 1. reem1V, S.'GihetF
osmistted sr are mit comret tseethe Ifsit L( itet FAeilIXXW(eGlmer, .1
loswinghest should correct theesame . Goeoudy er, H . rt. .tGo man,
by shersotpp in sipotalhim C CAdams, 'I'M GudIT.I C ruummihs1V Cra dle
J. I rahmasIH . X(ms i V ry
migmme'Phi House.e Wheenimak imen sng i( e h nae h
corrmuetions state (I) Tle neus ofsh re(mening
meembuership ticket (2) Name.se(3) .Nh. C. HartmansR. M Ha XXIV. urn
Deparistmenet.(4) Chsshuburer I. C. HannnMisos I'pbhele
liememeshipeofutthee 'ssciationmiFHare H Fansins 1IT.D.Hteisg
is then years larger thesesit his exter5Hamiton.E. }lParinmegI XX llHst-
bseen snce it ogiza~.t isn lamehiss i bhumg, HI . His, }arrI isems. M.1
givens a tabhuslateelstateement by de HavertyIFH.X IV.Ry sIt. Vt Itnsohuse
r tnmets accordhieng touthe enereolh ls.uld l P 1 herC. ns erItIl" tH .
ment s folows:H. HrigJ HIlecemmesL illlecor G
Literary.. '9 ...... i.....6 ( ilgey-- Ilmhad s. SHll J It
1900.................60 HFitschueommli.XVVIHicks, GtD15Misltsa
1901...............72 tE.aHolbrkXmA. EV Hlmtosb.huCh B
l~aw...... 9 ~H37 o, .M.isen.eWg LortonsMeHA.gh.
I 0 ................78. 86toIt. HornIIingey aL11IH.uHolet, . S
1903... J................3X7lucusK N Isle I ('lset
1901al...................3.. 14051W.IHah, . KM.I ulsR.Cuin. X.
Medca . .. . ....... '' ...' ..... h4sJhnsonIProt. Johnson S hiJohnon,
Hit eh o ..... ............. 13.1ens N K o, I.I
Fhuty op.ath.... .................. 2 ow .Kent ... ..133 1 13 HKa u teaneH.13.Kiotr, . I.
High Keth,L5)J.Keen~massnerWXVKent, M.kTC
HihToh................,..... ~0 Kojeur I ngt,1.B
C.haamsica B.....A....d.r... I. AlbeKlhiin. CN KrneyPe.e ig .C
neL.Alhick... An.m.... an...1.I Kifg n Xi . iteleyuE.uKed),L.H
AldrichOW.KJrcAllenor. W. Anderson,_C.
C.ta B .....derson, ...1.... de 5es 3 1.leer,)02OrH.eKniarhtill.he
An . drew ,. A aeR B . Armstronlia,,II'A.Fridaas. chik i
Arhuck. lL Anldck 0.C. B.eranFH. ecteulubei Cnite.
MAlric ,. i.J. Atwood, F.K . yer LssesC, ee- sese- -__ iatsim
XX . A drsnAv .AdeyK.e rist. , aR. eThatere0 stilal e ssar ightltie'
F.ndreBacon H.HBAnnsong, .(3.saapeltesseon ride saay, husit4 s ctkinm
Abcle B. Barry, ol.1S. .alu i, E
M.lAda,H. . KBAer, . .hAsyer, IIsitoheeCisssheeepr msesent hdiaetin
0..BAvsr, H.at. Aesrilst . Brhsr ethamc hercmildatenoMisshLees'
C. C. Barker. no, 1J .arreta.daSeositons on hLesiaf soMtsfacs
R EttarF'. . S.hBeldwin13..XV . otu-f arth eclssI iavem biA.n.dFutier
eldr, C.BirE. kC, . BRhoaleknew
O. Barhe, . . Bant. Barutt naCedc1sgs aniaxtes:.Musis Ee;
C.l.eath kerI. M.ntBar.renA.nnA. BehofeLanuig, Ae srs F'ances
13.ett F. I SennetcheWleneBett. Batch' 11rusesrBndHlav; JseA.H.eFowere,
enettC.Br, P. P . Benn t holAomewuc, .5kscago;LAlaeelliG. May, EBuy
C.th 13 . entey, t,.. . 1). enjm A.BoohlllnnAbo;EyL
Belnap, 1Besimee 13J l~muhelh (s. Cty; AG.Brouswee, Ba.C City, asd
C. Boynton,1. F. Bishop H. I_ BisopXWm.eA Beeocter, Detrsoi.
F. 3. Blair, 1. (O.Ilundeema,If. 1. 1Freshmeneesbasebalsl, also, wll be
Binzell, N.. V. Bckel, Di.lBgeow, C miveis seeds-off at thee imeetisg, as
W. Brooks, A. D. Bookfield, , I.
Biradener, IF. L. Brown,-lBrsewn. E. Al, Maneger Chaus. Bairdl hums cnsseetedh
Blrown, Miss B..lBrowun,A. W Brom- to sealk 5isthee class. Moeey fsr
hall, C. Bush, V. E. Bush, 1.1).Hrstie allfreshensifoothall swetaers is
IH. B. Bluster, MXis A G. Burdssh IJ.)lbeene raised siwselas for jerseys for
Bush, L. Butzel B.tG.Iuttertie::, .thin tack teesee.
Btler, G. G.iBurns, P E Iur se, ______A._
Bly . Cai, H. P. CarrowlDe.IF.I11.,sar Mohawk Club Banquet.
A.w Cape. A apblFtH.( amdy I'. Fsor thee hove occasionesthee Asse
A.CamblMs.CamdJ.rtwright, . V. Case XV FCas,Arbosr iRailroadl sill sell excursioss
X. Charles, Jr., V.N( aeC. F. tickets tis Detroit and retursi at one
Chase, X. . fluamnberlainesEL II fare fsr thee onsd trip for all trinsm
Chaney, H. C. Churchman, B W.5Ctill-
law. N. B. Cole, V I1.iClaytonI1. N. er March 25 anth for meorsisg trinsm
Clark, C. C. Ceverdon, E. S (-p tefr Mearh 30. Return litsnit March il.
S. Coburn, W. A. 5 omstock, S. I.
Conger, I. H. Coon F. A CuiunnX. All Minstrel Men.
Cuwie, C. F. Crowthers, 11.A 5 naeree,
A. X. Cook, AV. L Cooper F. t esey, Meetng of All Mistrel Mess
T. Cooey, S. P. Cobh, HK. Cr ist, A. XWeshnesday evesisg, at 4 p me n Cr v eLe ah 1-,T ,ok I .4 n rbrSvnsBn
H1. Daniels, E. A. Davis, hi tGI)DasonBuilsisg. Mess in all parts are re-
A. L. Davis, C. P Davis C B.Davs, B. quested to be present.

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