4 4 THE UTNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY I The. New Werner Edition -, ALPINE HAT SALE, All Shades for 1899 Now In. Ency lopw ia -Call and see them! $3 Hats for $2. EnyDp~i . A. TX R& SN K rltann ica. IntorGoI1eaiate BUMoau01 RW D06SIC I GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBAsNY . The Best Reference Library for the Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rened. Als Class Canes, lass Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address Home, the Office, the Library. i.c IIN str.Me s heg Nearly six feet of priuifed inattel W E K EEP U P FT0 D AT1E. (Each volume is 11 in. long; 9 in.Every rib in or bain is beisig repainted and varnished wide; abiiiit 221-isncies thick, and for spring trasde. weighs ahost 5 pounds.) HOLd~IES' L.IVERY, Canl it all go into your hieath? Not TELEfOiONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY. likely l Bolter have the work itself Canopy furnished foi panrties. r JOS. W, KOLLAUF, THE- IAI4OR, 2t4 East WashingtonSt5., near 5ths Ave ANN ARBOR. W.J. OsOTIIrs. STAT W. AROLD,14ivics noes SfT~ J. StWALT dV.Ci(a~sJH.C. WVeLTs, Asoabthii 1SAVINGS BAINK Transacts a general Banking businiess. to refer to whensini doubt. The entire set of Thirty. Siiperbi Octavo Voluniies delivereid upis py- ment of $1.00. QIJu411AM L(PI'f i LAM PS OR STUDENTS, We call attention to or complete line of C enter D~raft Nickel Plated Lamps, rangiiig in price from 75c to $2.50 each.IThesseILsnps are oftIhe latest soil most inproved patterns and makes. Incliiding "The New lkoliester," "The Yale," 'Ths Royal," 11'The lenlin Studeiit Lamp, ""The Yerfection Student Lamp" It you want the heat Lamp for the Least Monaey come aiid see us Old Number: 44ANN.MAIN ST., DE N 6CO ANARBOR, MICH. D A 0 ~I I LIII~ ~Ian Maclaren in America. Prof. Weiiliey's ar ticle ill Kipliiig, University Booksellers, "Ian AMaclaresi" (Rev. J. N. Wat- the poet, whlicih appears in the Mfarch sisi no ii)ria 01is71 cndIssloisdcr, to he pit in sle tiiiiiirrow, AGENTS, sni nAeia hsscn is oiie of the strongest whiich has yet 320 Southl State Street. Aiserican tour. He seas here fromt appeaired ini i thai laper.IPsof . Weii- ____________________________Oct. to Dee. 12, 189t6, and achieved ley is a well kniowneiiplititadmiirer, ,-T.* the msost phenomenal success of shly aiid iii this airticle sets torth mts STiU IJE I 10 S author, reader, anid lecturer thaet has clearly the osigin aiii develiipint PATRONIZE STUDENTS ever visited Aimeriea. Thi press iii modern liter ary teiiiencies, endiiig with a miastieily apireciationl of the If YOU Do Not, WhT~y Not? unlited in a voluise of praise such as "wvinderful striplitig." We ia gse oa i~Q~\Ciis t ~ but few men evet receive. the regiiiarprices.ihfns. The otlier day lie visited Neiv What Happened to Parkner? New'Pase. 441. 202 S. State St. Haven where lie deliuxcued thie Isie 'The laught farce comeidy, "Wliai Student's Laundry Association,. lectures on Preachiiig in tlie Lymaii happened ti Parker,"will he giveni Sm. Vaght, '991Lit. Sm. R. Fes. '55 Law. Beechler course iii Yale Collegeliu tw teAon 'hetrTesyees TRIA OR ER ears igo. While thieie, Ranidall, ing. The plaiy is given uiiier the A TR AL RDE . ilios .n 5aler issii ee1 knicsliidirection of Rev. Fr. Kelly for the Ann Arbiir, secured his phiitiigr'aphibeniefit of tie liew church. Th'le Tbat is all I asic for aiid autograph whiiheli y niiow be play is given by city aiid University may Laniadry Ageney. seen in the windois on W~asliugtiin talenit anid will be well presented. P. C. ME YE R, St. ''