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March 20, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-20

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L of " "t Chicago Presents Its Case.
( " , I#j " ameplilets have beent circulatedi
Published Daily (Sundaysexcepted) during the amongthe l stuidenits of the Uriier-
Coilege year, at city (of Chll(iooutliinig Clticagt"s
THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. hiveSta nte ueiseete.-Mih thi
qreesca: The inlaid Cie, iening Block. NViseonisinanIiil liniois--ini oider that
Beth Phones l147ii tie tletits 1et vbe futitlorni
MAINAGING0 EI)LT5Olt, . as to the micrits of tile rose aind kinow
F. anELi~AoiDi'01 L. the tiroons' silteof the qulestioni.
BUSINESS MANAGER. Thie pattIph let recites the utiniatiiis
0.13I.manS, 'on L. givein out by tile state universities
EI)TORSt. ath leii gives Chiciago'e propotion bs.
Athletic SEiter, T. Ri. Weecioe, 'SO L. The pamophltet Soys Clileaoewouild
P. W. JONES, '99, A.Hi. MtDttrtAt,,'51 E, have beeni iilling to is lcutss the it-
F. D. SossNa, 'OS. C. Hi. Leeti 'OS O, ter lwithI the three state seitoitts anid
G. D.tIeIUNtte.'St IE. J. it. Setttti.'0t. -lt ietlettteb ttii t
leit setliSanid rllliljrltlses, btit that
Trheetubseeietipitte o tet AIt' i s e250t tore tas tiirelatenledif it ditinottagree tto
the eollege"yetrewthttairetlar ie literefortte ethe tellisilaiil dotwt, Imade it itCees-
noneatci tiy. Noticesecmmeicai~itisand
handedi lt th1 nIL ot ttlbefhotec 8 p m., otie
msailedto lthlietditortefotttre 35pit.ttftttht tay (oties of the lagreemienlt ithiltMiel
preeeioas to thattiltwhichithhiee exptcteto iigail fiw'gullies atre i llded iiinlet
Susrpin at beletllat lie DALofficutte, I tt Mieh~igun's cimtts regtrdtilii'h
Meyee'e, or Stoillet ,-niwstndtlotiewith iltt imes 1 f h
astagee. Subscriersilee latonf~e aifaoreebis illaitiltside t heiquestion tiat) be
reeportin peiromptly at this stilts otny ftilure iiof tinderstooed. Thle pnut Mieliganti wls
eaeeiereslto delive iaper.
Altlchanges inadveteiingetmatte et tie in tol pay for gratntdlsttands is showint tatd
the office Iby a p. i. ion the tay leetiott o iitht
on wehichi they ane i iit e. ,tile agreemlentls for future gaiitis, ii
Ia ianitane iitot s I-iplaiiyedl sit Marshlli Fielid. Ftl lue-
P.WJE. in lg tire tte lropsiitins Clhicttgotsub-
_______________________________________ttitteit for etetrngaites:
Whist 8cores. tA guairanttee ilarge entttugih tt sit.
The seconid preliminaitries in tite set tie hiss oiceasionued by pilayitng
tourntamtent were playetd at thelat uttilsidte of Ciciagot,otitiat twti gttites
regular mneetitng. Thue tnws pairs be tarrangeri, antd that thte stamte gilar.
hiigest Eaist atnd West andt the twitanttie'siteetiter ltarge tue smatll, giaent
Iighteat Noirtih and Soutth iteltiesntest tS Ciciago, be acepeiteti by the sthte
in the semi-finals. Sctres: uitve'rsities whtentihte rettirn gainie is
EAST AND WEST.l platyedtiniiChtigio. Tot pity wit
Murritl and isher.....242 + 8 2 53equalt divisioni of lteitet receipits fur
Smith and landetbauto.35 -- t 2.5 ganies ouit-itte- of Ciciagot woutltdbe
Paut and Kesay.....233 - 3-5 tot cttuse Ciietgii ti large relaitive toot,
Babeoek anti Robinson.23 -- 2 3 .>11-111 etxplattiontiit of this pioitioni it
Raver ttnd Burtt-tt......227 -- 63Aeag,23 -.shouttldibe tddtedtititotthe athletics tif
NuRTH ANOU oTHi. theiivit ersity of Chiciatgodepseild
Overamith and Iieistie....2_29 -+ fis(le uir stupiottlenetirely tuponitthe
Ellsworth and Russel...222 + 335gaite rereipts, tatd that Chiiagit tas
Larned and Bleardstey...221 - 2-utilot yet any 'btuty of tatutmni to whtomt
Mlarshiall and Phillipson. tO 18-- 33 5aailati et e t oite imaitke tip lisses.
Lowe and Flanaburg.t.27 -- 4 2-5 st itee ffiettettliitti
Average, 22t 2.5.Asamteoffc;teoalioe
--is ntever suftibcienit tot close tite fisctil
More Baseball Games A Dual Meet yeatr awittitit a deficit. In thes light
With Cornell. if theise fairts it is evient thatt tit
Northwestern has titfered to tke takeinety step) restultinig ill a lesseniing
taco of the dates left opeit by tile if receipts aetild i be tothaicapetitii htt-
eatteellitig of the Chtictigit gaies. If' ltes it the Untiversity tif Citictigo.
their otter is acceipted, oni April 18i NVheni athletics ateme iitteIrmly esttit-
we wiltlIotay' Northwtesternt at Evan it lei, aini dien the Untiversity of
aton anasd ottMtay 27 we ethitpl'yChicatgo, like tther itistittions, tils
them a return gamte at Attn Arbor. ti b6tty oftatumi to ti halmttiapptieatl
May 3 the Untiversity of Indeianta cant ie totite fortaiti, the else trill be
wanits to play us agatnie at Atni Ar- radictally different.'

-If You Wear
- Golf Breeches
You cati get the latest ideas
froma our stsce. Just look in
fyott will seethti--- .also a itand-
somei display of 'Top Coats anti
.Iermisliitt s.
GOLF HOSE Noble's Star Clothing House,
Everything That's New. 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET.
R= = & z OI-T
tI'PORTERSh Ani MAlleATa tiRuts or
MICRIOSC'OP'IC FIN IDUNGS. Ileaslstssarterts r all Lsbssra-"
tory Ssuptlies
11o S. Male Street. Ann Aroor, Mich,

The narget a o.tctenttloiantiesint tecity,
mtade htnurly.Ocitlers setveodiin antynty10.



KIMDLIPittK hN Pil11 Tt
lHuras St. EastafF. andM.Bask. Ann 1?

Arhoe, Mich

Students' Lecture Association.
Tuesd3y Evening, March 21, 1899.

bor, antd their request trill prohbby
he granted. Cornell is wltintg t
senud a trark team tot Anni Arboir at
the Osme tiee thatt they ply thec
basebuall game, Jtue 164. This titfer
wcill he cotnsidered toy the Athletic
Btoard befture beig accepted.
Handball Doubles.
In the seifinials ii in aibtui
dsubles Stitutrday miorninig, Watli b
aitd Noordtwier weon fito'm Jordan
anid Ryani in tawo gautmes struighit;
Adamis antl d MNeal wnon from Nitt's
and Foraward iii tarS gaames straiubgt.
'The above tars whinitig tearis anwi
play next Saturdtay ititriig at 1:31'
o'clock to deride the 'Variiy chant-
pionishtip in doubles.
The preiminiaries in the depart-
intllahaal dubles trill alsot he
played next sweek. The drawinigs
will he atnnostnced later.
Pedagogical Society.
Prof. Scott will address the Peda-
gogical Society, lhis eveiig,
Marcch 20, at 7 o'clock, Roomiti4,
Tappan Hall SubjectEtiglisht
Coimpositioun and khetericats in the
high schools.

Tonight at the Athens Theatre. '
Roubert Ingersuolt of wosrlawile Tickets, 75 cenlts. lIeservedl Seats, $ 1.00.
ftame trill lie heturdt at the Athiens
'hettre tonightit ites tetreuti Course Tickets, $ 1.15.
"Tehe Devil.'' This subjert is tule
awthih tallotas Mi'. Iugersuoll to elabir-iubjec:''1Some T raits of ScottishChrce.
ate Itis viewts otilt igionui th ei' ujc haatr'
fututre life aunti is stid tot he 'utplete
wthl awit, sorcausnduti Chain $35.th
tseh its til iiiilte oraoru tialp s GREBest C Whe 1el, - $5
ai.rs fur whirit Mi. Itgersolthisnted. evlGaedCanes,$0
'Itie lccitirestiltl begiat SS ticlk R S EaT BvlGae hlls,$0
Prires 50) 75 anld $1.'T'heure is n ehttter teetlmahdie at lilt' prire. Askt Crescetit ridet's
--if this is Dot so. 11"uheyoutr vtelctit lutew itn tiCrescent.
M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
IATHENS THEATRE 111)__WestWitshiligtoll___ treet._
COl. Robert G. $500 per 'terma of 12 Weeks.
JIGiERSOLL Private Lessono by Appintment. Helt 'Phone 246.
In Paitenut Leather Shoses for Spriing, is this Englisht Flat
-i./ Z Last.W'e thave thuemutinilButtona atud Luice. If 300uscant
Price: S~c 75c nd $1to be sturcessftut, loouk sucesefal andu wear ourr shoes.
Prices:_____________1._ ii IL: SIIHOE STORE, -- xkAAn Ar

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