THE N IYVE1SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HJIP 1 QDAKNh THE NEZW TAILOR, ""-~--"--~'-"'X'"" 9 110 Ei. Washington St. __...+.+.+..+.+..++4...+++++4444444+44+++44++4444+.44+444+444444444++44444444444444444444444444..+ MIG~HI:aRNGNTRfL CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express ........347 P . N. Y. & Boston Special .......4.58 Fast Eastern ..............9543" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. K Detrit Night Express........ 5 55" Gran Ra 1'pids Express .......11 10 Mail &Express ...... ......8 40 A. M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago .........9i East Western Express........ 1 38 P. bi. G. R. &Kal. Express..........5 45" Chicago Nlght Express .........943 Pacific Express.............12 20 A. M. 0. . R IUGGLtES, H.1. HAYE4, G. P. & T. At, Chicagn. Ag't Asn Arbnr TIME TABLE Taking Effent, Nnv. 20, 1898. Trains coavn Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard tine. NORITH SOUTH 8:43A. 05 ,:25A- M. * 12:40 P.n. 11:25 . 1:56 . M. 1840P. M. lion betaeen Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILM)OE, Agent. W. 11. bENNETT. G0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. In. U. of M. cnr leaven City Hall, Detroit, every night tfter Theater. Special ti. of M. cars for ll extra ones- sin.Baggage. expressanod Students' A~Jfl ~"~"' NO NEED CORRECT ,ST L HGETo snid to the manufieturern w AND AILO INC.a ST LISHyou can obtnin a genuine Washb rn uMandolin or We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and W s unGia equal any itn the State. IRiheein i Anni Arbor, We respectfully solicit your valued patrounage. At the All garmeiits made by us5 kept pressed and iii repair for SHAEBEBLE MUSIC STORE one year. No. 114 WV. Liberty St. --Li V -. -- . o 106 E. Hur-on. New State Phione 43.U CALENDAR. Satulrday, March 18-' Varsity Ill- door Meet in the Gymnlasiumi, after. 00011niiid eveninig. Mondaly, March 20--Prof. Scoff before Pedaigogicall Society till"Rhiet- uric iii the High School." Tulestday, March 21-Tan MacI roii in S. L. A. Coorse. Fridaiy, Marcli 31.- Siiphiioiore flop at Graiiger's. Monday, April 3-Michigan vs. 'Toledo Leagiue, at Regenit's Fielid. Wednesiday, April 5-1A Night Off" by Unliversity Comiedy Cluiblit Athieiis 't'heaitre. Saiturday, A pril 8-Sousa's Baiii in University fll. Friilay, April 14-(Evenling) Easter Recese beginls. The March Intfader, solilli is to appeair Monlday, bids fair toi be one1 of the iiost inlterestinlgiif the yeiar. Besiiics the Kipling article by Prof. Wenley, there will be i tIrea~tmenot of sttiieiit life in Rossian by IDr. Gomi- berg, settinig forth the pilt playedl by the stuldenits 11inlieiililistic movemen101ts. Pedagogical Soclet t. Prof. Scott will aiddress, the Peda-1 gogicall Socioty, Mondlny evenling, Mairchi 20, at 7 o'clock, lRoomi 4, TaplpanlHll. Sobject, Englisli tComoisitiou anidhietoricals ill the b ighischiotils. 1 Join classes at Graniger's School of Danlcinlg. $3 fromnio1w unltil seson~I closes, Mlay 1. Onie feels like btuyinig Mando~linis E A id atidlGitars whlethier lie needs 11n10 ir FOR RENT-A singlo room switlilnt 1011011lie caii obtainl theml at such all molderni conivenienlces at 439 5. vunhleard of lust prices (of the Anni Divisiiiu St. Arbiir Music Co. nupplien received and delivered. Wait- ___ _ in rooms, corner of Ann and Mlain . iReut sh ert the 11v hct rnhb'r* treetn, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, EJ~p EJ Detroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited.- ,svneennnnnnnnsrn nnvsnssnA MZ7r7 7TTT7ILZZZ ZZZZT7ZZ"C'ZIIISRZZiZZ~ZZZZZZLZZ: agnificent new fant trainn via the Ni Z7T777TTZio'F ynnnnnennnnoenn lZnSnnLnSIZZInsnnom nuns, noZ277I27Z~IZ1^ Wabash, with free reclining chair cnrn; Wagner sleeping cars, puascetoaiches, , a i a and famous dioing cars," Going east this train leives Detroit it J / Pu i ai o e Q% . 8:25 p. m. arrives NeivYirk' :10 p. 01. NT (Idoing ivest, this train leaivensbMilainit =' 8:1)7 a. n., arrives Chicag~o 29.41p.m.,Si. " (INCORPORATED)I Louis 1:52 p. m'. Kannas ICity 7:I5 a. m. p-p The Wabash io a good r od.tOne9 trial will convince you. If vou contem- 7 plate niaking, a trip to New Yore t o toI California, or to any point in Misourii Kansas, lexais, or Colorido, and will W M N Sw glad to give you any infoirmation. ARE ______________1 F. A. PAoLMnna A. G P. A. Chicago. MAKING SHAPED HG C. R. CRANEG. P. &T. A. St. LouMom 'doASTS R. S. GuEn o0ono.1N1. P. A. Clices, LAT Ohio Central Lines m THEDIRCLINETO The Newest All Kinds $35o Calumbui~s, MAtid port, and : Fashions One Price $ n 0 Charlestons, W. Va. N Columbus trains use Lake Shsre Union N Station at Toledo. Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. ai Throtighi trains with Sleepisig and H Drawiiig Room oars fromn Detroit 1p A T 1IUO T E T aiid '1'oleilo.noE S HU O ST E . MOULTON HOUE, Genersl Pnssenger Agt. Ri 'wsnn nnn a RZ xzzz~rT7i7Z ZXZZIH SS3ih1 ZZf IM, MARTINI, FUNERAL DIRECTOR mhalming a speclialty. No. 209 5. 4th yve. Ambulance night iaid day. lRes- Jence 302 Fifth Aoe. Wmr. Arnold, Leading GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Stale Sturet OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 112 Weat Huron St. State PoRnen 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorki, Chicagn. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official utfitters to all the le'ading colleges scoolbs and athlevtic clnbsofe the country. The Spalding, Bicyc, r iden, by the Intecollegie AAA. A. hampions.and all tlhe leading o liege ridrs. Every Rlequi- ite for1 Base BBll, 1oo1 Ball, 1ol)1; Tennis, Athletics, Gm10 im Mpalding's Official League Ball Is th~e offiiial all of the Nati,, al League adall th~e leadieu college asociastions. llaudson, e tCatalogue oif Atletic por Free to any a ddress. Spalding's Officia Blase Ball Gunide for 189 March 00. 10 Centis. A. 10. SPALDING & BROS., Non' Ynrk, Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only Tine Havinsg Union, iepot0s in Bonth Toildoand Cnolns. NO TRIANSFERIS TO Ai1Y POINT. 3 oi'F"'ilkhs Between 11 3 Hor Abve Cities. Rates always the lowent and accsm- modations the bent. For particulars call on local agents, or addrens L. W. LAN lMlAN, Gen'l Trav. Agt., 6)7 Woovdward aye., Dletroit, ich, WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.