2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Of 4 1+Ian Malaren at Yale. * When Rev. John Watson visited Puhlished Daily (Suasexeccepted) doriog tht New Haven, Randall, whose Art Collegecyeor.aa gallery is so well known here in Ann THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Arbor, scured his photsgraph and tee 'e: The inlaned PreossOlHcecing Block. antograph wohich mcay now be seen Both P'hoe 147 in the windosw on Washingtson St. MANAGING EDITOR. "'His Scotch brogue is as broad as F.EELIA,ccc'01lL. his shoulders" was the expression BUSINESS MANAGER. used by Mr. Bemoent in speaking of cc.iH. HNS, '0o00L. the interview, of the distinguished EDITORS. Scotchutan with Mr. Rantdall. We Athletic Editor,,T'. u. woocecoso, '0. may well expect a rare treat wheno P. W. JONEo, '9, A. H0. McDOeoc 0..'01 E. this most prominent author and F. n. EMAN , 'N0, c.'. 00.UNoD, '00 M, preachcer visits Annc Arbor next G.nD. I1eec ce . '01 E. J. B. woos. 100. Tcceseay evening. His subject still be "'SoeuceTraits of Scotish Clhar- ccter.'' He limoself scys, "I never Thesbesceiptio priceote AILYnise o00 for 050selanuscript, cithcer illsermconos or the college yeae, with aleguelaeredelierey lbefore lectures, nless it is to reactSte- noach day. eeeccNotie, ccoceecuicttoco cond othcer mcettee ictenedefoIre leeblicaetione inest lee ttittgthere is 1111use tooitonittiotg hancede ce incte DAIoic etefr e 8p.sicn,or c teoecoy mietoteelhe eitorefee 3peein. tOof theedyt lll~y peeviousetetcc on hechheyeaeet cexpeected lee XXWhatever cf adomiraticon Dr. yneeleoeeie iceeeey lee eellftttenDAILY office, \Vatsonie S work olay have 5gaintedl 11 Maeyeer', rStoilet' eeiheec c orll withefuenes s eytits side the .At.lntc, 1 ieersonlt Maae.Sbcieswl ofrafvrb eporetineglperomeltly ateeisfce l an. y failueoeelas learned on his lprevieos visit to carrieresleoedeliveepaper. All chanceges incadertieesinge emateetet muttlee ice America in the full of 1896,se50n all thewhichetey ap. te ot tpper tacece othe dditicon to it wheilcholy eye aond ear to~teotocoe~teoe'couldi accomplllish. A. n. EcOL'GALL. IF You FAIL To find it anywhere else, try as .... J. J Quarry, Campas Drag Store. THEs I INLANDPRS ' ANN ARBOR SPrinters, Binders, BLANK-BOOK MAKERSt HlENN0BLOCK Prof. Coolety Before The Engineer- iug Society. A faeo sized acdienoce cmpoedl ciefly cif engceerecs listeoee to e a cory ioteretng lecturcedeleilveredhey IProf'. M. E. Cooley eolflte En'gieeoicog D)cearttment, nco omeeice10 eel thce EnlgeineeringeeBilding.ll ie. sueject efel lelectttoe wsO ThO'le Eninteer ioc cold ot ot colege,'' 'cocit ceotainced somelc'very goodt adviece-, botic teethce stuecnttwhiile into tllege fittiocg iml- self for his life's professieoc, acedaleo seoee of thce difficulties thttplresenlt thccecselves to tlee college-breden ogi- nieesswcen he first stairts ouct ioc life. Freshman Glee Club. 'lie folloswiocg ocenccave beenc put occ lice Freshcmacn Glee Cluob as a re- sult of the receoct trial of voices: Snowe, Widocaoc, M~ayoe, Gardnoer, Xoreeelo, Strassbucrg, Emocersonc, Cooli- ey, 'Thurnceacu, Bossn, Bridle, Sitle Broiciclt, Blidwssell, Stuotcart aocd CIaoipbell. 'rie officers are: Secre- tary, 0. J. Camcpbell; manager, Hiar- ry Keron. Thce clccbstill hctve ac- ture' takeno at Raotdall's, at 10;3d0 a. oc., Stucdacy. Cotrrespoocdent Lear, elf tile Evecn- ing !Newso, writincg froom Remedios, Cucba, sin's: Qtuite a ccumccler of Cubancs icere are goaduates of sooce of flee best clleges ioc ticsUncitecd Stiltes oaqceucn Vargccs, Genc. Cacrillol ancd Liois Alfaya clltattecctedethte U. of M. t AcccArbor for severacl years, acod oticer colleges for differ. ent periocds. Senoer Vargacs sacys thce Spanoiards collected enoulghlc etcy froci the residetcts of thcis city to ipave its streets ino gold. An Alumnus Honored. Ray Hedrick, '96, crecently lie- livered an origiocal papter befoere tice Mlathcemcatical Society ill Noe York City. He is ncow attcecdinlg Harvard whlere he .leoldts c scolarsiillic graduate researchc. Mr. Hedrichc brouglit hconor to himcself ancd to Michigan by wincnincg thcis conolr ioc comcpetition wsith 15 othcer meoc all of whcomc were Harvacrd graduates. I Ccl. Robt. G. Incgerscoll sill lectocre in tice Athcencs Theatre Moocday oighct on "Tice Devil." Tics fatme of "Bob" is so swidespread thcat thcis, his neswest lectuore, still no doubt attract widds attention, and a large audience is expected. Thce intercollecgiate d1(1)ate betsveeoc flee IowasccandclWiscocoloc stacte cociver- sities sill take placcc nMilswccckee', Macrc 31. The qucestciocnswcic has bleenc chosenc is:JResolecl''eat thec compctetitive freiglit ecrncings shcceuld lee legalized uonder sucperviseoc of thce Initecr-stacteCcocmcecrce Coccmcissiocc. Wiscoensino eocthec negaItivc side of thce question. W. L. Miggett, sslco tas given the "Sicegle Tax problercc' yedrs of. care- fol study, still discuss ticat subject icc ''its mcoral aced fiocaocialI effects oploc thce comccmunoity, shlcdc it be adopted," befolre thce tusiocess Meo's Cltcss, atthfle Ceogregatieonal ecurchc, Sunoday, Marcdc 19, iiccmedatelsy after flee cmorning's service. Elmer D. Lylon, '97 E., ltte of thce Detroit Dry Doick Eongioce Wcorks. is nose employed by thce Aomericaon Blcero Comcpancs of Detroit. ATHENS THEATRE TO NIGHT Waite Comic Opera COMPANY " Said Pasha." Puraces. 10, 20, .10 aid. 50c. " ~PAUL JONES." Matinee Prices-O 1 2(0cts. COLLEGE STUDENTS 9 (>COUNTRYI SoMOKE P'rices from $15 Up. 4 i Best C ,LE ce eeereee're invi eted to s ed frehWashtternSouveeir Cata1og. It contains cealyeSooeotraitct soo tsanddcollegians, btedes givineg some account ofete conte oneo hburneintrents and acompilett oetpices. Firctlasse ii7-co 0-aee.. tieevoeld oercesell Washb m 00 or nttuen ts cc h.c obtaineddfrom theemakers Students' Lecture Association. IAN MACLAREN.9 TuedayEvening, March 2,19 Tickets, 75 cents. Reserved Seats, $1.00. Course Tickets, X1.25. Subject: "Some Traits of Scottish Character." 1899 Crescents M. ST A EBLE R'S $35.00 Crescent Bevel Gear Chaion-$00 Cycle Emporium, Juveoniles, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., All fitted with Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 per Teriti of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lesaons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 24.6. Id So itouonefamsttoIce tCreamn, hut the dtffereence tis that the colder it gets the moe of ouercooeam yon waat. MAC WHITE, It'sPrety Co110 S. MAIN ST. Sell Phone, 160; Stale, 094. Shirts for full dresa ire of fault- lest fit-they have non-bulging bosom-nothing finer can be produced and they cost leis thau customn made. At Your Furnisher ocr Clothier GLEJETT. PEABODY 6 CO.I (Sucesesoru to Claett, Coon Co Co.) Makers