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March 18, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-18

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u Oof 9.
CARMODY FIRST. INDOOR MEET. Tme Sid Millard A13 Groes-
G. . W L C .ThsbckJ I llr-1beh
yY Wins Oratorical Contest in a Close Will be Held Tihis Aternoon and A1IXiclllriII. BIPottr
Race. i~Clrtk o us e-11 Char tleIigl
ERiengtel- man; - iit LM Lrner, Joe
Will annouoce that we have now LT EUETEFRTTtE A list of the ettiesfthetWaV r ilrsley fIarod ELniosos
r TSsC~rTHz.I~r HREsit)-mteet this ateriioont 'tod eveing heoreris Stnisih-tBckus, Carl
receivedl sur Spring andt iSuiimmter PLACES. are giveolelw. Thelisit is oiiistt Gi-eo, F\W. Pter
WVooleos. Oar stork for the intconit- MI 13. Cirmtody last ight wte taell lrge andllcopiss tie est Judge o wainig-Dr. hlbetige.
ill'esn stelags e aeee annual ioltoricllcontes t. 1110atiletes i colege l Ellh evetitwilJi g fll1' b 1Ioxig-D.Nncrede,
silowni, is excluive and1(conin~ed, inlwinnewee very close for fist, bit be hotly coitested.iBeeel[lFittik.
both foreignand111 iomestic goods, sod led tile rest by a good itargaii. The Te wrestling, boxng -ad fecing Ref erofbsxig-Dr R-bethg.
iscmoe fthe bet fbisi rmivgcotsat ere very croe.bots cotoersee at 3 ociock siart.it dgie ofi isresti ug-I)c lt-betlge.
every linte thiatcatllbeibtaitned. We As hals ltsuailly iteitthe rase,te Silveer itedltstwiiilie.tgiettto tie Suaad i ad
otscurirnig first in deivry wt,ti twinnters of ec ltaissa.n isHn
carry tite largest liine o Woolots ite cotest. The ioxitg events wilitbete hoott lirogh te (fors ol tiit Won-
thle ily. We invite yoiu to catlltni Ex Regent Levi L. Barboiur pre- ever seentini the gyttt.-an' Letite Sost 13a114d is agint
inisipet theilsamie. sisetd. Tle jsdgeosinthoght aiil Hicks tierflsIit a ricsbenicui sred antd itill g1iveiagliid
chiipiositioniiere on. itLevi L Ba-cmiet owil siar it od iiis with 1Poitriont li Uiv osersiy il-ll Frialy
H w i 11ho111 of Droittv tRrid Stuarttvliio11wats tilattiontwt0otrimgoeen-iligAri8
G W LD CO "I fDetiit, aitilVit.1.N AuntsThils iill le vety scliletifitndis Siusis wiitoulitdout tie geatest
H.I egti ohITleds.ITe judges on iel w sit titthe rise ot admisoonductiiilitor. ot the cl--tsst lb-uliiin
108 E-. Washinigtoni St , elivey wte oPresident J L Snysderittlf.sexisttee, ilnbteillso its11co-
Agriculal Coii(llieeLansiiig, 1-o. Yae do n b lerget will gii 30 ittgswill aosoe etluiasi mn
ANN ALtB() 1t. tIbsiats E.LBIlkwth, 1 ttJacksion,-andlriuntis iii tieligtweight cl-is.tie lovers of)1oplar ms ic11I, woh
-- Prof. Edi~-n A So-sit Ypsilant.Muit itrt itasbeensh iosniiis 1o110uipontiillsgaizia/iiiion ite
Toelm-rkig of inte judges is gvent hse ttwo isixeri--as the y atesoery irees ittve of t kidi, lnd liuion
leloi, tile soider itthe sorkI-of 01011 sietitfittid evslly mattliltched. ihi s lihess thei ll ii s of01Alle-
Wvl~aritect conitstintblingl 1ill tie siame orderta azIcie andilMtksegi spar o i ca. 1 IlThetitliiof liih- Maceli1ill-,,
the Hname1s 1oftt juIllet:0rounds t 133illbs h tsitow i11upon Ssi-by thie ototi-
i-trusn . . ,7 ;4 36total 21)Cu le y.Ziglr iPtter,(oxDliritiaittioos11 onsnt o f ltoisns 1of his
O tn ery.Motottery 5 3 7; 5 ft5;3 1 tEmiterston t itill ntced befirestai eis a0jsly applied. i
Tastier .....8, 8 ; 8, I;43cotetso iieg in.Te aii cenl~tt ltors1ofSost
tCarmody ...-...3,2 1,1,1; 10 Loud tillhoeitiatshed-aginttaiiilhis bandiihaliie1p1111edtl biyitnd
W e have jst received a Renrn ....2 ,3 ,2 ; 1
tie line of High (Gadl ~eist ants ( ..7,v ,i, ; 40 Wheee initheliht tweight wt-otqhesttinilthiat Areititi itdillsohlhve
Razors asd Knives, flly Viii Kores 0 6,4 4 ; ,8 3 ighu iie ihevy tti{ it twrieotlrs muic b1 hy thisir own comojsrs11111
rihto..Sedours twindtoe. oimn ....1. . ;3,5 ; 1 ave iot yet ben aied of1, but isill grndipergormnces i y hiheirc otn
tese-ers twit thiio ii cobe 1d11110so0this mloniz011g0soeSiriitedl -lcondulcoTliii21,1)11)iiils tirolg
IFRp u 1R~ YI I I mptialtiisiti''J A. Monitgom~ley, Th e t inthetiteveing oiiit- xtliirsr iih lu 011e10poud1of.
"AbiTh Pidea-A ] L aytillH.STannuer mnees iOat 8 o'clock Terlieu a.Thpresnt tot isthi furtsans
ilipllay,'"PaticksH Ienry;" FILE.peohp lde ecoutuing iii fcrble sot. cets ti Il be guven in i3 dihi rnt
Gin0 V n hitfranuk, "Setionaism;"uit C V. eveal srorlitis ice 11111 to atendilstates, adltoitip1111tuity lit terig
O lGniDatheaent f Ni c da Wiser,"The Copiioration iVeusus iiut bilyso tiut teit ttwsill lbe liu hrei nie(1thuatshoulhnot be
coillge ear weiisnerill ll' iii it n oussdy r the Uluin;" C Vaui~noren 1hu 011111 11110of the socieitys wlla thilelitic,umisod.
light Fll lilne o 01pes cugread Roeet"F .Fmn Calse
Toasco. Roeet" tusi'lth s euo (f the yosr.ThliiU of MI. tuens asMetnq
R. E. JOLLY & CO., Sunier."iuBind wol funishuthe usuicrthi ~l ~e
308 So State Street5M. 1. Carmtoly ieceved the Cli- ecutsiou. The 5admis1son1 ie will Ito A muass ins tiug oflitall tht stdets
._ ....cgoi AlurniiiiiMedal 1a1d1$75, -aid F. Ge0cicluigafternoon011anisievinisg f theUnivrsiy swill be heliinxt
D. ErFanti $50, F. IL Rhinfrut ank Ritries- Forty yardcdai si11111- Modily eveiniig ii tieXWatemantu
receivedl third lace.e I ieutdiettee briiik, Prdentlettzl Nfer, Pren- Gymsinua. The111 uit i" ill le
* 11 tn Itwus larger thuanuts~iomesudiees at tis, Raffernty, lHuyessMLeanisLitutieheld to osideulci teti itutonti
* jj- ciuet s a slus su Kaufmsan, Levitt Whitombish o t-ud tiill blideoulssed-oby Pofs.
* ~ ~ ~ ~ es gi es tt no-tteisollenthusiastic.iitaui
A T R A L Mc. Carmtody till regreset iMclut Idal, Breitouuhiuchi 1Bok LtstecatuiladM~uhi n
Igult at the Northern (ratorical Aats adirlstha lt ~isc ltll Ilt11sitsti
LegeContet, atitOberliSay 5, Beguier, Bary, ishlisgh utitnin iathleic il alte hfully dis-
Concerts Mr.Eamuan il iigoi as alteritate One-hlftintule salk-Odile 1Dow, cussd, atu asthi s.iRtinus tiunnct
aHN Illi,.smuisuy lhdsineasy straight Kohter, Norton, BrookfildohI1elkec.e ihtiimteraems.moit
Lec+tures forwrd delivery, situ plenty oft heat. Shot ut-ILehr, Avry, Camps us10evry sudnt ot tht Uivesiy
FOR THE SALE OF rather deliberate, te formter beling Forty yard high hurde-Mc- Sophomore Parti.
poilssiby a little.bos much s, o- Lst atbig jik ~tgio Thin scil gi vn byte memobhes
thoghhehaua eceti1 aly ler r( f tesophouoreclahuss lust tnigt ii
vole Mr 'annuer was itensey hut De-half uile tu-H. 0dbe,Lewis, the Waermanii Gymtnusiu was a
Calkins' 9 ernestbut kept at such a cli- Whitomub, Davis, Eumerson, Cinger, cmlt isr-s ag tuie
S o aC l i s P h a r m a c y ina ttt x a ll b le b i e t h a t h e a c k e d rd o B - a r e t . w e r e i ua t ct in d ua c e , 111101 e v e r y o nue
serve to briigslt his empihatic sel Pole vult-Adamus, Davis, Dena, appeiared ti, hauve a very ejoyabo
tetces Mr. Vusnt Keureunuiade aHosighito. te Th'e irls f fle class atteise
go ood aggesrautee but acceted toot High jĀ«iiig---Sost, Adamts, Tryoin, l1 groooi ivi io ihsi
For the Secod Semester g poin grolht xepiuhycls cs aus fsevenafdetor andoc
ad i-n words emnhaticaly, nmakitig McLeinAmtring, Whitcobthus e h-~ nopotniyt
teeffect monottonos Mr Rhei- Wrel. bthosegacuatintiedaswithotem.Ttyt
frank had lprobably tenost gesiig Forty- yacil hurdles -MLenbdacoieanaushtorItyiatheiim Fo'lue
Forllte sonieas had a very easy, gaeusl-Bok akr
SC N -ADBOOKS gossessed bearing. Mr Eaimaii usel Relay races-'0(, '02, Li; '02 Pro. Sanleij in Europe
Bogand Exohaeged. a direct coveratinal address, aidSMeidic; '0f Law Prof AA Stusiley saileo last
brtLusoiOt e gotwarmed up folowsaovurpa il o etr ni
ItI 5 is estimtated that a studett patricktill be abectitdiuring teSay Fesi-
- ~ would be compelled to spend 44 years Track jsdges-Mr Effiger, Dr v, chmplfeti arramugemenmts hae
~N N -A DBOR Ton iite University in order tso take all MMurrich, Rob. Bourlaud. ben mae sit that ble Choral Union
upton'DonTw the courses of study now'offered in Field judges-J W. F. Bennett, till e inot eimbrrassd by il abo-
State St. Opp. court 110site Literary DeparmunWaeCa. Winan. sence
clamSt (I

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