THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 PRING Derbys, 2. STYLES. White FedorasG oseds tet Goodspeed's, 171 S. Main Street. MIGHlIORN G[NTRIL "The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARDS TIME Takineg Effect Anug. 14, 1898. Mal and Express..........347P.M N. Y. &osBoston Special .......45" Fas EaFstern ..............94 Atlantic IExpress............7 45 A. M Detroit Night lispressn........55" Grand Bapids Express........ ..110" Mail &Express.n ..........8 40 A. M Boston N. Y. &Chicao o......91 FastWestern Exprrss ........1 38SP.11 G. R. & Ita. Estress ..........54 Chicago Night Expres.......94 PacificExpres.............12 20 A. M O. W. RIUIGGLES, H. W. HAYES, . P & T. A,'t, thi ago. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking EtII I, Nov, 10, 1898. Trains1 lee Ann Arbor by Central Stand- sed Tine. NORlTH SOUTH 8:43 A. I45. n7:5 A. 1:40 P. M, 11:251A. M. 1:16 P. M. 8:40 P. M. *nnss between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. E. P. GILMIORE, Agent. W. 11. IBENNETT, G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave AGn Arbor for Ypsilanti anod Detroit every half boor beginning at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. ear lenves City Htall, Detroit, overy night after 'thenter. Special U. of MI. ears for all extra oeea- sions. Baggage, exprens and Students' sopplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann aod Main streets, Ann Arbor, IlI Griswold street, Detroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited. Magnificent new fast traiins via the Wabassh, with free reclining cha ir cars; Wagoer sleeping cars, palace coaches, and famous dining cars, Going east this train leaves Detroit at 8:25 p. m. orrires New York 3:30 p. m. Going west, this train leaves Milan ot 8:07 a. om., arrives Chicago 2:40 p.,in., St. Loots 6:52 p. 10. Kansas City 7:15 a. m. The Wabash is a good road. One trial will convince you. If you contem- plate making a trip to New Yorkt, or to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kanoas, Texas, or Colorado, and will write to the undersigned, we will be glad to give you any information. F. A. PAL.MEa, A. G P. A., Chicago. C. R. CBANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. K. S.GBRENW001 M.P. A., Chicago. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowlinig Green, Marietta, Findelay, Atliens, Cohoocobess, Xl tdeleport, and Charlestons, W. Va. Columsbus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Tbrouglh trains with Sleeping and Drawintg Room cars from Detroit and Toledo. MOULTON HOGE, General Passeoger Agt. Its Time to beghn to YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED I pehp, wthtile BOARD youor Bicycle Question. gettinga. Theguaoeotca iv pesod. $2.;0 pee weet. Only tw blocks irom,, th- Campus---03 E. Wosh- You woll Fiod all the Leodes- ington St1-3 doors woest olfiMethodist Churchol. COit11~iS ~auue .1S. nlcASllIi1, W..PARIKER, I Illlhlt, Iastbe',lopr. Steword. Stearns, Waverleys, ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. Sterli s, U. OF M. PINS, 50 Centts. and others at Floe WathiRepairing a Specialty, D111 J. L. CHAPMAN, BrownO'S 001 0 Soute Malin teetI. CALENDAR. March 17 - 'Varsity Oratoirical contest. Satulrdaly,IMarelh18- V arsity In- door Meet in thte Gymllasioums, after. noon anItld evelning. Monlday, March 20--Prof. Scott before Pedasgogicasl Society itt "Pht- oric in thte High Schtool." Toesday, Marect 21-Ian Maclareni 111 S. L. A. Ctturoe. Fritlay, Mlarchl 1-.Soplloltore Hop at Graniger's. Monday, April 3-Michligans vs. Toletlo Leagile, at Regent's Field. Wedneodiay, April 5-11A Nigist 01f" by Unilversity Coittedy Club at Atihens Thteatre. Saturday, Apsril S-Sousa's Banid 111 University Hall. Fridaiy, April 14-(Evening Easter Recess begitto. FOR RENT-A sin~gle rsotnmoith all msosderln conveniellces at 439 5. Division St. Phoitographs oif all soitr clasos officers areInowV tite 11111oldillbe handttedin0withottt filltiler dlaily. Tw~so or three of the Lits htave as yet failesd to fiit-tishithteir phtotos, an o1( reiply oftsal l hsbien madetOby the llotiioposlind Pharmtics. It is hoptetd there will be 110 furthler tielaith lis tia~tter. Conitributtiotns of cotliege veroe, stories and(1jokes are Imutchl te- siredi by thte edittirsoif the annualil. x 11l tlsuitale cotribultitos will ito piublishied. J. A..IMARDstnN, Mn'g Ed. Michiganenooiuin. 1020 So. Untiveroity Ave. Jin classes at Grattger's Schtool of Daings. $3 frotti uowruntil seasttn cltoseo, Masy 1. Harvartd lao startei leer shrillg footbtall practice. Otte feelo like biiying Mandiislinls anit Guitasowhether Ite neetslonleuor tttt whets ItocaII obtalinlthiett lsuchl iitiheartd si ittw prices of thte Alln Arbor Miusic Co. NO NEED To send to the oanufastrers when you can obtain sagenuine wash burnManolin o Gutar o Ath it erhtIe in Alin Arbor, SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 1184 W. Liberty St. 0. M. MARTIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a speciaslty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave Ambulanse night sld day. lRes. idence 302 FifthsAre Alan Clocks! I "]m[chiil Pplus Win. Arnold, Leading _ , Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 Wet Huron St. sttle SPhone 119' A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NwY,rk - Chiago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Ofical outitters to all ttsr leadiug college sthools and attleticel(slsSo the c,dtry. The Spaling Iirye, 'iddetl ty he luntercoolegitt A. A. A. A. Utatpiots, as all the leabdits collegse riders. Eery Ieqa- site ir Bfse Iall. ool Ball, tGol, Tennis, 1Attlrtics, Gymsum Boalding's Official League Ball 1Is the Ocl il,0 of ±', Ntinal iotd~d5 I and all the leaitiog collee aosootlsons, ltatse Ota ~Plogor ocf Atletic 5 or F'ree tossoy ddress. 3 p: di ng's Otoa IBase Sall Guide for 1e9 Mlrs t3. 10 Cests. A. . SPALDINO & BROS., New York, Chiago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only Lior maing Uion DeI~pos to Boh edo ar~n ad Coumbso NO TRAINSFERS TO ANY POINT. Hor Trais Bletweens 3 Above Cities. 3 Rates always the lowest and accom- modations te best. For particulars all on local agent, or address L W. LANOMAN, Genl Tra. Agt., 67 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. 1Rentzchler, the Pjbotographer. j H =zrrz uzzzrrzrrzzz zrz~zz 'RlizuitR8RFziFnmms2L8i "p ., yH H M M N M N N H N H H N M M h H N N w N1 M N M N {{ N N NFI NH!M 7 T e puritag 8 oe (INCORPORATED) AEWOMEN'S MAKING SHOES ME' APED tTS K ON SH) LWE The Newest All Kinds $35 Fashions One Price$35 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about Marcb 1 st. 110 EAST'HURON jSTREET. Hrl + N NH / H M Mh f H fflH WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.