THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN l)AIIY. 3 :: -. ..... prngOpening, :40SATURDAYI MARCH8. jc.K~:..ZQ ___ OQDSPEED'-A ST __-___-119 S. jAN T MIGH6fiGmN GNIRR.~LCORREC N TLS AlfRN No NEED TheNigar Fll Rote" ET ND STY IS fTILUIII To send to the minunfaicturers when CENTRAL STANDARI) TIME Mandolin oi TakingEflect Aug. 14, 1898. W w h uSiesn tae nte i' nhVdIuUIIIGuitar GOING FAST.Weopert ~efs alorss. ~ 'igtaei h iy n Mall adEpress . .......... 4 P. iM. equal an n1hetae.tiIlit h eeill AnilArbor, N. Y. & Boston Special 58 Atate. Fast Easern .................94 We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. A h Atlantic Epress........... . 7 45 A. Detroit Night Exrns..........5 g11 Alarro1elits niade 1 us1e) pesdand ill1itepair foi HEEL MS TR Girand dRapids Exress ..I..... 10 " Al Mal&EpesGOING WEST. one year. No. 114AV. Liberty St. Mi&Exr... ............. an40A. iM. ___________ Bosso. N. Y.&Chicagigo...n...910o -- Fas tWesterni Expres'3 ..n in i G. R Ia. Ec is ..... 5 45 jNe WState Phloite 43 . II ~~l~~, Chicagio Night Express ....... 9 43 " t10;E. Hlit0. Pacific 1Expres.. .......12 20A. M.FU EA (I. WV. RUGGLES, 1. iW. HAYES,FU EA G. P.A T . Ag's. Chicago Agi An Arbor CALENDAR. Phoiograsiofsi all seiiir claiss DIRECTOR 1\Isicii 17 - ' Varsity Oratoricali officeis ire iioivciilie acsh ouiiiid Ile Fmbailming a specialty. No. 209 .5 4t1 ~ cotes. hndo inwiliso ful lce lciiy.Ave. Ambulance night and slay. tlei w [ R -, Satnr(hiy, Malrch is-' 1arsilty Il.- Two iir three oft he Lits have as yet idence 302 Is]'fiftliA.\ se ___________doioriMeit in thie Gymnaiisiuimi, afler- faleiltoIs uinnishilieir phsotos, lmu ino - - -___-_ naon L O A . iiiiiandileveii (iiirepli)'at allhlis heeii iiade y hrtelrm PnIa n Mix a*, Uarch 20--Prof. Scoti.litiii idltrilt 1 oe 1111UUUi TI ME TABLE befiore Peilagllgel iSociety ioi "Ithet. iii Diib1iifr1e1,is i iii th e- hikaing lEtrct, ?Nas. 201, 18098.. u' c isilic IIZiioriesiiiid.yokes are'elI., e Trains leave AiiiiArbore beyCentrail Sand- TI esiisv, Mlicl'Z1-21t1 an vris e hnslli oksir iidi anl riose. inii SL. A.'Coure. Mcsi isired bye iseditors of tiie aniiual. ______________________________________________All suiiiaible contlrIibuitiosx iiwil be NORT THsosr Friday, Main Ii31 - SGlloilireituiheld. J.1A11BA HOl' - 0- :43 A. iM. I 1:25 A. II. IUHopi lt Granr'siii nii 5E.Mu Lii. lstiiicteziisi. C id4O. h. 11:25 A. AT.'' 06? h. 840 r. n. SaturdaiApril 1-''A Night Oil" 11121 So. Lnivixyxi Ave. -beytuniversxity I.Comeudy C2liub t *Rnibletwieens AnlnsArise aid rolueosoilsAiliens 'I'heitre. o1 ' i Iil'T A vcry leisiit front All trains daily ieCepi 5aisday. sit. 301NVasiteiiiw Ave. 23. E. S. 01L5IOiE, Agent. NMoniiay, ApilI3-Michligaiiivs. _____________ iV. Hi. OENNErT. G. P. A. isuleildi League, sit Regeiit's Fucid. Jiii classs it (Graingerr's Schosol Satilldil, Aplii8-Soussi's Bidilll11 itn .3i 11nsvuii D)ETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- oUDaiivt.i 3itrm nowuill in Univerity halissnilse,,i MaIy1. BRRIWYFridnyApril 14(Eveniing)Estr ()iufes xlike liuyiiig Manidioliins Caro leave Ann Arbor for Ypilanti Rcs eis n Giaswehrlenesoeo and Detroit every half hour beginning FonrtiRENI-A sinigle room xwl i i c ciiie secalitaliiithe ir] it suchi at 7:15 a. im. U. of M. car leavea City ill miodielrn coiive nicnccsiat 439 S.siiinleairi lowixcpiices isf the Aim Hall, Dietroit, every night after 'Theater. ilvisionl St. Arbori Music.Co Special U. of il. cais for all extra occa- siona. Baggaige, express and Stadents' suppliea received and delisered. Wait- gp lug rooms, corner of Ann and :Main ' e tsbttthe b tg a er treete, Ann Arbor, U I Griswold treet, e tc rr eri.I _ Wm. Arnold, Leading 'ET YOi-R LUNCHES Ar W. W. TUTTLE':S 138 So.Sitite Street. OUR PHOTOS ...A RE ... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1I12 West Huron St. Slats :Phone119, Trains 4 and 1 -Continental Limited. - --- u -I qO u t~ .G.SADIG& RS Mlagniicent new' fant trains via the "UI i 425 zrzrz1H 111 111 mz o ouizi nozzszzzzuj Zl Wahash, with free reclinint chaii casc, NewrYork - Cie-ago. Wagner sleeping care, psilaee coaches, n amu ii~ cr, ji a eAHL.TCGO S Ging estn this train leaves Delitrit t [ 1I / lscalost (~ijalus IalQocii.e 8:25 p. m. arrives New Yorlk 3:8>0p.ustn. T sucisoolx ss d Otletic uclusiuftteli ot r iy. (Ooiisg west, this train leaves Mlian at INOPOAEit heeoSanogrWliey ridjden buy th 8:07 a. im., arrives Chicssgo 2.40 pu. 0., fSt. N(N O PO Aa)r necllc i ateiug rudees. E ser ,Iead Loii p:2p;n ssssLl aam ah s uteor iusxe Fall5, Pool Ball, Golf, Teisnis, The Wa~baos is 1 good ioad. tine Athsllesicsy nasiums. trial will convince you. If yoa coutem-1 Spalding's Official League Ball plate mlakinig a trip to New YNorKor tol in rl Caifrnaisie llfl c ia in sllote Nsasstsio sLegu alfri, or to any point in MissouriaI l t he lleaBu d ti ceeNascati negu Kasas, 'lexas,. or tColoradoand sill1W O E ' adoeCtllu fAheicSr write to the ondersivned, we oill be Z, AE _____________ ON MEN'S NFreeiosvnyuaddresss. glad to give you any informto. " A E p lgsOici se alGid o 8 Fi. A. PsanaR A. (GP. A tChscago.SAEH IIt .toen C. . C, Gn. PA &T. A., St. Lousl-11o. l MAKING nhA. G.SPALDING & BROS., New YrkChicago R. S. Gnnnessrooi, 3. P. A. Chicago. LASTS_- _____ The Hocking Valley RY. THE DIRECT LINE TO totToeoadClnxs Boliog CrentMrleLines The Newest All Kinds $~ Bowli leeuiMAhest, q Coltunbus, M1iddicepom t, and Fsin n rc 3 5 oh rik ewe Charlestont, W.VVa. Fsios3 Alove Cities. Colunibus trains use Lake Shore Union3 Station at Toledo. Stockwl ei urAnAbrStr buRarb1s. ~ Iatesaliways the lowest and accomc- willbe i ou AnnArbr Stre boutMarh 1s. "miodations the best. 't'hroulgh trainls sitll Sleepin~g ansd p For p-nilr call on lo~cal aetor Dra M Roomn ears fromliDetroit no EArTlHURON aTents, and Tiledio,10ES pRNSTET addreess L. W, . A IivlN, Geni'l lrav. Agt., 6i7 Woiod wanid ave., MOULTlON HOUR, Coneral Passengeo Agt. ~I jj~nIonoes3e~ss 0~IAX1It~f1 liti IDetroiit, sAlch. W E PATRONIZE GOODYEARS DRUJG STORE.