THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 The kind that wear right, and NTE iDOES fit right, are right, and p e ms n IX, *- tRGHT PRICE. Ij~I ~ ~ a~s 0c to$49DS.Main Street. MI6BIGiN G[NTRAL[ The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME Taking Eff et Aug. 14, 1898. Miland Expres .......3047 P.m. N. Y. &IBostonSpeciali....... 4 58 Fast Eastern...............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. M D~etroit Nighit Expres......... 5 5 Grand RapidisExpresP........11 10" Mal& Express.....8....540 A.M. Botos, N. Y.& Chicago....... 9 105 IatWesternExpes....... 1 isP. m. G. R&Kai. Express..........5045" Chicago Night Eopress ...... 9 43 Pacific IExires............12 20 A. M1. I V Co is Time tobgn to YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED NO NEED 1perhaps with1theJO A1R1SlD 000 a00 To set (Ito the nianufaicturers when Bicycle Question. etn.Te uk hn~ lh YOU Ca93obtain1a111. llll plae 2,o percree11k.11On1y17t0o Mandolin or llllibiaia, lRamblers, 3.. r opri. .. PStKeward Stearns,11111 ( RIighlitheri n Alai Arbore, Sean, XnelyALARMIXICLOCKS, $1 .00. - AheBEL UI TR Sterling s, U. OF M. PINS, 50 Cenits.SHBELMSISOE and11 othercs at Fine Watchb iri it llSpecialty, No. 114 XV. ILibet i r. DIN J. L.CHAPMAN, - Brow toL..20 SoeMain Steet.0,0.M, MARTIN,,. __________________ - FUNERAL t5. I'. & T. Ag's, Chicago. A'n'IAsn Arbor CALENDAR. 1 11(11(117111181 o 11al (l 'i711cas Progr'essive Pedro Party at I. 0. (oits are1 11110d(110a(111should(1b1 1( l Mah 01,5i. All friendso (f Odd Fe1 Iwo or1 5111ee of theciIts. 1avIefas)'et I low111si1nvitcd. I ectrcshrncnts. failed 1o1f1rish ltir171 o111150and11no11 o ~'~. 1reply a't al'sit been madoe 1bythe A k\1JL R A a, Mar11c1117 -'Varsity 010a0o17111 I-Irelrc(It nd111(1 1 1111110 t it hype TIME TABLE contest.,tther10wil111e1no to trher 1111(y in1this1 lokSa tulrdaly, MarcI 13-' 5'arsity In- mittler. oib7u11tions10(of 0llege Ye 's Icce 2155, Nos. Ot, do1(0 Mceithe IicGymnI~asiuII, aftcr- verseator1ies '(ldl ;jo1kes'are Ir((Ihl 11- eOd 'rans1ea. AnnIIArborby Centrl atstasd- 110(11 1nd(1evenin1g. s8111.11 he 111 ditors1 of1theO 11111111. 9017T sU H Monldaly, MarIch20--Prof. 2Scott All suilable 0contr1ibutions1 (will tbo b5e07o(e7 'edaigoIgIilSie0ty1 00-"Ilhet- l(llbt(1 1A ia11 1101.. 8:401,._______________112011o. UnivbersityAv. AT THE BOLox1INGsALLEY-A F oI FoNT-A very5leasant1 fronIt *Ru1tween17910 nn1Asr Abor and(0Toledo (onl1.y All 1tr111s d1i1y(except1Sund011110izestill be7giveno each week or11suit1.1101 ('slte 1101Avy. 23. E. 8. GILMIORE,'ArnI the higest sinleore07. Price 15 WV. ti. I(ENNJIT'. ci. 1'. A. 01t o oohn on.O ~l17(001( ~ l~1SSiol DETROIT, VPSILANTI & ANN AR- otfloo 11 07111. 1 ancIng ' 1(11 10$1111 season11c711(070M'ay 1. BOR, RAILWAY. UNIVEcRSITY BAND -'t'aere are _ positi0ons 1n1tile Univ5ersity 13111d1for 01One elslitkI lbuyin~g Mando10ins Cars 1l(1v0 Ass Arhor for Ypslanti a first ciaiso ciarinet a'sleco7(ndltroli. (and1Guiiars(1 hthetr 110 needs onIe 117 and LDetroit every half hour tbeginnisg 1(1n17.1These 1)1181t10119to be fiiiet at 11(otIhn'ie 11c('(1obltithem11711at 01171 at 7:15 a.i. . 0.of M. 011r leaves (ity ((1107 1p1ly t(1E. P. do Pont, MockIunhard1(1oflo1(1e prices o(f tile Ano liall, [511170t, every sight after 'Theater. &kC. ArioI MuIsicCO. Speciafl t .of 11, ((ffs5for fall extra Iocca- 0110n5. Baggage, e011r000 and Studentos'~0~ 000 10 suppliesreeved asd delivered. Waft- jig c00 orne01777of Anti1 an11 B111n *ieuts cher, h .otg a b r streets, Ann Arb~or, t II f~riowold street,th j oo rpb . D~troit. DIRECTOR Embahainog a specialty. NI).if09fSis4th Ase. Ambuhla150e111g1101a(d(ff1. Ies- idence 11)2 tilt)h i e W in._Arnold, .eading GET YOiJR LUNCHES Ar W. W. TUTTLE'S 113:8 511So.lStae Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 Weal Huron St. 81110ate 111110 119, Trains 4 and 1 -Continental Limited. - ~agniificent 571w fast0trainsovia the tt Wahash, with free reclinisg 11(1117 oars- Wafgner leeping ca1rsalaceifcochoes,- 1001 ftu(iousIOdinisg cafrs, (,loing71080tfihis 100111 leaveo Detroit at11 8:25 p tn i.)arrivreoNew or(0k 3:1 .1(in.11 gioinogwsto, tis trainlaesN0 51 toat 8:070a. 0.,arrlives Chicago 2:0 p. ill St. Louis :52 p.ino KanIsas ICity 7:1Ia.,o. n The WabalshI is a1 01)od r0ad.((seG triol will con0vince y00. If tyo coteml-5 plalte maikin~g iftrill to Neo' Xortu01 or1to Clifornia, 07 to a(fy point in Msour~li, Kanfsas, T'exafs,117 Colorafdo, and will - write to the anldersivsed, we will te - glad to gEve you any fnforma~tion. ~ F. A. PAO7.P:, A. G P.ACi cago.0 C. Rt. CRANE, . .P. & 1. S., St.Louis,3111 o. R.5.GREWOOD. .P. A.,Chicasgo H Ohio Central Lines N+ THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowling C teeth, Mi3ttf5, Ffindiny, Atheiis, Colullibus, 3 itlepoort, snot ; Clinri1eston1, XW. V i. w~ Counibus trains use Lake shore union Station aftfloledo. Throughf trainls tithfSleepliinganid Drasting Room cars fromifDetroit .N Slid 'Toledof. MOULTON HOUK, General Palsseger Agt.zz 11111 rz11111111 ui1111uzi III Ilzliiiiii iuui ZITIli=r zi Y'i iiizuziiuzi " The PuritaI) 8I7oe ARE W OM EN S KN H E ON SHI LAE ifIfitt l zztlI . A G. SPALDING & BROS. New 101r - (Oidea.glI. 0.~ ATHLETIC GOODS, " shoos1a01 t-ile. t 711 117lt ofthlcounfltry. Tile l 111110n 111011,yc t'11ridden by ite Interco7l'le1i1t(1A. A1. A. A. Chai onsll5 an01 qN site 111r 11101 1Ball. 1F111 1Ball, 4)olf, '7fe1111, Athleics, G04511)11 t So palding's Offinial League loll and1ill the P db~fi(11c' llege10 assoiti tosr IMEN'S N 4h111 ome ( atalo11 e o A0hl(1 S0. .H S' ~ i( 11311'0 ()(Sci)1 11)e70B1)11Guide f1819 APED -k 511(0(1 it -10171117. STS H A. d.SPALDING & BROS,NewYork, Chioofg MThe Hocking Valley B3y. 44 1)1010y10Lin011H0ving 1U1nion DDepots 0i1 50 0 NO'n't,%N~i"EIS TO AN'Y POINST. 4 3 114)111.t rIi 11110 letw en ' NM Aloos-*e Cities. 131batesflwafys the lowest naso - 1 S. -4 01011 tions the hest. 107 pafrticlars117ga'l on(11local fagents, or adess JL. W. i.ANI(IIAN, Gt en'1 tray. Agt., 117\Woodward iave , The Newest All Kinds $ Fashions One Price Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about Marcb iio EAST HURON STREET. TI IIIIaffSIIII III fI I(4l YZ4( I F0SXVA4AS7WA4.hhifll 111511 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.