,g7 h . r 'of U 4 ,r VOL. IX, No. 122. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have nov received our Spring and Suie Woolens. Or stock for the inconi ing season is the largest we have eve showi, is exclusive and coifined, ii both foreign and domestic goods, am is cmposed m of the best fabrics if every line that can be otane. XV carry the largest line of Woolens it the city. We invite you to caii an inspect the san. G. H. WILD CO. I08 E. wVshigtoi St, ANN Att1301t. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh 'loday. O06n DdU and Nigh. Tobac. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 08 So Stts Street IOpen AFTER ALL Concerts LecturesAN FOR THE SALE OF SoaWater Calkins Pharmacy® Law Books ENrte Secdsemesiier ad Text Books toraili the deprmenis. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Bogh and Excaemmgd. Beat Linen Papera5 20 nd 25c per WAH R'S5 ANN ARBOR Uptown DowaTum State St. Opp. Court Nont ra, ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1899. THREE CENTS. CHICAGO BOYCOTTED. grounds is wortih so mnuch nore to the natter stold. As sinuun as this thiemithiaii the peniary profit which news reached the University, Stagg MAll Athletic Relations With Her they received friiii us, that they probably realzei hat his caisc was Severed bi the Three Big Wes- could well afford to pay to bring the lost adsiio1 imiieliately telegraphed sines there, insteatd of carging us to Brown acceptingthe gaiie. At tenCllgs for comiiig. Tie gross receipts at the saiie tiiie by ainoniciig the Nosw that it is aninounicei that this giiiie were in riiiiin tiiibers, fact tim thin papers, le declared thut 'rMiclhiganm aiii Chicago will not meet $11,000, of this amoniit Michigan' Michigan's terims were rejected aid as usual oili iext Thakstgiving day, share wthilch was half of the iet re- that tie boycott of Chicagom andiwhat rall thin trouble which has beeii brew- ceipts fuioteil til to a little over $3,000. promiiee o tbte the greatest fiht of uiiig between thin Western colleges is Of course, Chicago did sut receive atletics is niowe 0o. ddisclosed. Imm all tie contrmversie mmre thanm this ini csh, limt inicc Tie strillgle betwenmtie three Chicago has beemntie center about aity she received mummchm moe liiiolege~s andi Chimeagim sill ~e a fierce which tie quecstionm revolved, amdmafter ufer tie gasmme shicnimsilet hehrself ome All gammiii hiaseba ll, track, eMichigamn becaime the second atlr in withi aboit $5,000 iworthm ofimmpirve tenimi etc with Chicargmi except nm tie gaumem, tie tronble camme rapidy mets iiitie shapmie of grmandistmhas. nhse tfir which thi cn mtcts have d to a fimctm.0mm Feb. 19, Stagg piersnially askeu lmreadiy Ibeenisignied eiliiibemanceled. It n-ms seemi severaml years mgm, fr ai glgae, iopimg thmmt see midiNeiher Mchimganmiir WXisonsiniihve wrheni Charley Baird wasl5still ia stmi.wemkenedinu ouiir ilemmammdsi. Bi-rd sigmemd aiiyconmtamt, llinois liay demnt iuimgr, thamt this fallimgsit manserel "Yes" tim his requmesilimt have siginei for a coupilet of biaseal wouildmhave tim comme if se,mr amy rcafhrmmeilmmiirprimmcile. B-mirdglles wvimcmlisill hiauec tim beplmyd. Iotier cimllege, Ihopedltioget str rights sems tienminmmChiciamgioamiiitiematter Thle v-ac-ances mmeimmtie scheduile fronti Chicago. Successive studient wsstakedi ivr by hium md Stmgghby cmancelling thie Chimage-mn- emiis uill man-ag-er-s tuollonwseuimmibutunione o oi selu etc nierhimthe cnitionmsbe fimled by gulles wistimtie other twou tihemmfet eua iiitoi tie task cut pie -inid isitthat e musmt ot into reclleges liTi- colegs sinill rit lly _ uphitiii'auinimercolugiate war It hltionme s wtim sim ileu Western cii- ustracicze ChIic-guummimt mwilemage a remai-nedculfour him m to oganizue tie lu-geiefe eibrke sintim Cbimegoi or vigil-usuuimcuutm it -uit him-. Gammes Westernmmstile cohleges so thuat they tele IMichiigani suwo u - e-t omut mis wil be amumgemum i mmChimeaig'mtiiicmii- cmiiouhget swhatws istheir Inc. lie timee hld- 0mm thisi-accounumt he didlPete stithm Universty if Chieiagom soreniess wtichm iadl ben sumuldhier- int mamke -liy mrpy iiiStigum's mcr-useif (21mmmcxt Timmumk-givmig iay humk meutino .ctieuvcihe -after tie msaii Inseadmini he swent tin IMihs iii chigan wvsil mmmioubuit have hec Th aksivig (IllygmmiclIstall mmmii theienicmlllymcatins stimchihaim suai-l gaume mum Climeagoii Withtmuu lMihigan fehi-t thaut she isas theniin eenmestabihedm ibhetwesnMi ii chigan'amm ms lit yet benccid ed.uiMi iicihiganu pousitmin,'as chaiilmiiniof tie XWust ti nd-mmiii ciisiuuin -s -a iesut iiithiat amniiWisconsuiucoul draws misharge mm deci-e h e ric cipeshsiuch, by the visit mmre evideunmitBeing succe issuleroii sn-ll tie ol "-mimc usei humidrawi. se-msis-remtmse oi thuier WXesternm t Madison andmiihaingatie-us-umalce IHowsemumchm inteec-t, m garnec lie- colhges that tie symupaitiediwisth i ~chigan twceen-uChicaugounduiiBrownus sill miriusec Wec tookmltie stand ltimat it wsmsriot lie mreturnemdiiitin(limealullThe smmmiismeoubtumbl Stagt miiiays cuntends in-ple -inas atie-u-C(hinsa-mgoas proicu ion wmum s-umu-de-tuint'-usandmiitimat it i lm i t tu- iteestith ie she exipected-ums tindo.inFusmmmrmly it the mtitriwisfom huh tdimit tlme prc UniversteouuCi mc-gu nt i iner mull has becen tie custoum cml Clhicao tin tuclly in ius handsiswle them lie sewuoulponuets tim-t tie crowdsia-ssemle usn - mol aloofinuit mlmy timat shinwis-ble iostr--cizedu incshowuneby sigainmg furr Xsihl t F cl. Nocussmu silllhavee cori ng -ciia iarat ifviii upiinuthuea game seith ic mhiganiihus intntionuiani oppoiituity tin iiuoe huh-u -ulmie- tc imus wimcii shi ndeumuscendeidi to timtet tie othmi-coluliegeuau--imimi lie umu st imPerhiaIls iiIfutiu gummms, tie emeet Plus yearm stue m aundtuoundiii sot aunnuce huesedcismi unmti absence ofi tie ml uumi, mmdegrauim- mu long mum thu-t self satuifi-istate oh yesterdham. ates mmmidhumriensnut Mehigan, Wi- iii mind.Mu i lcuhigani oferedi liea game Me awh i usmle tie other culeges sern cusnician i thnissellmkiiitmcen- andiialso stated timee ndiuhtions mune r himsy. 1mm SuuniyIFeb 2,themre spimumuus dimiumutmu1 nmmtie tteduace sthicli it shoulud Innplyd. Chicago wuas a meetingm' mu Chicagno htie -t hus amue. - i mci ot ifancy theiruiamd sum delhayedl maagers ftMimMchuiig, Illini aindil Cicamgoisei1 umndoubtely ave mm m about eitiher ccepting inc rejected XWisconisin. -Thley ugreedi to isist mm god oothll schecdue ioc et fll. thm hind~ug thamt Michiganm wouldchtheir dealings sithi Ciicgu, that thin Howuevevrsie wvslniunimunch hifl- modmify them. X17mcmi Stagg save that games be alternate anditie divisioin uuty in-matchinu p a mny-issmt nuta 3 e sewsmuld nomt chaunmgemamd lso e- of set receipts Inc equal betwteenitie track or tinsieinall seulile fir this *ceivinig aiieinluite sotificaitlionif the twonischonols. 'lie ndecisionmiwsas ai- jprimg miuisunniuuer Amd ext ear s tandci of tieXWesternm cohleges he mai- oucedl to Stgg but he refusednitol shin sill finc het efnfemict-u nilhiccisla- Ihue coinditionssunuder sehichm Micii- id nt, hownever, reject it, btlmtauid ball scheulie olon mg she came ganmai the other XWestern oi ee it ibeore the Chicago boarlnutCoumi- [Cotuesimd omagle 2. Idemianid thu.t games beplydwt trol. Dnurig all this tittle hewsa Chicago are very just. Michigani trying tin sign upun withi Xisconisinm for Arboretum to Be Planted. demiandedl that commening with ua gamie ioi Thaniiisgivring da~y. If le The egnnuing oifmmiauroretuum ior next 'Thanksgivinmg duy we have a had beeni succesful ini this-nit curse, liotanical tree garde, sill be mae tivo yeas- contract. The first game the conmutnuofithe thuen colleges at tie University this year, uner sas tin le plauyed ini Chicago mcrswould hauve benimbrokeni aun Chicago tiecdiectioumnitfthin phaimracy de- iherever thi nUiversity nit Chicagon wouhl have ben tie real dicatnor in partiment. 'Fle panmisi to hi-ve spieci- w iished, but the seconid gamue suas to XWestenmcomlege athletics. XWiscn-rmnscut as mnay difhfernt kinns of be inaed1 at snomue place sehichm Mich. -sini feeling herself bound inbhy the trees groveing munsie IUiverity earn- gains aas to select. Aleso eenemainud- agreemient with M ichigain amdIlii- lith as will thrie ii this latitute. edithat there be an-equal divisinof niini, even ifi shin didn't see clearly Special attention, oeversill be thi ninet receipts. That this las not that Stagg's flitering offer of this givenm to thin securing of trees of beenidon canm be very easily shoini. year ws foredn out nut luimm by thin mediclial or economicuimuponrtance. Michsigans is tired of building graun emuergency andu if shin accepted, next A fnst tree-usill him set out each year. stuamns and makinig other impslrve year atfirs seuoddl lie orse thianu'Pliy are tin be selected amd pated memts tim Chicago's grounuds, which evmr, rejected is offer, by thi e im ers of thin future gradu- are saddled inl as part of thin legiti- ELst Saturday, March 1, there atling classes of thinpharmuacy de- nate expenses of tie gamues. Last was aunthercnference ini Chicago. partment. 'The'trees are to inn narned l. year it cost us $1,100 to help pay Prin. Pattengil nrereseted Michi- amd their locationm designatedi on a tsr the grandstainds. Of course if gau; President Adamus, XWiscnsii; pat f thin camus to le kept in tie ie had beenm on private grounds ire andm Pre-ident Draper. Illnis. 'l'ley general library, aumng siti a record would have been obliged to pay a agreed tin standmi by tie rules whlich whiichi will shunt shen and by swhewn large rental, ut tihe fact retsains tie previoumsmeetigeJ umaagers tie rees sereeplinte. 'ie plan that we did mit play on private, but haid adop~ted. President Adams usfter sill be set iii foot bhte present en on the University of Chicago's returing Ishose swroe tim Presidensi seniomr class, shichs numes between 5t grounds. And a ganme on homse Harier nit Chicago teinimg himisihsowme5aiim131. 2