THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. + + HJD+B A D THES NEW TAILOR: + +++++++++f++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ + +++++++++++++++ ++++4 +++ ++4. ++4+ 4++++++++++4++4*444444 4..4 MIGHIGRN6[ENHRL Cl CENTRAL STAND)ARD) TIME Taking .Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mil and Express .. ........3e7P.M N. Y. & Boston Special ........458 " 21 Fast Eastern ....... ......9 43 " Atlantic Express ............745 A.X . Detroit Night Ex press. .......55 Grand Rapids Express .........110" GOING0WES. 011, Mall&Express. ...I.......9 18 A.M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago .........81" Fast Western Express........ 1 38 Prm G. RI. & Etal. Exneess .........54" Chicago Night Express ........943 " 101 Pacifie Espress.............12 30 A.M.- 0. W0. RUGGLES, 11 W. HAYFS, G. P. A T. Ag-'t, Chicago. Ag'C Ann Aebon K 1 M TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nan. 20, 198. do( Trains loer Ant Arbor by Centsa1 Statd- arO Tine. 110(8 NOIRTHI StOUTH 8:43A. . * :2 A. 4I. of t:56 P.sA. 840.nm. 0011 *lin betsneen Ann Arbor and Toledo only1 All trains daily except Sunday. pri E. S. GILMORCE, Agent. the WC. B 1ENNETT, G. '. A. cl DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR-af BOR RAILWAY.I pow CaslaeAnAbrfrYslniafand Detroit every half boor beginning fll]l at 7:1x) a. im. U. of M. car leaven City lii Hlall, Detroit, nvery night after Theater. &1 Spocil'C. of M. corn for all extra occa- nion. Baggage, exprens nod Studentn' nupplien received and delivyered. Wait- iog rotomn, corner of Ann and Main > ntreets, Ann Arbor, 1.11 Grisw'old street, Detroit. K Trains 4 and 1 -Continental Limited.-- Magnificent new font traiins via the Wabanh, with free reclining choir ciars; Wagner sleeping corn, palace coaches, 'nd famoos dining carp, (Going east thin train leayes Detroit at 8:25 p. in. arrives New Yorkb3lad p. ni Going wsot, this train leives Milana 8:07 a. tm., arriven Chicago 2:50 p. n. t.oSI Loumsli:52 p. in. Kansas Cily The Wabasoh iosiagoiid ioad.lOne trial will oonvince yoo. If you contem- plate making a trip to -seis Yorio or to California, or to iiny point in Miss~ouri, Kansan, Texas, or Coloraido, dnd will write to the ondersigened, e will be glad to give yoo any informatiiin. F. A. PAI,,oo R, A. G5 P.A.,thicago. C. R. CoiANE, G1. P. A T. A. St. LouisAdo. R. S. GREtNOOsXi. P.A., Chiago Ohio Central Li ne THE DIRECT LINE TO H Bowlinig(Green,Marnettao, Findlny, A.then~s, Colttnj)Is, Mi(IeIort, find Clarleston, W. Vsa. Colouibus trains use Lake Shore Colon Station at Toledo. Throughi trains with Sleeping and Drawing Room oars frons Detroit and Toledo. MOULTON HOUK, Geseral Passesger Agt.L ORRECI AND STYLISH TAILORI NG No snEd t hm Issn othe n nsfacvtoiernis hen yoo tin. obtain i genuie We operate the finest ttilorngr tade.iii the city, atnd Washburn uta peal any in the State. Itiglint here ii AIM A rbor, We r'espectfully solicit yoti l ietlplatioliihiAt0'. All garments made by us18 kept pressed atnd iii replair foir SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE e year. ___ ______ __ No. 114 W. L~iberty St. :SLTRC JX-3PXIR3 .3D (; E. Huron. New State Phone 4. 0. M. MARTIN. CALENDAR. Photographs oftall seiior olaso DIRECTOR Progresoive Pedro P~arty at 1. ,oficeros110e1100 duoe'Snd sliould be Embalming a specialty. No. 2ill S. 4th h'. Hall, Wednesday evening, ba~nided in wxithioiit furthitr Ie'ay. Ave. Anulance night and day. R~es- ici15. All friendo of 01d(1heel Tswo or three it the Lits have asa yet idence 302 Fifth Are. ar invited. Rfroie oiito. falled to fiirnioli thoeiplphotosiiiiilno relR alla enmaeb h archi 17 -'Varsity Or'atoriclmolf 011)sandill ries10.0 III yti oe (JM O k itest. tilere will.110e11(o 101thdl iL i ilthis gar Moot in the Gyimnasiiii, after. moroe, stories aiid fokis are( fuch de-110.I l) on a1nd( eveninfg. sireil by the editois (of the anilllfxlAn ld Leading All OsuitaleO contribuionls vill be VI.A fl U Joiii classes at Granger's School pubisihe1d. J. A. BARItII Jeweler Dancinig. $d3fromnifow util Mn'ltg Id. Mie/11500003001,. GET YOU ,,R asoni 01(os0s, May) 1. 1020 So.t 1115 Of lt) Ave. AT THE BL NG 1oAiLiEY-A Ls-tT t01111)1~ io, L N H 00e sill be given Oeichl seek for a c~snat Firit adsFyobeidge I IlidLUNAT ES ehighest single score. Price 15 0 SgaPifrtriy 1 50dg . idrIA its for ai tsvo-liand game. Open pletase retool to Slimi I lii Howe.I W 1. UTF IL E-'S ternon and 00evening.'t 5 ie tfe tl rfmnnsr l v BAn-'There are si.1' 130 lENslinaw Ave. 113. ilitiolis in the Uniiversity Band forye 23 first clalss clafiniet andl second tromii I never sasw anfythinlg like it! Thai~t oe. These positiossto be tilled at Annf Arbor M1usic Co. are nosw sellingse ice, lapply to p. 1. do Pont, ick a Manfdolinl Caoe for 75c; a leithier Co. one for '4.00. lRentscblet, the libotograpber. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. SSZZRZ ZZ ZZIIT=33l=Z" 0 Z0501- hIZfhBB Q I ZhZ=SIfti hIZZSSZ The PUrita9 thoe AEWOMEN'So MAKNG SHOESL ON H~Mhli~A. G. SPALDING +& BROS. __~ NfYofrk '- tCficago. 0~ ATHLETIC GOODS. N0Offci1lotfitters to all the lvadirig colleges H TheS~ paldfifg Bicycfr, riddeyfiytie lnttrtoif,.iisie A. A. A. A. Chamlpions, ffnd t all tie lealdinn ceollege ridlers. Every Reqni- sute ior Ifasefll, toot Bflil,iiGolf, Tefuxis, Athletics, Gynasum Spalding's Official Leagoue Rall Is teOfficial flil of tile Naiional Lewgio Ma loll allltheeleingecoligeulaouiationos. MEN'S HqI lli'lne (CI lo uc, of Athletic 'Soor APED 0"HilpfldiOficiaRseBloGiefo 8 STS Hp A.CG. SPALDING &BROS ., Newrk,Chfcaen The Hocking Valley By. .7 O l ilf l ff: f isffff lll ep t i-l Rate always the loweot fund a '0003' Hlmodations the best. GFor particolars rail on local agents, or address L. W. L.AN\D I N IGeo'l Tram. Agt., 6i Woodward ave, rltlf etroit, Mich. The Newest All Kinds $ Fashions One Price Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March1 nio EAST HURON STREET. 1... WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.