4 SECOND SEMES' LAW BOOKS Cooley's Taxation High, Extraordinary Remedies Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. Mechem, Cases on Agenc Elliott, Municipal Corpor,( Elliott, Cases on Private porations TER THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JOSW.KOLLAUF, -THE TAIILOR, ALPINE HAT SALE. 214 Esot Washinton St.,near 5th Ave WILBUR 'All Shades for 1899 Now In. T~yN. ( all and see them' 3 lHats for . 2. AlV N AIRBORI. D. A. TINKE-R & $OIN.-- Intorcolinniato Bureau of IlcadomiG Costumo. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANv, N. Y. SCape, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address Legal W. C. KE'RN, WesternMngr., Haske11ltMusu, n, ~iv. or Chirago WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every srig5in oor buss is being repainoted and vasonsshedl HObMES' L.IVERY, TE.LE.PO-IONE 106. 515 E. LIBF.RTY. Canopy farnished 1(or parties. atosLAMPS OR STUDENTS, We call atteontion ts nor complete line of (enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, Cor_ ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. 'these Lamps are sf the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "1The N ew Eoschester," "The Yale," " The Royal,"'"The Berlin Student Lamp, ""The Perfection Student Lamp" If you want the best Lamp for the Leasf Monsey come and see us Old Number: E N 4450O. MAIN ST., DE N CO ANN ARBOR. MICH. W. J.OOTHaPRSo. WARsOLDostoVice-prey .5. V. SHEEsAs, 2d Vite-pros JsOH.C.WosLeo, Ass.Cashie Transacts a general Banking Business. STRlTE Sf1VINGS BRMNK FIRST NATIONAL BANK O ecnisedr1803 Capital, $t00,(0. turpluo sond1'roft,E40,0 echanoge bouoghotansocld. Furnshitters55ccof credlit. E. 0. KINNE, Pres. HIARRISON SotTLE, Vice-Pres. S. W.CLARKSO5Noasier. ~nr~ &J frhanr1Ifu , Captal, 050,00. Surp~lus , $30,000Tansactsa gneral bankingbsintss. RKarPes. C.5.1 OsosYVicePr-s Tihe fun Rfrblor Savings Ban Capit1lOStok. 000.Surplus, $1'0,000. 'here costoo very nearly being a A contributions of 'to0loan been Orgasizedud tette Geneal Banking Lowse SH EH N & O 3 eiosconflict Ietwseen the''fownsadd otePer colrhp ftsd this State. h etpries dpo itis lbsyesod sello ade t h Ptoy C11a'hp udexchanges ottthe incipaol cities of thte united and gowon" Friday evening in front by M sakactoli Stehsachi TOyata, State.os etftcasohed atostsprotpertidentficatio byyY Sfety deposit bioxes to rest. University Booksellers of thte opserao house. It seenoed that Japanese minister of instruction and (5 cc-~e~hita hs.E .E coK ahe to student 0101 a towno boy have beeO nmetmber of flhe Japanese cabinet. J. Fritz Aesistanot Cashles. ________ ___- sadmoirissg the sasmoe girl ftsr somtime to, Mr. 'loyamaoowoas formoerly a stusdentt ---_- ST U D E N S1 nthso le storm of jealsosy haos beesoatAnoss.Arbtr, assd a persbtsnallsiestt PATRONIZE STUDENTS ragingino thoeir breasts ustil a ship-. of te loste Sup~t. Walter S. PeryB.S PATONZESTDETSSPNOER, wreck wcas boosod to ensse. Every __________LAMB iete e ahohro h IfY uDo Not, Why Not? streeto thoey wossld exchtange cossojli- ithe legislattsre of Nebroska htas ..THl We can givse yu ie thighest classtfwot: a tt st t tare oonpristable in atprovided asoople isocomse for the ussi- tew 'phonleessi41, S 2i2lis.It t atet. famiooly newspap~er like tloeTisoes, versily of thsat state. An appsopssa StuPenso Laundr 202 N. oitor Last Fridlay nighot lhey each tacked tdios bill has been passed ssi l 1os so ro er N . nsaght, '55alt,. Nom. 0.Eo, 00 Losw. onothsiser oadjecive thoat was fully voe for a one moill tosx, swhichs sill -- -growsn and sooastscar. Thsey went 000 ane yearlyinoef$18 We keep everything usually kept ina 000 first-class Grocery and ]takery. Call afteseaocho othoer, shiole sosch lissita. __________ and see ue. A TRIAL ORDoE R. Itoons aos Msrqusis tof Qoeenshoryroules 318 S. STATE ST. 'I ha is 111 1ask or were 1put,110 tloe discards. Thse tossn Arthusr A. Loeb, '01,loss gone to) lntitui al ak orboy got lis thoub cassght iso betsweeno lis Isome in Chicagotor a feseddos YOU'RE NEX'T 1113 Lautiy Agenicy. a fine pair of smolass attached to the visit. U. ofi M. Borber Slsop P. C. IVEYER, jasws of thse "gowns," assd thse loatter - tud Bath Itoonus. Tet No 00. tt N.Wi~tas ~ held 01oitloithse grips of Gen. Alger Alfred Myer, '02, hoas left schsool J. It. TsOJAsOWSat, Prop. .22 s. State 5t Tel. X0.1 ___ ______ua__ St. tofloe swar ptortfolio. Finally thse and returned to Iis hoose in Chi ago. N THb oasNNOI ~02 elligerentosvwere separated. A fter AREN H ABR eearoed tsersoent athan All candidates for tloe 1900 relay AND YOU WILL ALWAYS MR. W~ ~. EUGENE PAGE, erdurosol tor Tep esentatiero teanm are expected tts report at the BE IN LINE Wil geelsonxntemadlnan eagwscotsteacloespobo. vegymnassum on Mosodays, Wednes. SATISFACTION GUANANTEED. iguir attessosotemtaSndol ofga asotaon ahested.-T eerTHEyMODLFrofayStatenootreet practice.Uieriy ciolofad rubewa istd.Tme.DHrOD L otaeteeY' Mitssc every Frsday. For Terms sand practice___ . H o.u aae. BRE HPis youNd&EsY'r hnurs apply to the 'Secretary. _F._H._LouD,_Mana irst-ABS Ork adfcurtou siren JAF.MeeaoAoaLrcevea try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. offe to coachotloe Albion college Foot RENT-A single room ssitlh football teasmo sext fall. He has the all modern conveniences at 439 S. ENOCH flIETERIE Embalmer and State____ Phone___ 144.____ atter___under ____advisement._____Division____St.___9 Caunernal::t DirsecNcks ate hon 14. ontte uner avismen. Diisin S.Call ttnde Fue ral igctor Ns. 0185. LibseetyOSreet. Residences533SS i~ 11FuthAe Phoe12. They are Coming With a Rush OFT S IRT S with collars to match anti SOFT HIRTS without collars. All the Swell Effects (Puffs, BRIU E Ascots All the New Shapes Four-in-Hands. I 1111 MIL WARD TAILOR STATE ST Spring and Snummer Make an Styles are in. Early Selection. L WAGNER & CO0. 123 S. MAIN ST.u i I INLAR UA suh -A w