THE UNIVERSITY OF MIVCHIGAN DAILY. 1 C The kind that wear right, ® a d ITE rrE Fit right, are right, and p a a ms at IGHT PRICE. I50c to$4 GoodspeSeet. 1 MI.iINlN GliTIIIL Its Tim e Ioe 'The Niagara Falls Route." B c ce Qu sin CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME Taking EfietedAug. 14, 1898. XY ouil inid all thec Leaders Mail and Express ...........3 47 p.m5. Coisniobins, Ramsblers, N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 584 Fast Eastern ................ 43" Stearn~s, Waverleys, Atlatic Express ............55 A. X.' Detroit Night Express ........55 Sterligs, Grand Rapids Express . ii...... is11 GOING WEST acd cihers at Mall & Espress..............918 A. M. D1 Boston. N. Y. & Chicago.......851311 Fast eser E peWestern.....1 8 Express.&Ka. gpes .i... 3.....5 5 .1 5icgoNihtEprss..........943I Chicao Niht Epres . 5e4 Pacific Express.............12 30 A. M5. 0. W. RUGGOLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A, Chicago. Ac't Ann Arbor CALENDAR. Friday, March 10-Fruit and t Plower Mission Dance. t ~ Saturday, March 11-Fresi-Soph. Meet ini the Gymnnasiumi. a iIRO'Ac~uMarch 17-'Varsity Oratorical TIME TABLE contest. Taking Effect, Nv. 20, 1898. Saturday, March 18-' t arolty fn- Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- door Meet in the GynmnaSiulm, after- ard Tise. ntoon and eveinig. NORTH SOUTH 8:43 A. M. 0125 A. n. Freshman Notice. 12:40 P. M. 11:25A.51Mru 1:5o Prn. 8 :40 .t. The trials for the 6-14 mileru still bc held at 4:30 o'clock, Tlinrs- *Run bketween Ass Arbor and Toledo osilyclay afternoon. All trains daily except Susday.Js.StsnucMgr E. 5. GILMIORE, Agent. JS.SRSIUZMgr W. II. BENNETT. 0. P. A. Roy J. Mansfield, '99 IE., is stork- DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- ing onl the U. S. coaot snrvey near Ness Orleans, address Washiiigtont, BOR RAILWAY. D. C., care of the depsartmnent. Cars leave Ann Arbsr for Ypsilanti Joiii classes at Gratiger's Schosl and Dstroit etery half hour beginning of Danicing. $3 from nost until at 7:15 it m. U. ot M. car leates City sasocloss,My1 Hall, Detroit, every night after 'Theater. sao a Special U. of 1Al. cars for all extra occa- nions. Baggage, express and Students'~ supplies receivsd and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann and Main 5 lV entscbler, tbe strsets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, Detroit., YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED pehps ih1t 0(1BORD youarc getcin. 'Thnmak ekchage ive ustal. Weoguarante you willk blased. .$.o peor neck. (Oily to bokI thie Campos-523 E. Wash- io t005.-3dooswest of Metkodist Churchc. J.3S. iIRAS1IE, W.S. PARKER, Prope. Steward. ALARM CLOCKS, $;1.00. U7. OF M1. PINS, 50 Cents. Pine Waich Repaieing a Specialty, J. L. CHAPMAN, 200 Soute Msin Steet. Music. Courses 9 h, ii h and 12 given by Prof. Stanleyare wtithidrawnD. Students svlo have elected these couses will he allowed to substitute other work, but the chiange ini election blanks must he made at once. AT THnE BowlING ALLEgY-A price svill be givcn cach wteek for the highest single score. Price 15 cents for a twto-hand gamse. Open afternoonl and evening. A pleaisnt site of rooms, with fsrance heat, aiidbhuh, at 224 So. Thiayor, for $2. 19 'The comminittee in chiarge of the Chicago Coiimiioiis schoilarship latto night chose Rtoyaol L. Melendey, uof Howell to he tlii recilientl. Hliell1 leave tomicrrost for Chicago. Onily live more days -ilf those stonderfuil lostp1-ices on Waldo moan- dolins and guitars at the Anni Arbsr Music Cio's stcore. z I*hotoga pher. NO NEED To send to the manufacturers when you can obtain a genuine WashburnManolin o Gutar o Atth ight hetre in Anni Arbor, SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty St. 0. M, MARTIN.., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 29 S. 4th Ave. Ambulane night and day. les- idence 302 Fifthi.Are Alarm d~ocls "1Yichi 1111 NOj Win._Arnold, Leading ,Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 33 S. State Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phone 11, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Nesw Yorh -ChIiago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Oficia outfitters to all the ladiig colegs schoiols andi aiilotic clicksof the costry. Ther Salding Iiryrl , idiii-i iy the Itercoli--aii- A. A. A. A. Choiplios, and allte lIrduil. roliccrdOr. Ery Rrqsl. 1 ise cr Ilas Balii. Pocitll, ol, Tenis, SAtileics ymnsnt E nading's Ofiial Lague Bal fIs the Oliial Ball oc tie Naioiai! L leagao 1adall tec eings0cileige.asciations. ttandsomeie tailgcif cAthletic Sor rci tio y adiliesi. jSpaidings tI~li-laliaco hl Gide for 789 litarol 30. 10 Ciits jA. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nes ork. Chicago The Hocking Valley Ry. Only Line f laing UnionsaDepos it BohTld (I indus,,I NO TRIANS-EROS TO ANY POINT. 3Hour Trains Betweeso Above Cities. Rates nlways the lowet and accom- modations the best. Foad rtias call on local agents, or ades L. W. LANDMAN, Genl Tra. Ag., 7 Woodward ae, Detroit, Mich. Trains 4 and t-Continental Limited. Magnificent sew foot trains tia thi Wabanh, with free reclining choir earn; Wagner sleeping cars, palacs coaches, and famuoso dining cars, G4oing easot this train leaven Detroit at 5:25 p. im. arrives New York 3:31) p. ni. Going west, thio train leaves Milan atj 8:07 a. ni., arrives Chicago 2:10 p. in., St. Louis 0:32 p. in. Kansns City 7:15 it m. The Wabash is a good road. tOns trial will convince you. If you contemn- plate staking a trip to Nest YorEi,, or to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kansas, Tesas, or Coloraodo, and will write to the imdersictoed, we still lie glad tii give you any information. F. A. P~Ai.Mc, A. G 1P. A, Chicogo. C. R. CRANE, (G. P. & ''. A.. St. Louis, Mo. R. S. GoeENIsoos, 111. P. A., Chicago. 0 oUnrlTHE DIRECT LINE TO Bowlinsg Green, Mlarietta, Finollay, Athsenss, ColtiHnblos, Micidlelport, and Charleston, W. Va. Colunabus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at foledo. Thtrought trains with Sleeping and Drawintg Room cars from Detroit and Toledo. MOULTON HOUR, General Passenger Agt. yR.- cZ SIZLuosodeuo~lZ sleoeaSZ.oooooiHIHlilmlDZahZtLLZikI ZllZZIDBM Zhl ZZ i ZZ p~ (INCORF 04 ARE- MAKING cin SThe Newest All1 Stock will be in our Ann no E3AST Hi 19 sh~oe PORATEDi IES :Q. ON MEN'S SHAPED LASTS Kinds $35 ne Price %)J5 Arbor Store about March 1 at. URON STREET. ____T±±ses±sss"as±±aaawsan a , n$ WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.