2 Published Diy (Sndays ecepted) drig the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ')PPL' E: The Cnattd Pess, Henig Blek. toth heat 47 MANAGING EDITOR. F. EGELARDta,T L. DUtSINESS MANAGER. . II. t.ta, 'litL. EDIrORS. Athletic Editr, T. R. Wetata, 'ItL. P. W. JOE, '1, A. C. McDUAtr, 'IC E. F. . EOmAN, '0, C. C. Lea, '0 IM, G. D.CteatuT, '0C1CE. J. B. Weal 'I. The subsccriptin ipric at the BAtYtis1.10 tee the tllee yct, ati a regutltr deliary eoec noneachl day. Noaice, cmmnticaton, ad ther tmatte itended fee plictinamuteh handed it at the DtAI oie ele 8ta1). pi., at mailed tthe editreefhoretI pi. atfatthe cay pevius at that ta which theyttarepectedt appea. ahatipiac may be left at the DeALY oie, Meye', oa tofIlcetaanewtad, at with CBusies Maager. Sbscihers will cone ataor y reprting pomptly atati iean ty failareof carriers t delietptear. Alt chage it adectitiataattecnttatbe it thtctt1thyp.wm. tn the gy previtthe at onwhicht tey tee tappea. INCARG otra TDAY'S CSE F. . EAMAN. Tomorrow ocurts the anua Fresh. Spht indcy tntest. Every memC~br of either class, Wietier athletically inclitied or tiot, souli feel it it or her duty to e there to cheer tlic varioits conitestaitst by voice attd by irsece. Every yer this contest is becomitngtmorie tand tmore itterestitg. It itslite of te few timies wietcat rtvalry atd casscoitylty eaitbe dlemtoitstrated. Friit the begittitg to the cnd of tie collge cotre at Miciigani there tre too fete opprtu uitiet fr studtets to develop class spirit. Gtnerly, the four yearo are ttearly gone, adttihie lat few weeks of May atd Ttte at hand, before stutientttwakett to the fact hat they belotig to a class. For hit reason te cooest tottorroiw sold be ecl attetidedlby til. Entttttsiasntsolci heeIigh. And whether victors or losers the chatapioits of ech class wdllteserve every encoragetten and cheer it is ucossibe to give tlett. University Men at the Philippines. Fifteett tmenifrott te University have gtitt to te Phiiipies sitce the outbrek of the Spatith War. They are Ptrof. Deai C. Worcester, path, Pliip W. Crbsier, Fratk F. Freemtan, Howard 11. Hllland, Juhit 1). Kilpattrick, Ricc'NV. Means, Karl RfoswelllAMier, Ctares Leroy More, Williatm V. Rinehart, LeRoy South mtayd, Tieotdore Vladimiirif, Ft'tnk Twco of the fifteen arc fot Uni- versity faculties, six are gadt~tes tic students if te La Dpatmen, titree tre fr omtheCicLitertary DLeart mntt, two friiithCe M~eical Deprt tmett, ote fromlthte Enginaerig D- pnlrtnient aCd itne is itgrdIuate of botit Medical anld Literary Deptct mtetnts. Frit and Flotwer Missiot Prtt. Tue Fruit atd Flower Missitn party which was postpoed 0CC ac- countt of te Petnsyvania-Micigatt debate will take place tonightt. Owlig to thte postpnement, arangemuts haul to be clatged'soitewat, but te comnmittee promise all those wo at- tend te usual good te. Tickets have been placed at $1 a couple or 50 cents for single adnmission. The dance will be held at the usual place, the Waterman gymnasium. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. March Alumnus. iThe Mttrch Numober of tile Altuim- titade its alppearantce yesterday. W a are uttuti it conttainied a ti eber of crestitng aCnd valutable articles. Showing [iti R. fintger, Jr., writes on "Thle itial Library at Paris." Beat Spring bhard Huidsott cotttributes ICC ic eta"Professor WaliterICC ,mra." An article on t b ean Styli natit Worcester'' is weritten by ti C. Freer. Otiher articlesar n enoyac L. Shermiani, Jr.,'" by i tries Baurd;" Pleasantt Walks atti fvet Abiiut ,AnnC Arbor," by Top Coat; dge Noah W. Chteever; "John .nyConrad, ICC Metnitian, by H. Shirts, Farttttt. Chtarles Sinmons con- lutes ait article iitt"Debatittg at a University." 'Tere are three ges of half tonies, otne of thte tivo Aoriotus debatitig teatms, one of Neckwear it of thte Micitigan moen who have ae to te Philippittes, aCnd one of .r itt Henry Conrad. 'Ihere is also i rA usual amuounlt of Uttiversity newee, J1u7 Its nts,tnecriiiogy, attd book tiewa. pth oil a 'Varsittl Football Player. Frantk Decke, '93, whlo played ott '91 atid '92 football teatts, died a vdays ago at htis htotne ittChticago. tile itt college lie played left kit tend teas onie of the best players CHI tat position teliclt Micitigan has MICROSC er tad. After leavitig college lite tort atised law' itt Chictgo for a few ars. Hieteas alwetys att energetic ker antd his htealith finaltly bsroke TRY HOT cit. For Che last t's years lie has Noeute i n ini Califoritia sick with cona- 200 EAST WASH iptitti. e felt thtat itt is ntot ii- 316 winig tttdtwisited to be brought Thte'etaot tie. Titree days agot it arrived it e eahearly. Otyste elago aitd ont hour after reacing________ itt, lie dieid. Haetwas a mtemeber the Phi Detia Theta -fraternity. I BOYS 1 Noble Special Focr ~ri.g. IC inttroducing to you our new Derby, which comes inl all the best makers' blocks, also all the new sitadles, we wish S, to mention that we are giving you a hat for $31.00 titat wititout doubt is the best If at that cafl be mlanufactutred to sell at that price. IMPORTERS ANtD MANUFCTCUtRRSOF EMICAL andS PHYSICAL APPARATUS. OPIC FINDINGS. Hleadqttarters for all Labora- yStupplies it2 S. Male Steet, Ate Arbor, Mitt. CHOCOLATE, ke it elsewthere.,s HINGTON STREET, SOUTH STATE STREET. ats seved it antyle I. Carl Littdertnainn, '00 L., (If Citi- cagro, corporal let Co. E, 3ud Miss. Vol Itif., in camtp itt Misissiptpi and iCC Lexittgtoit, Ky., teas itonorably discitarged to retunt to college. ATH-ENS THEATRE FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 10. Otis Skinner InthteCRomeeaticaSucesse~ ROSEMARY Prites $1.50. $1, 75. 50 and 25 cthe. MARCH 13 TO at, WAITE OPERA CO. ,natittet antd EvettintgEvrypD[ay. Neat Opera Evtry tPteromane. Shirts for ful~l dress are of fault- leas fit-they have non-bulging bosoms-nothing finer can be produced and they cost less than custom made. At Year Furnshet at Clothiet CLUETT, PEABODY& CO. (Saccessors to Claett, Cueson Co.) Makers KINDUI FOR A GAME OF HurnenSts. Ea: ATTESTOP ! MILLhARD l l l l lTHE PiCINTER POOL OR BILLIARDS- at oflF. and M. Bank. Atn Arhor, Mich Tisi space beluutgs to thte Stdents' Lectre Association. 1899 crescents M. STAEBLER'S $35.00 Crescetit Bevel Gear Cihairt- Cycle Emporium, lass, - - - $ 00 Juvettiles, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., All hatted with Dunlap Detachable Tires. AN N ARBOR. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 ser 'termsaot 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. A NEW THING In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the English Flat Last. We have them in Button and. Lace. If you want to be successful, look successful and wcear our shoes. RFRIILL'S )IJ SHOE JlSTOM A n ngt it.