4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. STUDENT, Would you save money? Then ib your Books at the 6TU D 5NT8' BOOKSTOR SHLERfAiN&6 State Street. For First Year Law Stssdent We have Cooley's Blackstone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley Torts, Hoffcutt's Cases on Contracts, Blurdick Sales, Burdick Cases on Sales. For First Year Medical Stud Grsy's Anatomy, Sternberg's Bacteriology, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical iDictionary, Vaughan and Novy's Ptomaine. For First Year Dental Stud Gray's Anatomy, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical Dictionary, Essig Prosthetic Dentistry. For Literary Department dents We have all the Greek and1 Books, French, German, Miathe cat and Engineering Books. SECOND-HAND BOOKS, DRAWING INSTRUMEN Waterman & Parker's Fo tains Pens. SH[Hfl~M & C State Street. S. LI uy 0.0 tentsI CORRECT MODERATE STYLES PRICES The mot ccmpleteines of as -to-date ten'shFarnishtag ia the cicy, ia at D. A. TINKER & SON, 334 S5. State St. dealers in Hats, Caps, ineNeckwear, I.&'%V.icnd tluett's Cllars cnd Cuffs, Faens ndWhite Shirtt, Nigh btesch I ris 0Bath Robes, GymSiats and Shoes, Laboratory Sutts ad Aprons,UnderweariHosiery, Jewelry, Umsbret- las. Men's Olotties te orderitatloteprices, fitquasiltyad style tuaranteed. Jas. W. KOLLAUF, MTFI~tO]R, DEtALi:'IN Fise Domsestic and Foreigm WOOLENS, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SWEATERS AGENY FO THEhas removed to CELEBRATED 214 East Washington St., nease oth Ave. LONGLEY $3 HAT will be pleased to see old cedenew custoes. T A L Y ~O JViE~ T IT0- ZIT \J We have decided to saisfy a toeg felt want tor an eptc date tore oat, ad so have added to ace stock of hune horses ad caretages, a PALLY-110, which seats fourtee persces.Cc'achiefgliarties will now br ie order.5 See a date feeretie Tally-lHe. C'al 5p T' A L L H 0 Telephone 106. HOLMES LIVERY H 515B EAST LIBERTY ST.0 LAMPS FORSTUDENTS We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ensranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and ensmost improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The Yale,"" The Royal," ° The Berlin Student Lamp,"" The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the heat Lamp for the Least Honsey come and see us. Old Numbher: Stm- 44000O. MAIN ST., E & O AN ARBOR, MICH. DE N 0 5 LatinI mati- A hurricante in full operation, Engineering Society. blastig twinds, savage lighitning, The firot regular mestig of the sturging twaves and toissing ships Engineering Seciety will he held in wosuld he considlered pretty fair equip. Room 10 Engineerinig building, Sat- ITS ments for a melodrama evein in this urday eveninig at S o'clock. Prof. exacting age. But Linicolns J. Carter C. E. Greene will give the openitig nun-' hao been generous witli the public in address. After the regular mneetinig producing I iTJOd0f the Dotne," whiiclh a busintess ,session wiii be itelti anti 00cotnes to the Athents Theatre Wedntes- officers electedi to fill vacatncies whiichi fl day, Oct. i2. In addsitioti to the have arisen. Every enginteerintg stu- Vsj above effects, a viewv of the illutiin- dent is invited, especially freshmnt. ated Capittol at Washiitgton, three , pretty W~ashingtuon stener, the ferry- " The true Southerni watertmelon is botat trip fromitJersey City to New a boon shirt, atid not tos be mientionted York are shoswn. The play witile with commtoner tltiitgs. It is chief aboundingg in setnsation is said tot be oif tiesvorlil's luxuries, king by the very' well written and to contain it grace of Goti over aii tite fruits of I perfectly logical and soeweshat 'rg the earth. Whetn tne has tasted it I inal story. lie knosswhat thse an~gels eat. It I seas nsot a Southern watermelon thsat Notice to Baseball Palyjers. Eve took; we kntow it because site All men wvbo intend to try for po- repented."-Pudd'itleatl Wilson. :4:t ..f +1.t - r ,e..ase1ai.1 team i.,+t W. ARNOLD, sit'Vie-resy ~ 1 J. VC WALTZA2dst. Cshier SN 1INGS WINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL RNKOrssio d1853 Capital, 1100,000. Sseplusond Prefits, 840,00 Treansacts a geneal banhing business. Foreign exehangehbought anedeold. Futrnish letters of credit. E. D. ICIIONE, Preer. HARRISON SOUL. viceePress S. IW. CLARKSON, Cashier. Con n J~ anHur Steets Capitol. st0,0e0. Surpsp, $30,00. 't'ransacts a generat bankiighbsiness. R EXPF, Pes. C.' E. REE e-ePres. FRED. H. SE, Cashier. Th lnnPII flrbor Savings8 Bank Copitl oScek.&scooce. Srpltus, 150,000. Resources. $1tt00,00. Organieed ceder t'e Genrl Bnkeling Lows ofltbisltate. Receicestdpitt us, buy ad elltstit cchageonthe prineiptal cties et the Uelled States. Dratfettsse ctit.pe dntfcain tirrCicCristitin Malk.PIeee.; W. 0. lHarri- man, Vice-Prete.; Chtas. E. Ilietoc, Cashiere; M J. Fritz Assst s ie r.b LAMB & SPENCER, ..THE .. Fancy Grocers W~e keep everything usually kept to a first-clues Geocerey and Btakery. Call and see ue. (Students' Lecture Association.) spring, be at the Gyms. or Athletic "July 41t: Statistics show that see 318 S. STATE ST, Field, at nine o'clock Saturday merit- lose tmore fools 0n this day titan in l EN ' iLA DR log. ERNEST LURN, Capt. all the other days of the year put ST D N S'L UN R together. This psroves, by tile lum- ASSOCIATION. FOuR REN.-A very desirable her left in'stoclc, that one Fourth of- suits of rooms, with stationary bawl, July per year is note inadequate, the AMt VOUG1II 1-Wit i1 OX, Have you. seen those large hot water heating and all modern cotuntry has grown so."-Pudd'iihead AGsETFO posters? Gee whiz! Isn't that conveniences, at 439 S. Division St. Wilson. T_______1HE GRAND LAUNDRY, a fine course0 for $2.00? If you oT--le ocinel cp. S, L. A. Tickets an Sale, The bestOIT. vald toeac on an a LOS.-Ablu makinoshcap. Te bet ighgrade itatndtreyin the Stale. The woud g toea~ on ani1py Leave at Stewards office or 511 Hill The tickets for the S. L. A. course only mauchine dosessic einish is the West. sincele6 admuissions it would cost qCw12 lbe o aeMondayOt10atGoefnhaloggn.llwrpomly b t Ochy> 10, at aly and carefully dones. $6.00 any wNay, anid then you Chas. F. Steinbaur, teaciter of Wilder's and by student solicitors. Th Exeso Lanr C5 woldi' hvea esrvd en.Mandolin, Banjeau and Guitar. Sute- Prof. Martin L. i)'Ooge is at pines. OF K\IAMAZOO. By getting a season ticket for cessor to Mel Gillespie. Studio with cut in Grand Raptids. He expels to Collars .......................1 Cent $2.00 you can reserve a seat Alan Arbor Music Co. Manidolin Or. return Saturiday, Cuffls....... ................. for the whole coturse for 50 chestra Music furnished. 6-11 ry h Portlanld Cafe for boardShires. ,..................... 3'th I ithe lo~se.S. aoitietion 'tuaranteed. Gicc cents mor .LAnyone who To RENT-Large suite, ground first-class, anid only $3.00 per wteek. u ra don't ttake that. couse in at floor; furnace heat and bath. Renst Meals anid lunches at all hottis. Open 001icc 202 S. StoleoS. IResidence610 Lawrecnce stI Thae.that priice is nleglectinag a glo- reasonable. 313 N. Thayer. 12 day and night. New State Phose. 441. Pions opportuiiity. The first numbtlerS'oftes in about tw O S G E O US weeks. tWy~1R 1NE )T S On Sale Friday and Saturday, O ct, 1, 8. [" h I- NSbv. A. A manufactulrer's line of Fancy Shirts. Bright, new, Batty effects. Unlimited number of patterns. ' Prices to suit you all. WAGNER & CO83 123 S. MAIN ST. Furnishers. MVi.W. M iLWAR D 'STI ESANN ARBOR{- . 4 ~I-p"' I.