THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 The kind that wear right, and NITEtR BES Fit right, are right, and pa am asat RIGHT PRICE. 50c to $4. Goodspeed's, $4 . 119 S. Main Street. MIG6HI6N GENIRRL " The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. Mal and Express .... .3 47 P.M. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 5S Fast Eastern .. ..3...9 " Atlantic Express............7 45 A. M. Detroit Night Express. . 55 Grand Rapids Express .......11 10 Mail & Express.. ..........9 18 A. M. Bostos. N. Y. & Chicago..............8 13 "1 Fast Western Express ................1 38 P.M. G. R. & Kal. Express..........5 45" Chicago Night Express...... 43 Pacific Express .......................12 30 A. M. O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nov. 20, 1898. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Centril Stand- ard Tine. NORTH SOUTH :43A.M.: *7:25A.M. *a12:40OP.M. 11:23 A. M. t:56 P. M. 8:40P.M. RuRa between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. car leaves City Hall, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special U. of M. cars for all extra occa- sions. Baggage, express and Stsdents' supplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, Detroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited. Magnificent new fast trains via the Wabash, with free reclining chair cars; Wagner sleeping cars, palace coaches, and famous dining cars, Going east this train leaves Detroit at 8:25 p. m. arrives New York 3:30 p. m. Going west, this train leaves Milan at 8:07 a. m., arrives Chicago 2:40 p. m., St. Louis 6:52 p. m. Kansas City 7:15 a. m. The Wabash is a good road. One trial will convince you. If you contem- plate making a trip to New York, or to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, or Colorado, and will write to the undersigned, we will be glad to give you any information. F. A. PALMERa, A. G P. A., Chicago. C. R. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo R. S. GREENwOOD, M. P. A., Chicago. Ohio Central LImes THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowling Greei, Marietta, Findlay, Athens, Colutimbus, Middleport, and Cliarleston, W. Va. Columbus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at foledo. Through trains with Sleeping ant Drawing Room cars from Detroit and Toledo. MOULTON HOUK, General Passenger Agt. Its Time lobegisit Bicycle Question. You will Find all the Leaders- Columbias, Ramblers, Stearns, Waverleys, Sterlings, and others at rDr g YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED NO NEED perhaps, with the BOARD you are To send to the manufacturers when getting. Then make a change. Give you can obtain a genuine us a erial. We guarantee you will be pleased.2$.5eo pe week. Only Iwo R E Madlno blocksfome Eapes k53E. Wash- Mandin or oS t-3 doors west of Methodist VV bINIII J.S. BRASHIE, W.S. PARKER, Propr. Steward. Right here in Ains Arbor, ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. At the U. OF M. PINS, 50 Cents. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty, No. 114 W. Liberty St. .1 L_ CHA P MA N .00 l Main Stece, 206 Soute Main Street. I CALENDAR. Wednesday, March 8-Brooke's Marine Band in S. L. A. course. Friday, March 10-Fruit and Flower Mission Dance. Saturday, March 11-Fresh Soph. Meet. March 17 -'Varsity Oratorical contest. Freshman Notice. The trials for the 6-14 mile run will be held at 4:30 o'clock, Thurs. day afternoon. JAS. STRASSHURG, Mng'r. AT THE BOWLING ALLEY-A prize will be given each week for the highest single score. Price 15 cents for a two-hand game. Open afternoon and evening. Join classes at Granger's School of Dancing. $3 from now until season closes, May 1. Notice '02. There will be a mass meeting of class members Wednesday, 4 p. m. Room C, U. H. An organization for Fresh-Soph meet will be formed. All freshmen are requested to come. F. O. THOMPSON, Pres. Music. Courses 9 b, 11 b and 12 given by Prof.Stanley,are withdrawn. Students who have elected these couses will he allowed to substitute other work, but thle change in election blanks must be made at once. Four new dormitories with accom- modations for 460 students are being erected on the campus at Columbia College at an estimated cost of $750,- 000. That special sale of Waldo mando- lins and guitars at the Ann Arbor Music Co. goes merrily on. Such genuine bargains have never been seen in this town. L 1Rentzcbler, tbe I)photograpber. Srmn n====nm Z 3 Z~-.j-.2,. - .,I .,,-.- . - .TZJ 3J i . Z 0. M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Ave. Wm. Arnold Leading , Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS ...ARE... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phone 119. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official outfitters to all the leading colleges schools and athletic clubs of the country. The Spalding Bicycle, ridden by the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Champions, asd all tie eading college riders Every Requi- site for Base Ball, hoot Ball, Golf, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnasium. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Official Bail of the National League and all the leading callege associations. Hamadsome Catalogue of Athletic Spor Free toan artdd ress. Spalding's Oficia Base Ball Guide for 189 Msrch30.10Cenis. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is the snip line team the Toledo Union Station ta Coumhus aad poiotshbeyond, using Union Depot terminais at Columbus. Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Seats 25 ts. Pullman Sleepers on Night Trains Studentsdesiring unequalled facilities are In vitedo use the Oncee Rous.lsl paetis lars on application to lcal ticket agents, sr W. H. FISHER, G. P. and T. A., Columbus. Ohio. k M H M M !+ The(uriNaC PAIEoe ARE MAKING WOMEN'S SHOES ON SH LAI MEN'S APED STS The Newest All Kinds Fashions One Price $305 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1st. nao EAST HURON STREET. X IISz:zzzzzzj MER Rig WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.