G. H. WILD Co.
Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washington St ,
Fresh Today.
OU n Dag and Night.
Ilnring the rest of the college year we
will serve lunches at all hus, .day or
night. Full line of Pipes, cigars, and
308 So. State Street.
Soda Water
Calkins' Pharmacy m
Law Books
For the Second Semester
Text Books
For all the departments.
Bought and Exchanged.
Best Linen Paper, 15, 20 and 25c perhlb.
Given bt Carreno Last Night in
Unicersity Hall.
Teresa Carreno last night made
captive Ann Arbor's select musical
populace. A fair sized audience
gathered in University Hall to hear
the "Lioness of the Piano," and
added its praise to that so generously
lavished on her elsewhere. The
reception given the pianist was one
of the most enthusiastic tendered a
musician here in a long time, and
out of all proportion to the number
present. Carreno was compelled to
return and play atn encore after her
last number, something which rare-
ly happens even in music-loving
Ann Arbor. The last encore was a
waltz of Carreno's own composition.
The following program was given:
1 (a) Fantasie Chromatique and
(Bulow's Edition.)
(b) Sonata-C sharp, minor, op.
27, No. 2, Adagio, Allegretto,
Allegro Molto......... Beethoven
2 (a) Two Preludes-B flat-G flat.
(b) Nocturne-G major, op. 37..
(c) ................Chopin
(e) Etude-G flat.
(d) Polonaise-A flat, op. 53.
3 (a) Impromptu-Op. 142, No. 2.
............. chubert
(b) Soiree de Vienne... Schubert-Liz
(e) La Campanella-Etude.....
........... .......Paganini-Liszt
4 (a) Sonetto Del Petrarca.
(b) Rhapsodie Hongroise-No. 6. Liszt
Track Team Nes.
Active preparations are now being
made for the Freshman Sophomore
meet, next Saturday afternoon. The
inclined platform will be put up in the
gymnasium at the end of the 40-yard
dash and the men will no longer be
unable to stop before striking the
wall. The girls of the two classes
will make a banner as has been the
custom in previous years. They will
attend the meet in a body and pre-
sent this banner to the winning team.
Much interest is being shown in the
meet and already the number of
entries is larger than it was last year.
The men for both relay teams have
been practically decided upon and
trials for the 6-14 mile race will be
run on Thursday afternoon.
National Track Meet.
Caspar Whitney, the authority on
amateurism and purity in college
athletics, has a plan by which he
hopes to bring together the eastern
and western colleges. His idea is to
hold, every two years, a national
track meet to decide the champion-
ship of tie Unitet States. The
association havitg charge of this
meet should be governed by repre-
sentative college men. Under this
plan it is hoped that the wrangles
and squabbles now so conspicuous on
both of the intercollegiate associa.
tious, will be of less importance.
Mr. Whitney favors holditg this
meet in Chicago as it is the most
'centrally located city.
Robert R. McGeorge has accepted
the superintendency of the Peters-
burg, Mich., schools. H. T. Bow-
man has entered the Cincinnati Art
School. Both were valued artists on
the U. of M. Wrinkle.
Brooke and His Band Tonight.
The Students' Lecture Association
tonight presents Brooke and his
famous marine band. Throughout
the history of military bands in
America it is everywhere conceded
that in no other organization has
there yet been observed clarinet
players of such refined quality and
matchless capabilities as those in the
Chicago Marine Band, and the entire
reed section is regarded by every
well informed observer as being
matchless. This fact has become a
matter of such wide and general
comment that Mr. Brooke has fol-
lowedout this line in the evolution
of his ideal band, which has been
increased from its original number of
35 players to the unusual aggrega-
tion of 65 first-class artists. In
arranging this number of players he
combines a complete brass band of 25
men and a complete reed band of 30
men, either of which can play inde-
pendent of the other. This combi-
nation assures the highest possibili-
ties it all kinds of music that it is
possible to arrange for wind instru-
ments, and the result will be a reve-
lation to all who attend these con-
certs during the season.
Marathon Race.
The Cornell Cross Country Club
has announced its intention of hold-
ing a race which promises to be an
innovation in American college ath-
letics. It is to be a 25 mile road
race, thus initiating the ancient
Marathon race which was a feature
of the Grecian games.
This idea has been suggested by
the revival of the annual Olympic
games in Europe. The idea is looked
upon with much favor among the
cross-country runners of the univer-
sity, and many of thetn have ex-
pressed their intention of entering.
It is probable that if the winner
makes a good showing, he will be
entered in 1900 in the Olympic
games, to be held in Paris.
Unicersity Medical Societt.
The society will hold a meeting at
7:30 o'clock Thursday evening in
the lower lecture room of the medi-
cal building. This will be a very'
instructive meeting and a full at-
tendance should be secured. There'
will be talks by Drs. Huber, War-
thin, Spitzley, Arneil and Wallace.
President Dwight on the Collegian.
We quote from the current num-
ber of Munsey's Magazine an article
on "The Collegian, Past and Pres-
ent," which will prove interesting
and profitable reading for under-
"There are two tendencies to
which men, even men who suppose
themselves to be honest investigators,
are liable, and which we see often-
times manifesting themselves in ex-
"On the one side, the seeker for
light, discovering a system of
thought or form of teaching handed
down to him from the past, is dis-
posed to accept it simply because of
its established or venerable charac-
ter. He feels that what the fathers
taught and their fathers believed is
not to be set aside, but that the con-
sent of the ages, as he would ex-
press it, ought to have a binding in-
fluence upon the men of today.
"On the other side the youthful
student who enters upon the same
search says to himself, 'Why should
I sit so constantly at the feet of the
past? Progress is the law of the
world. The fathers were well enough
for their time, but we have passed
beyond them; and strange indeed,
when all around us is growing and
obanging if we had not thus passed
beyond them.
"The fair and large-minded way
is between these two, and leads
apart from the errors which belong
to both. Moving forward out of the
past into the future, such a man has
his eyes, as a distinguished person-
age has said, in the front of his head
and not in the back of it. But he
does not go on without any guidance
from knowledge already gained, or,
in a single word, think that he is the
only student or that he has the final
"I heard a prominent graduate of
one of our universities say that when
he was a student many years ago,
there was in the student community
almost a contempt for wealth. The
thoughts and ambitions of the col-
lege men at that period were in the
line of higher things than wealth,
and in their estimate of one another
they regarded this as nothing. The
whole life of the country has greatly
changed since then. We have be-
come a wealthy nation. The devo.
tioti of thte people to money getting
has become so great as even to be
alarming, and the one desire which
seems to unite all men together is
the desire to make something in this
matter of money out of nothing.
"There is surely no worse sign of
the times in our day than this. But
I believe that much of the old spirit
still remains-at least, so far as our
judgment of men goes.
"If the evil tendencies that are
itanifesting themselves so strongly
among our people are to be checked,
and the glory of the old ancestry is
to be preserved, the result must be
accomplished through the influence
of educated men. Those who go
forth from the universities and col-
leges must show by their living, by
their exaltation of learning and
lContnaed on Page s,
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