THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HILDEBRAND THE NEW TAILOR, 110 E. Washington St. MIG6HIRN GENTRfL " The Niagara Falls Route.,, CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. GOINGEAST. Mail and Express. .....47. . N. Y. & Boston Special .......4.5 Fast Eastern .... 9 43 " Atliatic Express ......................7 45 A. X. Detroit Night Express .I... NN. 5 Grand Rapids Express . ii...... is 1 GO. N W.EUGLE, T. AE, Mail & Express .....i....91 A. M. Boston, N.Y. & Chicago..A.'...... 8 13 r Fast Western Express........ 1 38 P.. G. R. & Eat. Epress..........5 40 Chicago Night Esprens .........943 Pacitec Expresn ............1230A. 9. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. RAYES, G. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Agt Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nov. 20, 1898. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Time. NORTH SOUTH 8:43 A.Al. n1:25 A. A 12:40P. M. ii:IA.sA. t:56 P. M. 8:40 P. M. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. no. U. of M. car leaves City Hall, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special U. of M. cars for all extra occa- sions. Baggage, express and Students' supplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, Detroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited. Magnificent new fast trains via the Wabash, with free reclining chair cars; Wagner sleeping cars, palace coaches, and famous dining arse, Going east this train leaves Detroit at 8:25 p. m. arrives New York :30 p. no. Going weot, this train leaves Milan at 8:07 a. m., arrives Chicago 2:10 p. m., St. Louis 6:52 p. io. Kansas City 7:15 a. m. The Wabash is a good road. One trial will convince you. If you contem- plate making a trip to New YorK, or to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, or Colorado, and will write to the undersigned, we will be glad to give you any information. F. A. PALNER, A. G P. A., Chicago. C. R. CRANE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. R. S. GREENWOOD, M. P. A., Chicago. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO ,Bowling Green, Marietta, Findclay, Athens, (CinItnibns, M i(dleport, and Charleston, W. Va. Columbus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Through trains with Sleeping and Drawindg Room cars from Detroit and Toledo. EMOULTON HOUR, General Pasnenger Agt, . ,. . CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING.1 We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any in the State. We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. All garments made by us kept pressed and in repair for one year. 106 E. Huron. New State Phone 43. CALENDAR. Tuesday, March 7-Choral Union Concert. Wednesday, March 8-Brooke's Marine Bauid in S. L. A. course. Friday, March 10-Fruit and Flower Mission Dance. Saturday, March 11-Fresh Soph. Meet. March 17-'Varsity Oratorical contest. Freshman Notice. The trials for the 6-14 mile run will be held at 4:30 o'clock, Thurs. day afternoon. JAS. STRASSBURG, Mng'r. Frank W. Shepard represented the local chapter of the Chi Psi at the annual banquet of the Chicago Alumni Association which was held last week in Chicago. Members of the Vesper choir must report for rehearsal today at 3 p. M., in Room C. A. A. STANLEY. AT THE BOWLING ALLEY-A prize will be given each week for the highest single score. Price 15 cents for a two-hand game. Open afternoon and eveniig. LOST-Between S. Thayer and Fourth ave., by way of Packard, an Alpha Phi sorority pin, with name of owner engraved on back. Finder please return to 626 S. Thayer st. and receive reward. Join classes at Granger's School of Dancing. $3 from now until season closes, May 1. That special sale of Waldo mando- lins and guitars at the Ann Arbor Music Co. goes merrily on. Such genuine bargains have never been seen in this town. NO NEED To send to the manufacturers when you can obtain a genuine ~AILLMandolin or vashuurn Guitar Right here in Ann Arbor, At the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty St. 0O M. MARTIN,.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Ave. si Wm. Arnold leading Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS . . . A R E .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. state Phone r1 9, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NewRYork - (hica g,-. ATHLETIC GOODS. Oficialoti tters 5tsitoaltheein oi,: ::ies scho~iol sllt let:ic ss lie ii :: tiy. The ssi:ding stieyeeirid den by he .nt"s "le "ia ^ ^- A. A . lmlions and tite or as iBail, iFoot Bal, Go:f, Tennis, AthleSic ,tyI, a sha m. Spalding's Official League Bal Is the Officiasl i:lt iofithNational iague land l u:l t1ciius al::euo:. i ia,io n se "iandsotne Cun kue of atic esur Fe toaiyo d i Alarchi30.. 10 Cn,,. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is the only line from the Toledo 'Unio taSion to Columrusandatpolin eyod' "si"g U"ion Depotiemitalstat'ol,o. Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Seats 25 cts. Puliman Sleepers on Night Trains Students desirinr ounequaled acilitieseare in vtied lanse the BuceeRotte. Futlpartita iason sapplicationtooteal titket agento W. H. FISHER, Io d T. A., Csis,,,ba, Ohis. lRentschter, the lbhotographer. . . -ZI- (INCORPORAT ED) Co. ARE WOMEN'S MAKING SHOES ON MEN'S SHAPED LASTS 14 H 78 IH The Newest All Kinds Fashions One Price . Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1st. no EAST HURON STREET. H441+Li rp 1 c II I n1 1+ WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.