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March 07, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-07

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,r1r Teresa Carreno in Uniiersiti4 Hall
Pulihd aiy(Sndy ecetd)duig h seon, important concert of the Microscopical Sup
College year. at saosfe osil f te tire
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. year, is the recital to be given in-AD
7OiEe: The Itland Precee,[Henning Block. University Hall tonight by Teresa
Bate Phoeee7" arrlC. the world's greatest womaan Dissecting Ins,
MANAGING EDITOR. pianist. It has been well aaid of hier
thatshehas uchthe ameposiion Everythtng yea aced fc
F. ENGaEeHARD, 'o kL. tttst a ac h aeposto Cry week yeawell fir
BeUSINESS MANAGER. it pianoforte playing that Sara
0. 1.11 Ne,'askL. iBernhardt holds towards the theatre, J..TQ A
w- EIOSorRosa Boetliour amng 1painters.J QU
Athletic Editor, T. R. WosOecow, 'so L. Shee is by birth a Venezuelane, and a CAMPUS DI
P. W. JaccES, '99, A. Ii. McDaoGAL, '01 E. grand niece of Bolivar, hot she has
F. D. EAAN,'00: C. H. Leceea'00 M, spent most of her life in the United
G. D. HUaxeec. '01 E. J. B. WOD'010. States, and is a staunich patriot. Her-
feeling in this regard is well shown
by her rebuke to Sarasate when he
-__ ___tosk it upon h~imslelf, in her pres-.O L
The subscription piciec at the DAILY is t2.50 foreee, to make 00010 remaarks very
the colege year, with a regular delivacy hefore derogatory ho A meic. Her answer I
noneady oiecmuiinadothec matter aceded forcpulcoicatonemust he was: "I am a Yankee, if you like.
hooded in at lice DAILY eofice betore 8 p. im., ocr aelvdi h ntdS
mailed to the editoc hetore 3 p.cm. atfte day Ihv ie n h ntdSates
preeviose to that on which they ace expected to alemost all my life. It is my country,
ubsctonsomy bh etl at the DAILY oafice, and no one can say sucit thingsk
Mee',oteolets newstand, or with BusincethI
Manager. Stuhscihers will canfe a faoracby against it in my presence. It isthf
repiocting praoptly at til office any failucteetgetetcntroifhewrd
earriece to delisvepapec.raetconr nth oland I
All changes in adveertiingeater neet he in love it." 1I
the office hye4 . In. on the aypreceious to that. 1EI
on which they ace to appear. Carreno has studied music since
IN CARGE ofTOAYc'SISSUE, she was three years old, and took
part i cieefit cnetwe h
___________________________was oiniy nine. She tells of meeting
The followling brief notice is in the Joachim inii Londoit, and htow (when
Pennsylvaenian for Saturday: she was about fourteen) they playedC
"The first anniual debate between the great "Kretzler" soitata together,
Micliigaiiaiid Petinsylvania was held fromo memosry. From then until now prcsro $1U.
last iight, at 8 o'clock, at Aitn Ar. her public life has been a series of Prcsfo $5Up
bor, Micl., and was womi by Miclii- triumopics, anid today sue is at the
gan, the vote of the judges beincg height of her powers.4
twvo to one. The debate was decided Chief amnig the chiarateristics
On the forte and ianner of delivery, iinaniously ascribed to her by the
and not upon the mierits of the ques. critics is thiat of iteinse imndividlual-
tion. It wtis a contest of rhetoric ity. Whaltever she plays-and she
and eloquenice against fcacts." plays everything-one; feels that no
We cane reply by stating the exact one but Carreiio would have given
facts of the case. Before the debate just that particular -shading, just
the judges were iiistructed porticu- that color.
harily toi decide oii the nierits of the
debating, that is, on the mierits of the Fresh-Soph Meet.
aru in ot on the merits of the All entries for the Fresh-So/h OLLEGE cmcx every,
Orguilelt op * Icontainsxnaroly 3'
questioi. Each judge was alilowed miet niust lee in by niext Thiursoay k./ofthe cosirctcico
to decide for himesef what constituted evening. Blaniks arcetiow in tite First-class musica deal.
effective debatitig. Not a word was Gymneasiu Director's office giving ohtained frrom the mcakes
said to ticemc abocut form aiid manner the list of events. All cointestancts T y(
of delivery. If tice judges after be- shcouled sign their names belsw each
ing instruicted, decided on the eveict iii which they intend to coin-
form aitd ecicier (if argumitent it is icete. MuJch iclerest is ibeing shtowcn STUDE.NTIS
icot Meclcigccic a fault.. However, in the meet aicc the list Of citries
iteiticer weenor lice judges adiiit that wiii be iccitch larger tala cst year. B R O "I
their largumienitseas helter. Accsrd The draig for placces will he mode
hug to lice judges thcy lost because of Thcursdcay eveing.
their wronig intierpretacticon of the 'T'le imeet this yeacr will he un-
questione. Prof. 'Trueblcood silys usciciiy interestiicg both ono accouct O H
uMr. IMorris coos the best individucal of the excellicce of the cointestcants
edebater cwe icet this year. but his .andcte lcargecnumbeir of relay races. R A P

truments. . ANN ARBOR
cco Caea- Bnes
ad here. rlnes
;where arc invited to tend Car the Washhurn Souvenir Cataiog.
caoportraitsof artistsandocollegians,hbesidesngiinggsoe accoant
ofCWashhburncinstramcntttand a complee lost of netricecs.
es the world tvre ll Washhurns, or instraucents acay be

feillocw-debaters did nocc eupciitco
his standarccd. On thee cciole, Mihic-
glan's arguenmts cwcre 1111-cenueroums
amid immore fsrcible thon Peennisylva-
'1hce ipaper preseneed by Prof.
Heicuic at thce emeeting of the Moid-
ciii Languacge Associamtiion ot the
Unciversity cit Virgineiao iast Deccem-i
her,cccniireacd beforeelice 1octa1 Philoi-
lsgical Society recently, cwilcippeaer
iii time Jsccnal of Germacnic Plcillgy.
Inm this hiaper Prof. Hemicim giv-es r
report of time disciovery of thee key
tci thee qumestiont of the originc cittime
iRunmic alcabet. 'Theeciief rescuit
(, lice paper io that the Ruses are
omly a mdified form of a wcstern
G reek alphabet of about 600 B, C.
Arthur Richardson, '99, aned Chias.
Beeneer, '01 L., cwiii represent the
University Y. M. C. A. at thee State
Y. M. C. A. gymnastic meet hi De-
troit next Wednesday evening. John
H. Prentiss, '00, will also compete at
this meet as a member of one of the
Detroit associations.

Blesidhes flee regular Ercoicicme -Sipico-
immre cas race there ciii be races
betwceene severalofcthlie cipper classes.f
'hle oilier eveents ciii he the sacmee es
icc fcirmcer yeacrs. 40-yard ilash, 40
yard c'liichrtdles 6.14 mil ei,
cule ruinc, ple vaulct, high juemip,
sleet put, cemei 4 lop relcay race.
Loitms Blaucf iha gonce to his
hcomce iii Oskoloosa, Ia., 1toassist it
adjiustincg act estaite.
Otis Skinner
tn the Bcocantic Success
% Prices $1.50,$1, 75, 50 and 25 cta.
MARCH 13 TO 20,
Matinee and Eening Every Day.
New Opera Every Performance.

Thee Greatest Popsular 3i11ecic Bniiihifne Woreld.
Wednesdaij Eiening, Marh- 8.
Single Adinissioeu-------------------------------....75c tad $1.00
Course Tickets Itetoesto e............... ---------.2.5
Tickets and Sets ti be seciureulatXWiler's Pharniuacy.
1899 Crescents M. STAEBLER'S
Crescettt Bevel Gear Chmainc- Cycle Emporium',
less, - - - $00
Juveniles, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST.,
All fitted wich Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR.
$5.00 per Tenet of 12 Weeks.
Private Lessons hy Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246.
Soles occrfanmous tee Cream, bhat
thllie difference is that the colder
itf*Ue gets the more at oar ceam
E~E Nyea want.
It'sPrety ***fllfl MAO WHITE,
Prett Cold 110S. MAIN ST.
B~~ ell Please, t66; Stoic, iso.

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