2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Press on Carreno. The following are some of the Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the press comments about Carreno, who College year.at is to appear in University Hall to- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. morrow evening: OrrE: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Carreno is not to be compared to Both Phones 147. any other living pianist. In her art MANAGING EDITOR, she is unequaled.-Berlin Courier. F. ENaELHARD, '01 L. Her technique and power on the BUsINESS MANAGER. piano has never been surpassed.- o.H. HANs,'00L. London Times. EDITORS. Anton Rubinstein called Carreno Athletic Editor, T. R. WOonOW, '00 L. the "Rose of Castile" and pronounced P. W. JONES, '9, A. H. MeDoUGALL, '01 Elir technique marvelous.-Berlin F. D. EAMAN, '00: C. H. LoN, '55 M, National Zeitung. G. D. HUDNUTT, '01 E. J. B. WOOD,00. Terresa Carreno has been called the "lioness of the piano" such force and passion has she displayed.- DLO -Paris Figaro. The ubscription price of the ALY$.5 far Carreno, in her beauty and won- the callrge year, weith a regalar delivery deor derful control of the iino s a liv- noon eaciday. Notices, communications, and othrr matter otraded for pubication must be ing embodiment of the art divine.- handed to at the DILossefoce hefore 5 p. mn.or0 mailed to the editor before 3 p. m. of the lay London Telegraph. precious to that on which they are expected to Teresa appear,.ers Carreno's playing is dis. ahascriptis omayea left at the DAILY affice, tinguished by brilliancy and power, eyer's, or Stofflet's newsanod, or with Basinesbilacy pwr Manager. Subscrbers will cofer a favor by as well as elegance of style. She is reparting praosptly at this office any failure of te"ue fpaovrus. carriers to deliver paper. the "queen of piano virtuosi. Alt changes in advertising matter must tob Vienna Neue Freie Presse. theaofficey 4ymi. oa ths day provios to that dy on which they are to appear. Not since the days of Rubinstein have such power and passion, com- IN CHARGEo or ToDAY'S IsUE, bined with admirable technique and P. W JONES. elegance of style, been displayed as characterize Carreno's playing.- Brooke And His Band. Vienna Tageblatt. One of the most notable attractions Fresh-Soph Meet Saturday. to appear in this city is that of Next Saturday is the date set for Brooke and his famous Chicago the aniual reshean-Sopfomore Marine band which will appear in tndoarnuaet Freshwi nSoprin re University Hall, Wednesday, March indoor meet. It will occur in the 8, in the S. L. A. course. The peo- aftersoon as formerly. Managers ple are to be congratulated on having Broskield and Strasburg are work. the opportunity of hearing this, the ing hard getting out men and there great popular music band of Ameri- will be a large list of entries. Neither ca. It is a popular music band in class will have a walk-away and it the sense that it plays the music that will be a toss-up as to which class people like, and wherever the band wins. No admission fee will be has appeared it has received the charged and everyone is invited to warmest praise and brightest recogni- attend. The judges, timers, etc., tion of press and public. No other will be announced later. band in America today has experi. ATuTHE BOWLINGALLEY-A enced the success nor secured the engagements as has Brooke and his prize will be given each week for Chicago Marine bald in the compar- the highest single score. Price 15 atively short time the band has been cents for a two-hand game. Open organized. Its progress and success afternoon and evening. have been without precedent and -_- _ -_-- _ -_ it stands today acknowledged byTHEATRE press acid public a woniderful and un- ATH ENS T EAT E When Noble Special passing Fcr prag See Fo Spi g our Fancy Hosiery in South Window. In introducing to you our new Derby, which comes in all the best makers' blocks, also all the new shades, we wish to mention that we are giving you a Hat for $3.00 that without doubt is the best Hat that can be manufactured to sell at that price. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Labora- tory Supplies 112 S. Main street, Ann ArborMich. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE None like it elsewhere. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The largest assortment of Candies in the city, made hourly. Oysters served in any style. BOSiSTOP In ILR -SAT THE- A KIN DHIGIIIIThNTHE FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS- Huron St. East of F. and M. Bank.A Ann Arbor, Mich equalled military concert band. Since its first tour in the fall of 1895, the band has filled two and three en- gagements in all the larger cities east of the Mississippi river, three tours of Canada as far east as Halifax, two entire summer seasons in Philadel- phia, one summer in New Orleans, two fall seasons at the Pittsburg ex- position, and has been re-engaged for the entire coming summer ii New Orleans. In all of its engagements honors have been heaped npon the organization and its conductor. En- thusiastic audiences have greeted them at every turn and the public have attested the band's popularity and the critics have expressed their approval by saying, as they did in Cleveland that, "Brooke unites the dignity of Theodore Thomas with the quaint humor of the late P. S. Gil. nmsre."' Mrs. Stanford of Leland Stanford University is arranging for many improvements now that her estate is settled up and out of the courts. The most important among these will be a memorial chapel to cost not less than $100,000; a memorial arch 85 feet wide and 40 feet high to be erected between two buildings of the "quad," and also two large buildings for the scientific departments. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 6. oland Isadore AND Reed Rush IN A NEW PLAY "His Father's Son." Prices $1.50, $1,75, 50sand 25 ts. Shirts for full dress are of fault- less fit-they have non-bulging bosoms-nothing finer can be produced and they cost less than custom made. At Your Furnisher or Clothier CLUETT, PEABODY CO. (Successors to Cluett, Coon 6 Co.) Makers STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION. D~f~~L(~AND H IS BROOKE I AL FAMOUS CHICAGO MARINE BN The Greatest Popular Missic Band isa the World. WednesdaJ Evening, March 8. Sinigle A dmission........................................75c and $1.00 Course Tickets Reduced to............... ........................ 1.25 Tickets and Seats can be secured at Wilder's Pharmasacy. 1899 Crescents M. STAEBLER'S $35.00 Crescent Bevel Gear Chain- Cycle Emporium, less, - - - $60.00 Juveniles, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., All ftted with Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR. GRANGER'S SCMOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 per Term of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. A NEW THING . In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the English Flat Last. We have them in Button and Lace. If you want to be successful, look successful and wear our shoes. MILL'S HOE STOR E,,119 Ah.ntoan*st.