4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER' LAW BOOKS GO TO I WILL GIVE Stabler's Art StoreI 20 per cent Reduction to all Students Art Novelties and of the U. of Al. on goods purchased FR Fine Frame Mouldings. at toy store. ...................................... D.frun I JOS. W. KOLLAUF, _T HE- TAIILOR, 214 East Washington St., nar 5th Av'e. ANN ARBOR. 2f17 S. 4th Ave. Phnone 173. adlsauUry sstore, I~t ,'nir,;.s ~Wss I. i O Sec. STRTIf II~b~iU~l~WlabARNOLD,01 LIds" Vice pre INO Cooley's axationLaps GownsAand B WNK Ciole'sTaxtin ap, Gwn, ndHoods toads to order and rented. Also (last Transacts a general Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address Banking Business. High, Extraordinary Legal W. C. KERN, Westen Mngr., Cl Remedies~ E K E PT A E FIRST NATIONAL BANK O AnnArbo W E Y G Caipia, t00,(00. Surplus asdProfits, t4000e Hollands, Jurisprudence Eeyri nor ani bigreaneldvritshed ails mci-n e' ea aknbsie oeg 1' fr srin trae xchngeboght ad said. Furirsh letters of Greenleat, Evidence Vol. 1 H0L1 IES' LVIVcY- .KtaNE,tPrs. ttARRt5ON SOUILP TE.LEFIONE 106. 515 E. LIBBRTY. S5 W.iJLARtiSONC a'hier Mechem, Cases on Agency Catiopy furnished for parties. Elliott, Municipal Corporations LAWi i.,S ""ST aU D E N TSt i We call attenttoin to our complete line of ('enter lDratit Nickel Plated L amps Cptl100ariis 300Ta'ii Elliott, Cases on Private Copr- rankiing in price from 750 to 82.50 each. These Lamps are of (he latest and gerabnkgbuis. most improved pattetns and nmakes. Including C"The New liorhealer,"l'he a, a er ,Pres. C 0 a EEVice-rot. Yale" "The Rsyal,"IThe lBerlin Student Lamp, " "The IFerfectioti Student FR E. H n t,-mt, Cashier. porations Lamp.'If you want the heat Lamp for the Leott Moitep1 come arid see uas _______________ 01d Number: 44SO. MAIN ST.,- __________________ N & C0 I Thef1w iflrbor SaVrnugS BaHR AN N ARBOR. MICH. eis.000 epsnt. How Wisconsin Treats Her Ath- SIX OOC yDtNNER, 549 EOrgaized eend ethe tGenereltning eeiLas nvriy oosles ytiiitietBtUniversity move. $2.51)per iseel.osi tt. tepin0 o tbusadstlts SHEE AN_&COees.y _pxchageotheet ii ieiesofte gnted Ott the eveitig ii f the mtitinal D SCiA i ~'' tC tF~ Safty tiepesit btoesto ent. t~e _.' n _iT rr IKAIAItacn,0 )eICl.--'.'ieAtnti Ar- J.Fritz Assitant Casiert i r liiies ze pictuire iofPatrick d.;CO'Dea STUDENTS! PATRONIZE STUDENTS If You Do Not, Whyr Not? Wt'ecanigive vei thehist lanie ofi workwti the rettiet itrices. Elihe Oat-c New 'Phase, 44i, 202 CSnSe St. Students Laundry 1Asociation, Wm. Nougt'99 titeWm.,R. Fox,'0 Law. A TRIAL ORDER. 'F lant is all I tsk fr liy Lamtdry Aget. P. C. MioE YE R, Tel. \o. 170. 6i0tS1-.Williia St. THE RENtOWEDatMANDOLtINVRTOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will geve lessons on the maendolin and guitar at the U nikersily Selaool sof Music every Friday. For 'lerums and hoursapilply to the Secretary. cimtion, biy Mrs. C" K. Adlaems. 'T'ie folloswtig itmscriptioni sas mattaed.) Tol' the gymnmasisum of the Untiver- sily of Wiscotnsin,,tlils Iportrait of t' Por ailrtoad still sell excotrsont tickets tot Kalameazoo at one fare fiit' the r'oiiii trili, March 7 atid 8; re- turn limiit March 9. WASTED-EvCore toibuhy the iaiert and LAMB & SPENCER, THE, Patrick J. O'Dea, in recognltiti oif ialla't Hme" Is is itlnyed by tw-a persoasr h1iS geoiifrititifield, kieked friotiithe t'tch representing a nase Bltnitereadtilscoire Fnyrc in russ, hiis and erects thec same ai s anysae so eatemi ganie, is presentted hy Ma0rryeiBASciE BALL AT HIOME Co., We keep everything nonually kept ina K Adtit ''bOO 50, isietro~itrMich.irst-class Grocery and Bakery. Call 1 and aseus. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. 318 S. STATE ST. Doisey' Hoeppe, '9$, 01 L. avimhe Via tihe Attn Arhor IEmoilomme you cift college mt the close if ilast seiiies- caii esnect for itiportatit poitits as YOU'RE NEXT tar toacmoeptt a positionin iithle B 05 heloitw. tM oteSo ('ity' schools, has heeu omominiamteli LvedAutfArrti' tU.d oth. 3nroomSo r'ee7:2v5 a.oisioter of elseaeAfrrive So. Loam-. ......6:52p. ti. . Ri. TROJA OSt IKIt, Prop. '322 S. State Or \,aleeimeorCetoty. 72ar..Arrieass Cupy..... 7:15 a. n 7:5m .Arive Cmiesebus ........ 2:1'tp. m. PATRONIZE -- 7 la In ... Arive (icinnai ._...5:30p. te' 7 e5a a A rive Intdia oltais ....t3:45 pi.I 'ri m. mihr 7fme:leB e25 a ce..Arrivt' tauisv ile ...7i1 nt i. RRNTE ABR l e nebes f heGle Bna) a 5 . n ..Arive Parst Wotne ....1i-:35taooiiAND YOU WILL ALWAYS mini Mmemeu1Olnlubims rill hlimit-cIi' it1.5a. se..ArierCincisnati....'.7:50ae, .BE IN LINE. leir~re okeumit1itt~lm~iSSmoeiel ii'. o00 res ....eo it te. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ilal~h , t 2 1.11')5a tie..ArroirenBameitore..S2.0.5p. iI. eicm4mi2Itn, sharp. Drtes's taee . Arrite Phiiaelepiia 4 ...a . THE MODEL of State Street Stilts atdidthe ties, 11a. Cci Arivee hasbu. 0(..55tp.ti" is Bras N& ELY'S 1:5aI.. riveDaytoec. t...O 1p. teeBRBRHO 5:p.um.'e. errive C'ininati ......6:50 a.I~IeI BR R HPIt you desirr 15:4 plip teeArrire oi eri ieeo....tre5c a. te. first-class work tend courteous treatment MVeeisoftefhe XVesero ir iemst -:43dIn..rriveLansting 10:,50ea. ecntee.try GeorganHryat32SSaeS. cr 85:4e a. i...Arrive Graned iapids_..ielon g ndIar a 5 tt t repoert for oreearsal inext Tuoesday at 4:56 ph me.toe Arrisev~e lieew. OeO 800p. tee, 4:56iilloii . tp mi...exrtve Bey City .......s8:eep, tti. F lflE mbalmr a nd A.11,11 On . A.56 p III ... Arie L seaofin i...7e:00 p.I Ubfl DIETERLEFunealDirect I456 D.e i. Arrire F'inet ........ 7:30 ie.ise. Calis aitradrd Day or Night. i DAN DALL, State Phone 144. Peninsular Engraving Companq, DETROIT. MICH. -Don't Throw Your Glasses tire tu atter how hadly they ste htoketi. We t A wa willrepair eye-glasses and ~ Away spectacles whiile yoou watit, or - --. ..letnd yout another pair swhile yours are heing fixed. Notinag hot the heat materials, expert svork- imatship and honest prices. Eyes -N') 55~' examined frtee of charge. No. 16i E. Liberty StreretRsideace mum S Foorth Avr, Phoaec1us.: THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS M 'IL WARD THE TAILOR DRESS SUITS STATE ST~