THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 highest degree. He has made seven 1~ O .., X') C& . tours of 10 weeks each in the East Published Daily (Sndays excepted)i dueing the and woke the the people op every- College yeae, at where with such lively musslc as they THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, were free to confess they had never 'tp~Eet: The iland PFeces.,IHenning Bioch. Bth Phoses 147. The Teaching of Historlg. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EttesLssutt, '0 L. Ott Wednesday afternoon Prof. A. BUSuINESS MANAGER. C. McLautghlins gave an address in (. 1t. ttANS, 'I L. Tappatn Hall ossII'Tihe Teaching of EDITORS. History its Secondary Schools." He Athletic Editoe, T. R. wetestew' Es L. coissidered the presenit condition and P. W. JOES,'I9, A. a. Mouseess, 'It E. preseitt tenidesncy of history teacintg. F. D. EAMAN, '05. C. H. Lese, '05 M, His lecttsre swas largely hasesd on the G. D. HvNtttsas.'ot i. J. B. west, 'It. , repoirt of a conmtmittee of the Nationsal_ aHistorical Associatiost, of swhichi le is a miecmher. History has heeti givenst too little imiportantce its the secostdiary The subeceription prieof0 the DAsILY , ist50tee schoiols. Besisles its slisplisiary value th oeee arwth d ay. tegularC delivery heteee history is the stutdy of itost practical nonec a.Netices, temeenicstioens, ted othetrseettereineeded tee publictieonsest he Value to the citizest of a dentocraticI haned dit at the DIYoffsc eefet8 5p. sm., o sir h he dsinii it tesilestoitthe editer efrele3Ip. se, et the dsay Gulr.Tecifdfln s1 preeviesctisthatonewiich thep ae exepected to to stake history swork consecutive tot Subyceipcionssmaytet'efts teswth BeLYsficec sisify cosirses. Foist'years of his- EMee.s, o oehet' e wil t r eth uessbytorical ttidy tre recottmiesided as repertistg prosspsly at this sffct tsp failueeof follows: First year frsstm earliest carriecs te delisee papse. Alt changes isadertising smatter test se is tulnes to Clssrletitsyse 801) AD.; the offies byp4p. ss. ot theaay preeeoustosethattecslndivliisttoriEu- osi which they ateetoapearee. SGId ndaVIcldmdr uo peati history ;thild, Eniglishi, and I{ tN CHARGit E o TODAY'S ISE, fousrthi, Amsericati history atid goversi- A. H. MEtOCALL. siest. The teaciisg of gesseral Iis- PENNSY DOWNED. tsory as at presetit is stit approved, Cestitseil eoce Pgeut is it sesteadilthe specilsiciurses I Cninesroiae . asieds oldlbe gisven. poisitediouit tht tie tiiresative lid Dr. Chas. J. Little. shsowssithe' hurdessof tat', antssial if disarenieut store fetiile tie tsss 'The text Wiesleyant Guild lectitre tiosouesili e lsesefitesl. The probis sill he sdeliveredl Sundsay eveninig, leims of Esur'pescantl race tetidesicies, Masrcls 5, ini the Methosdist church. liostever, mtiske it unsfeasible. cThey Tlie speaker sill lie Dr. ('lies, J. mnust he settlesd hefotre sistiatisne~it Luttl',siof Eviatstn, Ill., atis his castbeheoccuresd. Attiasiesits bsegansuisbjiect, '' 'Ile Pltan of Christ ini itn Frasnce sitd Gertmatny. PRacitel ModiernTs housseght." lie. Little is a tesidesicy miasde it niecescs'vy for Gee- gooisiillusstrtion i of the sipp~ortuntities manssy to hsavceta trainiesdfirce Lecssuse whiieliare given intsu coutyto 5 lies'voluniteerstcosildlnstlble tsaissee pioleyoiutg mnsstiogain ltailces iof so rapidly stholicse if Frasnce. Site eminentce'. Etirly its life liesworked would stit give ip that which alone in as coail mi'e anidlle is suw presi- eniableslie tii saitali andsiholdl hee denit ftie Gsareett laIstue of poisitistn in Europe. Tsurkey has ta Evanstons. MicrscopcalSuppiesTHE MicrscopcalSD~i~esINLAND PRESS Dissecting Instruments. + ANN ARBOR Everthin yo forLa +Priners Biners teepweeb yoeewll wCeid here. inerfiflu }~ J.J . QUARRY, -AN- CAMPUS DUGi STORE. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS I4. 0555550 GBLOCK t 4r4f4.*4*+4+4 ++*++*++**+ COLLEGE STUDENTS 'HE Prices from $15 Up e