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March 04, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-04

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gill j3 ki Ilia*


G. H. WILD Co.
WVill nioiioce that we hiavenw
receiveil our Spring and Summer
Wsolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is nEcluasve and coufined, in
both foreiguniandldomnestic gods, and
is comptosedl of the best fahrics in
every line that ean he ohtained. We
carry the largest line of Woslens in
the city. We invite you to cull and
inspect the sme.
108 E. Wnshigtonl St,
Fresh Today.
Don uDdu and Night.
During the rest of theconliege yeaurw
will)serve lunches ati ol liors, nadno
night. Foil line otfPipes, Cigars,aned
R. E. JOLLY & CO /.,
308 So. State Street.
To the
Nobody ever leaves
a glass of our Sodla Water
unfinsishied. Whlether 110
huys a ive cent or ten cent
drink, lie drinksc it all-and
romtes agali.
Galkios' rhdIIIadGU
Law Books
[or the Second Semester
Text Books
Foe all the-departsnts.
nought ad Exchaniged.
Best Lisan Faper, 15, 20 and ie5 per lb.

P E N Y O N E D $ S. ohssit r tslnore cquestionsitndli
ally other two tuirtio ns together, and
hitd noi armaitmlenthack of themi.
Holland withi almot no armiament
ihs a greaer coitmere than Spain
Quaker Debaters Defieatedeaycmid.itthwn
ut et great lilililienstwitro etween
greatlitwers reretremlel y inr
M ich ganabie and they ay the mire readily
iv i r n n M en. reor tc aitration. In cseCt
bq iiJJshcutld coe to war eterh ation hs
the suientl opportunity tic prpae
for sar that every ter ils. Hetce
c~ athelllliiitelllile litthese bciresiome
X4on bii M chgans Superior armnamnts for posile ad ily
imipossible wais is tinecesisaiy and
c e injtistiflalle. A war wtiuld fnid sa-
jPrenp ra ion i andciR ebuttal. tionsisall eualy unprepareid forwa
as it noiw fndtl themc equally pe-
pcaret. Let natiions depenil nit vlun-
teer frces in ase ofi neidas tie U.
S.ids o l. fhe U. S. hss iever
Eaman Makes ac Brilliant Answxer to Oypp o- f
faietito coiicer siti vltiieers the
trained soldiery it every nation she
nent's Arguments. atneset.
uisctssioni of the negtive. Seraur-
The Peniisylvania delbatiiig teamni Each speaker a allowiedi 12 ity iii satioss has osly beennobttaineid
list tnightt teit down hefore the Ie- miiiuttes sot his first speech and five sie these ariiamnits a'e eeti
halers of Michigtat, itiUtiversity on rebutttal. The arguiments ini the raisei. Onl y Iy these has trbts'a-
Hall. The first Eastern dehaters rebuttal were for the moiist part am11- ttonlbecotie effective. The diliorita-
wlii isivadedl the West left victory pliflcatiounc1 exptlinltioni of thiose metitwtill nt io aniy switi the
lieltindi. An titdieiice of ahbot 1,50t0 alreadhy mde a rief anialysis of the eits s 'sthat podcdlrtteiat tlhelostircil t isent tedeae.Dr-aruinsisgteiblw.t, a beliceledt se
ng to titme f the dehate sidin tterest Martin H.(Carinodyslpeted the tielsrodlfo thieifcotipelleil tohek
lag. A group of Pennssylvania tn-otsiebate for the atefrititive. We arelisatiudfrtelf fteis
dents f the University gave te U. nt called tpontoi priive that he ln anl[md this byt ibeesef rsource nn sa
oP.yell several titmes, which w s natiunstill atually disarti. They leittueps l ciytie ccrm-
each tine greeted hy applausetanasii oty sever ritriihttat1 an cie tyafforedffroedldIy thetcos.,ine's.liyistrmt-
rinigisig U. of M. yell. Mr. Emtanutel riositiat they iiay sltno vtl i ad tetttrttillriiducle iteiuilt of
Atidersoin piydan ittrdtictiry ) alg i eievs itci-artmatiest etteetipresetitmilitary
the organilaad after the lantouce- stt1stteitrs ft~os iillieo h ~llyailh''itc te
stnent of the decision, the Yellotwit a sitt ieetaliinestheti siticmsoie police forcethat Tg-
eErtepeetammnsb d ad osatfa n lte. peuseP with? A nttion siststfoster ltd Juoai erailjeaositly
CifJulstice Cad t.rrnto otlt iesl. Disarttamsent mieiti
Chief (Sauis 13 Grat ofthose isterests whichi tend toward the the dowstf'all of Aglo-Saxol stihreml-
thin Supreme Court presided. The cosstant develotment of thi-eieo ay Tefeeso'tinsalte ucii
j judges twere Attoritey-Gsneriih'Frank iiiralysociallyatnd eoiiitiicallhy. h frmst eets h h ain ol
S. Monntt, Counihus, ., Iudge Ill Europhe S5,0t0,000( soldiets are uitis frometh seas. Anglo-Saxon
Williatmi 1. Hoyt, anud Hos. Edward prodtictively emlioyed. They cni- Otupiletacyiey ansiitopil~en ilompetitions
IR. OMalley, Buffalo, N. Y. sumioi thie hard earteud prottcts f ati justiniiclslrce lit1 ow5 tit
Michigant tas represented hy L. A lahor, Thin iebt cit Frlance has cerce he iasmi h Te ak
Wilsont, M. H. Cartiodhy, andl F. ID. growteitficiti2,500,000,000,itt 1870 to airiy the fleets aid Etigisli spr~em-
Eamsan. Peinsylvanita, y Win. 11. 6,500,000,000 tduiy. Ini the face cy antihiter tatis mym(do as
Alleni Jauties W. Riddle, atnd tolasnd o urpa plcesdsy mmn they please. Russia might cuiucin
ofEioesitches dluanotln'frsel ictithrietCh'inua
M, orris. ecomeiis this iiiy fetsihe Slution f heruriestdi'eetberee h ti
Thus decisioii of this judgeswaoties the awftul prohheuiuof the groinwiiohrof ighu prsetucecelb. h
for Michigani and oniei for Peiinsyl- armiies. Europle caiiiotmuithi lotger Lel~oy A. Wilsn w tas the hrch
Dai.This iecisioun was receiveP enidurci'the uirlns tf thueirhpresent soeaer frtsreliiaffiruative. IPreent
ttiit t rusisisg chien. While thin arunures.ecsitcsuituruthscl'rtaieit
judges were out Mr. Morris of Penin- Williamt H. Ahe penl this ega- Wr is uon iticrinwwartilntte uxceptionutaiides
syvtaiia thiauiked thin atieclne for ive. Scurity is this test civiia- thin ruie auidh tar is no lonir this
thirirnutsess and cordsialty to Cle tiiiu.The supremacty of tll thin icld rule as in thin lutst. Pears is iswaa
visiting dseaters, tutu expressed heCtsEmiries fell ecause theiyserer not usiversal uesie. Present sitl asd
Ihope thaut our dehaters sight be as hrehured.Etiglahahis benipci' reigous cindititns are such tatt at
wesh received at Philadelphia niext parel utdssinsuce hat timie has gratdhu- preset questionts are sot cinsisdered
year. ally andl'fr hiemost part peaceully settledunutil they are settledl right by
This est uwork fr Michigtan was suplanht~ted othernsations. Cossuterce reasoisi ad justice. Coopecrtiol is
uoue by Eaitnun asid for Psnstsyhvasnia has incuerased greatly iu excess of hic touay Cle teidency if all thin word
by Moicris. Eainan used especially armsamelnts since 1870. Thin iages aniu costantyhpepenasd sationss
effective ilustratois of lhe es'cnt atid per capita wealth of Europeaul are moire asdimium comling into e-
successful arbitrations. His rebuttal nationsshave istcreased for in exces operation o stte udifferences with
speech took tspte arguments of te of tie armnasents. France sends mututtal betnfit. International law
opposition squarely and aswered ontscenstt ier dolac of wealtht for her hitasiaue reasonsable anP just law
theitn, and displayed smuch fire. armastent itt 2z year, Gersmasy oe enforced hut timies of war, atd cats do
Morris spoke quietly, but sas evi- cent in 3 yeas, Etigland one cest te saue iI timtes of peace. Con-
dently ftuly prepared on the subject in 6 years. Security means high iserce is a potet factor for peace.
atud his argumsentis ent well boneiages and decrease of note of ister- For te furtherance of the mot
and were convincing. Carsuody asd est for iving. Military armamtents vital isterests of mess will ever tesd
Wilsons mtadle carful argumnts in educate hin soldier. We have had o prevent war which ay sweep
thleir maiu speeches and see direct security in peace. If we wat arbi- away the fortunse collected in a life
on rebtuttal, with te exception of tratiost se must have force back of hie, in a momet.
Morris the Michigan tun had their it o be successful. Rolasd S. Morris closed the arg-
first speeches more on rebuttal than The second speaker for the afficua- mests for the snegative. Mr. Morris
the visitors. tive was Frank D. Eamas. The U. casuinad n ags 2.1

Down Town
Opp. Court Houor

Up rown
State St.

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