4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SEME TER e hae th Larestand Most Complete Assort- SECONDSE ESE 5 ft W met of Soft Shirts in the city.S.W KfLAI SotStotihfotosodCotdtoto. JOS.W. UO LflUF Soft Sirts iCo llr n uf eahdotSits wthiOSToPro is Collos sd Cofst dtoched. Soft Shits witSoft Colars adCoffsttohed. _ _ T E LAW AIr Soft Shirts wito Collars ad Coffs ttcied.-TE In fact there is nothing made in the way of BOOK for lie for 1899. BO O K S fo rWe are also showing all the new things in 214 East Washigtn St., naresth Ae. Soft and Stiff Hats, and Tamn OSlanter Cap. Plain and Fancy Top Gsolf Hose. ANN ARBOR. 1899. D. A. TINKER? & SON. W. JBsoTBPIes. 8 InterGollefiate Bureau otfloademiG Gotume. JON.. WL.o, At.Caoir SfIVINO& GOTRELL & LEONARD. BflNK Cooley's Taxation ALBAY, N. Y. Caps, Go~s, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Transacts a general Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pint. Address Banking Business. High, Extraordinary Legal Remedies Haskel msemti. sro Chicago FIRST NATIONAL BANK OtAtn Arbo W E K E EP U P TO DATE. Capta, 510000. SrplsadPrclts, 840sses Hollands, Jurisprudence Every rig in our hamn is eing repainted ad varnished Trandoossaeeoaningst usinessd. Forein for spring trade. crdit. E.0 INPo.IAtIO 0JE Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 H0I L1MES' LSIVERY, DKSW. VRSO O~ice-Pro. TELEPHONE 106. 515 E. LIBETY. _____________ Mechem, Cases on Agency Canopy furnished for parties. - Elliott, Municipal Corporations LAMPS FOR STUDENTS, o.Ns a t~ Prvt o-We call attention to our complete line of (Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, Capital, $50,000. Surpus, $30,00.'Trasactsa Elliott, Cases on PiaeCr rangicg in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and general bakigbuies most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New lRohester, "The N, KUPP, Pes. C. E. GOsNos, Vice-Poo. porations Yale," "The Royal," "The Berlin Student Lamp, "Ihe Perection Student FRED,__ 1____________________ Lamp." If you want the est Lamp for the Lest M~oe come ad see us Old Number: 0 .Tie flan flrior SainuS Bank 44 SO. MAIN ST..N ANN ARBOR. MICH. D EA Nu LA Cpitl Stock. &5,0. srpl, $15,, _ Raesorcs, $1,10000. NacuCtO.Concrt.iReLANDdRED.the GOcsrt Bankig Laws FacuttlConert ROLND EED ofthisStae. ecevesdpoit, kyo and sels "His Pa ' 00 'ch xRo ancagono the pencipll cits of the Unitei Las nihtthefirt acuty onert"Hi Fthers Boy, whc oladSats. Drafts aced po propr ideticato A0 ~ O. astnigot hefirt fculy ciscrtReed will present for le first time is a sfety depositftoxeCstofrentM UnvriyBooksellers. for the second senester was given at farcical play y Sydney Rosenfeld,'who Orrcaxso-Crftfan Mack Pe. W. D.uHaef Unvriy the School of Music to a good audi. has already gveVM.Redcheesu- P.re t s.;oCa s. lskf. Csir -- ence. The program was thoroughly cessful plays. In the present piece, r. (SI ejydb those present and is given Reed has hs opportunity of appearingLA B& S E C R elow. is peculiarly adapted to his quaint PATRONIZE STUDENTS PROGR1AM. method. The play tells an interestingsoradiscesadicdnsae Sonata for Piano and Cello. Op. 3F. soy n t cnsadicdsae.. T H E reua rcs ue"fns.Adnemmtotaqil.Ti vnn t74,Po.E .New 'Phse, 441, 202 . State St. Allegro. Campell will deliver in the Engi- SuetsLudyAscaip LAVNGAE RDT .AE. neigbidn etr n"m Sm. Vuht,'99 Lt, Sm. . Fax,.'00 Law. Twt Ballad:atmnsi odr lco e Weke vrtigasal eti _____________________Zwei Koenige (Geihel,)------------proeet nMdr lcrpr- Wkepvryhnusalkptia ........Theo Kichne ciptatiDfrst-class Grocery and Bakery. Call """""e Fwlerand see u. TRAGRD RAeRythNFwER. L ...Low The nemers of the Glee, Banjo 318 S. STATE ST. Sonata. Op. 57 (Appassisnata,)... and Mandolin Clus will have their That is all I ask for .................L. van Beethoven picture taken at Radal's, Saturday, YOU'RE NEXT ily audr Aeny. Allegro ma non troppte.cPresto. March 4, at 2 p. m. sharp. Dress U. of PI. Barber Shop P. C. MEYER, Eyta ALERTO JONAS.K.Hde Suits and white ties, and Bath Rooms. EgpinWar Song...HenryKaly J. R. TOJAOWaS, Prop. 322 . State St Tel. No. 179. 607 E. Williamst t In Picardie ............Arthur Fote DEMOCRATIC STATS CONVENTION, -______________ The ing is Dead ...... KAIANAZOO, MIC-The Ann Ar. PATRONIZE TSE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VRUOSO- - - - ". ".Margaret Ruthven Lang ' alodwl sell excursion WRE H ABR The Rosary......Ethelert Nein hcRirodwlANDTHEWILBABER, MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Bedoin Love Song .. .G. W. Chadwick tickets to Kalamazoo at one fare for ANDBE YOWILLALAY GADNE . LAMSON. the round trip, March 7 and 8; re. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Will g~e lessons on the mandolin and turn limit March 9. guitar at the University School of Memers of the Vesper choir must THE MODEL of State Street MusC eeryFriay Fs Tems ndreprt for rehearsal next Tuesday at WANTEvry Poar to hop the latest ad is DuNN & ELY'S 3ui veyFiay o ersadmotitcetn ame etrotinvented. "ae BARBER SHOP If you desire hours aply to the Secretar. 3p.in, in Room C. Bl t ome.' It ft toayed by toprosfrtcaswr n oreu ramn A.p. SANIEY.each represntinsga ass Ball stat ad wil irstcaswren oreu ramn A. A STALEY. in rns, hits ad erors the sme as asy cme try Gerge and Harry at 332 S. State St. AND LLplayed sn the field. Sct pepaid to ay addets__________________ ANDA LSIX O'CLOCK DINNER. 549 E. onreceipt ofEBLLA HN1C5cEO.BEERE BAE AL T OM o" ENC DETR E Enibaler and State Phone 144. University ae $2.50 per week. ave.50. 555. Chaobtr of Csmmece, } F uneal Diretr Detoit ic. Calls atteded ay sr Night. -- - -----No. 11 . Liberty Steet. Residesc 33 S s ____-_-__ -*T- r= ='^rT ='^'tt~ T I Furth Ar, Photo in.: They are Coming With a. Rush ~ TOSE NOBBY TROUSERS " s SOFT' with collars to matchan - l ltSwelFfecHTS 'without collars. MLW R AlrheSelrffcsPuffs, THE ~ U~ Ascots, TAILOR !+ ~All the New Shapes l Four-in-Hands U WAGNER & CO., 123 S. MAINST DRESS SUITS STATE ST I