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March 03, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-03

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-w- ' ,tsi il & fohr amateurism in w(estern atlhletics
It JJ 'I is true. But the disappointment was
Pablishend Daily (S amat exceptaed)l iuning thenonme the Ies great for the tinder-
(ollegear,ita graduate likes nothing lbetter than
Z F NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. that lins oboetooter shoul tan chantl-
TEUIESTOFMHIA. pbon in soimethinig. We canl never
Bon itIhnes 147 i1i)8 C.he latnllS nitlioiit entering into
aANAhampionship ~ contest, Strange
(0. iton.~naa tut trute.
I+.~sm ,-i~m,'0.A dual naeet tooi finals favose, but
BUItNiiS itus, '0 P. pileat odil aaeet of this mture every
0. ), Hrts,001 Sprng ill ivethe tudnthody
IIIT«~I{ ,(11111 ill if InIumilelrs inattendiiance
Allh lti itor, i'.it. Wootowtaa '00 L. o le tkil0 t lait i t
e.W. JOie.NFS, . f, A.i1l. alri GLnLta, '01 E alb,1leli l si aeo'al
aF.. n an, 'sit .I. LUtNi,*0.1 cail. Toa 11111111 iC eII nl ircet , as AMr.
G. D. I nnnr a.01 I,,. J.it. Wool),. 00. VLeruoy Sidillan ils article of a fear
liars a,I hbi tag.autth(le niril of
n ~ I iti rvd btethe ailoiliiltill ol
le Ialie taniniials. rokti
Th it ,n ti n pr tl'tt ta lif th AL a 1022501fo
tan collint anil att a oiar livo e foralit permtit.,'it leatI tto lelits e ingCo~ ll-
aron actia dry. Notiea ict ionnd eli (Iniiiiali ll vatliae'1'lrni O11
otir matterintei ndfi biation msit i nltll 't t iiiiataibe"ar lio
hne ili ti'nIaLYolc Bfe(pin.. r tSatinnandti m nritli a ith M r. ttIliati-
maile oi the ed'111itor bfore; pni, falit t aa tcay' litittl4 n na Criti 2l i i r t heii al't lt' rtit
previous it tliit, nw 1 hy r epce o l it la tlz i''anaiet t~it
appetalr tltItithe menichula bei 'a eliniia tila fola a ti
It b di (it lSM.% e ef aiie illo~ce
11le iii i r t 1, lan ' orwt h ii ne=s I o all lpe ida'B'till t a4Iti 'alelii
M a ' talr~ ub ciber la t oIn11 e1r' tfa voi r ' a I t e t 't tit I ll ll i
reprt n,, prmpty t tIri olicean fal aliasOneoatieii Iii ba Ci II 11111t, IeOII
0) Ii tiiiai iocetait ill li iii 1111 in
thae il y 4 ip. in. n iresall leiii at th 1itt atdepend; alit erco'ltt iaitea 110 lait's

When Noble Special
passing, F r ~ ri~ '
see 'r s rng


110 inltroduciing tea yout 011r1new lDierby,
Aoiicit. conies int all the best tuakets'
llek, tlso all the new shladeso,Awe Wislh
to mentiontt Nvooe ale giving vyon t
Ilatt fiat 3~.C)o that withotut doslt, its the
beattI Lit that ctall 1lii rliItfhillOtl to

III II 11 1 ,(XI XWIX 1
II1)((1(1 ) 11tumuoam IImlntm
1 10 t C

(ItL L aI1'x It l i 115It ila ' V t tail(
o ala s('t at s i llv-ii' iiiaa t ialiltl
01111e((tail ate11to1hiratiik((art at
v . l"'111 Is t tll ii'i'(lay111111 1 111 i
eoi ths taut' a 'tat11 I\ a Ia tt il atl ii '
ilnia itt oii lii It a11111iouito111thil
di 1111 '1aInda101)a t ls l he g o
Itia l l t I l ht (at 1 11111 1folitsi
alosititatliy ioi 'hia ltt tv sofo:w
ilai lcitaatilt tat 11111c' rmlt a l~l I
che ot u dliialitl t11llcome
ntttaeitellaiters. at'l tl att
T ileta111)1 aal lviclaintral l rtn-'
Iet t i s Ib it ( o11 ]Is it, ilitoInaiiletlg ((in
theo1' ilis a(oft geig outIeluaisii-
ded r) oodAlle.Umidlereruduote. b
ofalitile the f all sl)il eslfi
(hilt a '11111 IceI al II i Al tIl e)
vvtahoiat 'a n),a per. tal ii ('iill
ldltor t aal t lti is Il tttiae(5'I'til
alda s otait 't enisattista of at'alignE
perl( ccit at tu' (lle~l ht eaIlii~' 0(11to-
ill01 tlleirnaaalmm latittemp f ltingthe
£.Ill'eIss (l'te'11)\"I ns. Ivrl lial ticats. o
wheoilClan'rserondast thelt" IlA.tA.
mtuet Iis piiug oatlltld lhe i(turd tat-
todesired. lamea im hmaaoi
shIp'le. 11~u, ilmmth1 ammilag iernaua
nhol ot r hav actduother thverlie dideat
atattiesmgranted and tatomthat
actlio has treslte advan"tgouslye

Saue Your Periotdteals,
Dotantatatnair toi'itotheris tde try
1m), th at ar alea andtttw1hatle but
a12lan tat I in itl~l t (ali h (anI ii ta
it alan ) 11o thug ai(a "'i'(tii
saottilyoftat itin lit ii 1. liahetliary
1s opn evey Schol (1(y frm 8i.
nItt lit 1).ll1 tai and ourcotailntiatiin

TBly HOT C'alQCi)L l'E~ot iei +-ee
The tailrges t i ~ o t o a "tn iin h i ty ,
ma e thorl. Uhiteliaa ree n an-'it

-'a---. .

1(< win i r itlara at arl timeduitt' BOYS ! Tc.P MLL R
the 1iI~e hour. Byauth ritAtf 1111'
I:It S. I1(ats 'OI=, 1 Ibrr I. KINDLRG!WI1EN T1
Settior Clas Meeting CI OR A GAME OF POOL OR IttIARDoS
111111 szealaburr iltas sail( I} Itl a a inteeOt- ion t. at o F.1an, l Hanttk.,t n 0 ~
ii dliii iii Ii" March .
4I1t s i n . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . - )(. t a
- ' r Li d I c<zc c o. .25

Shirts for full dress are of fault-
lena fit-they have non-bulging
bosoms-nothing finer can be
produced ad they cost lest than
custom made.
At Year Furnsartor amoGisdea
(Suiccassers to Cluett, Ceoont6 Ce.)

1899 Crescents I.SA LRS
(.i'm'tei't Beta-I (r~ar Chaili-Cycle Emporium,
lesso, - - - $(ltt.00t
jttt'euulms, - - - 25.0(0 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST.,
'All filtt nl tiit u plap ttacal Tires. ANN ARBOR.
$5.00 tpe Termt of 12 Weeks.
Private Lessoos hy Appointment. Belt 'Phone 246.
Ini Patent Leather Shoes for Sprimig, is time Englisha Flat
Lust. 'Wie have thtem in i Buttonanamd Lace. If you want
to he successful, look successful and wvear our shoes.
FARILL'~StHOE STORE, Ata Arbo t 0 niSt


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