'of 94 Pi1> VOL. IX, No. 112. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic-goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call and inspect the same. G. H. W L D CO, 108 E. Wsaslhington St , ANN ARBOR. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. WILDER'S IIARIIOY OtH Dau dN oNt. Dpring the rest of the college year we will aerve lanchee at althars, day ar night. Fslt ttae at Pipee, Cigarsad Tobacco., R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. [To the Dregs- 0 Nobody ever leaves a glass of our Soda Water unfinished. Whether he buys a five cent or ten cent drink, he drinks it all-and comes again. Galns' rharma6. Law Books For the Second Semester and Text Books For all the departments. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Bought and Exchanged. Best Linen Paper, 15, 20 and 25c pertb. WAHR'5 DEBATE TONIGHT. Michigan Meets Pensejiania in Unicersity Hail. Tonight at 8 o'clock a Michigan debating team will for the first time meet a team from an Eastern uni- versity. Great interest is being mani- fested in the outcome, as upon it critics will base their judgment as to the relative merits of Eastern and Western debate. The question to be discussed is based upon the Czar's peace proposal. It is stated as follows: "Resolved, That utder existing conditions the total abolition by all civilized nations of their armies and navi.es, other than is necessary for their domestic peace is feasible." Michigan proposed the question, and Pennsylvania selected the nega- tive side. The men who represent Michigan are Martin Henry Carmody, Le Roy Allen Wilson and Frank Dwight Eaman, with William E. Rydalchi alternate. The Pennsylvania team consists of James Whitford Riddle, Roland Sleetor Morris, William Har- vey Allen, with Thomas Raebuin White alternate. The judges for the debate were the final selection from a list of 12 prominent men 'in various parts of of the country. Pennsylvania pro- posed the 12 names, Michigan cut the list in two, and the three judges were the result of a final agreement. The judges are William Hoyt and Edward OMallery, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Attorney-General Frank S. Monnett, of Ohio. Judge Griffiths, who was chosen as one of the judges, has telegraphed that he is unable to be here because of sickness in his family, and Attorney-General Frank S. Monnett of Ohio has been secured in his place. Chief Justice Claudius B. Grant of the Supreme Court will preside. The Pennsylvania debaters arrived yesterday afternoon. They are being entertained by the Oratorical Asso- ciation and will spend the day in visiting the various departments of the University. In the delegation besides the debaters are Thomas Rae- burn White, alternate, George E. Nitzchle, secretary of the Pennsyl- vania Debating Board, and Prof. Simon N. Patten, also a member of the hoard. Prof. Patten is well known among students of political science as an authority on that sub- ject. ________ Col. B. M. Thompson will opent the discussion before the Business Men's Class, Sunday morning next, at the Congregational church, on the subject: "Taxation; Do the rich bear their share? Should cucrh property be taxed?'' Charles A. Kent, '99, has returned to college from his home in Kalama- zoo where he has been the last few weeks on account of severe illness. Next Sunday evening the Young People's Religious Union of the Unitarian Church will have charge of the regular evening service. > G- 5ยง r7il 1/; MICHIGAN'S DEBATING TEAM. The Michigan team, of which the above is a cut, is to debate against Pennsylvania tonight. This team was chosen out of one of the hardest fought preliminary series which has been held here for some time. The debaters are thoroughly prepared and a close and interesting contest is in store for those who attend. Class Memorial. the means thought most appropriate, . to bring the matter to the attention of As the matter of a memorial will the other departments, that some defi- be brought up by the Senior Lits this nite action may be taken on the matter. afternoon, the DAstL has permission Whether the memorial should take the to print the following editorial from form of a tablet, placed in some one of the buildings, or whether it should be a March Alccmus, though the Abut- monument of marble or bronze set on nus will not be out before the first of the campus, where it would no doubt be next week. It suggests a plan on, more conspicuous, is of course a matter which all the graduates this year for the classes to decide after they make up their minds whether a memorial of could unite in presenting to the Usi- this general nature is what they want versity a memorial which would be a to leave or not. Our object in bringing fit tribute to her soldiers, a lesson in the matter up once more is simply the love for country to her students, and desire to seeit brought before theseniors a lasting reninder of '99. and to see them take action definitely S sone way or the other upon it. In a recent editorial article, the U.of M. Daily called attention to the fact A Netv Idea in Track Team Train- that it was time thattthe different classes to graduate this year should determine ing whether or not they would leave any- A system which has been success- thing toite University in the shapeof fully used in the East will be adopt- a memorial; if they should decidetdo so, the Daily believed that the sooner ed here this year for the purpose of theymadeuptheirmindswhatitwasto getting out as many candidates as be and started the collection of the nec- possible, a captain will be appointed essary money, the better. This matter for each class in the University. He is omie on which we should like to repeat a suggestion which we made in our De- will be expected to make a thorough cember number. The Daily is perfectly canvass of his class and find out all correct in its position and we trust that men who might develop into - track the seniors will see to it that the ques- athletes These men wihl then be tion of a memorial is not shlowed to .- hs e wl hnb drift until it is too late to take any ac- compelled or induced by moral tion worthy of them and the school suasion to come out. from which they are going out. We The following are the names of the can think of no better way for the class captains in the different departments: of '99 to commemorate itself on Cue cpamsm eatess camipusthan byte setting up of some Law-Freshmen, H. W. Hayes; sort of memorial to the Michigan men Juniors, F. W. Hartzburg; Seniors, who fell in the late war. Five depart- C. B. Anderson. ments were represented in the list of Medical-Freshmen, Frank New- dead, and if the classes this year leavmg these departments,-those of Law, Med- berry; Sophomores, A. R.. Wren; icine, Engineering, Pharmacy, and of Jutiors, Tom Flournoy; Seniors, W. Literature, Science and the Arts, should S. Weeks. combine and each pay a proportionate Literary-Freshmen, Jas. Stras- share, they might leave upon the cam- pus a monument which would preserve burg; Sophomores, A. D. Brookfield; the memory of our soldier dead to be a Juniors, F. H. Loud; Seniors, C. C. lesson in patriotism to all future gene- Adams. rations of students, and at the same Dental-M. Houghton. time place the name of '99 in a position where it would be ever before the eyes of its successors. The memorials left The sophomore class are planning in the past by classes of individual de- to give a party in the Barbour Gym- partments have been of value to the University, but it seems to us that this nasium Friday evening, March 17. year offers a splendid opportunity for Tickets are 25 cents and all sopho- the deparments to unite in a work for mores are invited to attend. The which none of them alone would be affair is in charge of W. W. Talcott, sufficient. We trust that some one of chairman G. E. Baldwin and Miss the graduating classes will take stepsciranH sG . by the appointment of a committe or by Lillian Headsten. up Tow" stcinSt. ANN ARBOR Down Town Opp. Court Hous Rtain Std