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March 01, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-03-01

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VOL. IX, No. 110.



Will announce that
received our Sprin
Woolens. Our stoc
ing season is the larg
shown, is exclusivea
both foreign and dom
is composed of the
every line that canb
carry the largest line
the city. We invite
inspect the same.
108 E. Washin
Fresh T
Oen Dau and
During the rest of
will serve lunches a
niht. Fall line o
308 So. State
To the
a glass of on
buys a five ce
drink, he drin
comes again.
GaIkis' rP
Law Book
For the Se
Text Book
For all the
Bought and Exc
Best Linen Paper, 1a, 2
Seat Sts

How Sociat in Spain in Seen b
an American.
Dr. Bonrland gave an interesting
talk in Alpha Nu Hall Saturday.
Dr. Bourland spent several months
we have now in Spain just preceding the outbreak
g and Summer of hostilities with this country, going
for the incom-ithere to study the language. He was
told before going that he would be
est we have ever subjected to insult and mistreatment,
and confined, in but did not find such to be the case.
estic goods, and One feels o entering Spaii that he
best fabrics in has come into a country very differ
e obtined.Wecet front the other countries of
obtaised. We Europe. Spain is like no other
of Woolens in country.
you to call and The Spanish race lives for itself
alone. It receives very little from
others in the direction of intellectual
C effort and morals. With physical
comforts, it is different. The Span
7 iards readily adopt these marks of
igton St , civilization. The commercial ascend-
ancy in Spain has been held by the
-N ARBOR. French and English, but now the
Germans are rapidly gaining ground.
Their financial interests account for
any unkindly feeling the French and
tt s Germas maifested towards this
ates Madrid was quiet during the try
ng times before the war. Riots
occurred in other places, as at Valla-
dolid and Barcelona. Barcelona al-
ways does the opposite of what
Dday. Madrid does. The people of Barce
lona are only part Spanish and
speak a language different from that
of Madrid. The best Spanish is
spoken at Madrid. The libraries
there are in a sense rich and are well
Spain is a constitutional monarchy.
NiIg t There are two leading parties, the
the college year we Liberal and the Conservative. Each
t all hours, day or is split into several groups. This is
Pipes, cigars, and especially true of the opposition
& CO., party. Political lines are sharply
Street. drawn. The control of elections is
really in the hands of the govern-
- ment. It announces shortly before
election that it hopes to elect a cer-
tain number of delegates. It may
want 300 in a total of about 400,
/e, which is equivalent to saying tha
y ever leaves the opposition will be allowed the
r Soda Water other 100 members.
Whether he Unlike affairs in the United States,
nt or ten cent the Spanish government has con-
ks it all-and statly to deal with revolutionary
parties. At present the Carlists and
republicans do not seem to be gain-
esmaP~m ing strength. The position of a mon
kHrmubU. arch in Spain is not altogether agree.
able. It must be much iiiore
comfortable for Don Carlos to be a
S pretender than it would be to be a
king. The present queen deserves
cond Semester every honor. She has borne herself
with dignity ever since her husband's
death and has been a real power in
the state.
departments. Newspapers are very numerous in
D BOOKS Madrid. One of them, the National,
g was suppressed almost every evening,
:hanged. for some time before the war. Sup-
.0 and 25e pertb. pressing did not amount to much,
W 45 however.
The following story illustrates the
ideas of some Spaniards. A Spanish
OR gentleman of some standing asked
Lieut. Dyer, our naval attache at
Down Town Madrid, if be knew what would he
rloao tthe first Spanish move in the event

of war. Being answered in the nega.
tive, the grandee replied that the
Spaniards would take all the convicts
from their penitentiaries, transport
them to America and turn them loose
in South Carolina, firmly believing
that the United States would be un
able to endure such a blow.
The Alpha Nu expects to have an
address by another menber of the
faculty next Saturday evening.
Handball Singles.
The final series of games in the
handball singles between T. F. Walsh
and W. J. McNeal has been played.
Mr. Walsh won to out of the three
gaimes and is iow 'Varsity cain-
pion in handball singles.
The doubles are now being played.
Adams and McNeal won from Hoff-
man and Bishop, who won the cham-
pionship last year.
The following teams are scheduled
to play as follows: Chase and Powell
vs. Weiss and Lowenhaupt, Satur
day, March 4, at 9 a. m.; Ryan and
Jordan vs. Taylor and Hines, at 9:30
a. m.; Walsh and Nordewier vs.
Houghten and Leiblee, at 10 a in.;
Baldwin and Reseboom vs. Niles and
Corwin, at 10:30 a. m.
If not played on or before time
indicated, the games will go by de-
The University Homeopathic Hos-
pital Guild will meet on Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs.
Harrison Soule, 708 S. University
Parted in a Dream.
This new song is a charming story
of the parting from his sweetheart of
a brave American soldier, who fell at
Santiago de Cuba. He appeared to
her in a dream, the instant of his
death, and in the parting, asked her
to wear for him a rose in her hair,
that lie might surely know her when
she came to meet him. The song
contains a beautiful sentiment that
makes one wish to take it home with
him. The words and music were
both written by Halbert L. Hoard,
of Fort Atkinson, Wis., a son, by
the way, of ex-Governor W. D.
Hoard, of Wisconsin. The song (re.
tail price 50 cts.) may be ordered of
him or of Ann Arbor Music Co., or
J. F. Shaeberle music dealers.
The coming meeting of the senior
class will be a very important one
for several reasons. It will be the
first business meeting of the class
and the recently appointed commit-
tees will report. The class will be
called upon to decide upon continu-
ing the custom of wearing caps and
gowns. The important question as
to what manner of memorial should
be established will also be discussed.
Every member of the class should
be present to help in establishing the
class policy.
Last evening in the Medical Build-
ing, Dr. Cushney delivered the sec-
ond of his series of lectures oni
"New Facts About the Mammalian
Pennsylvania Debate Takes
Place Friday ight in University

The Outlook for Intercollegiate Row-
"It is beyond the comprehension
of an old fashioned sportsman, ac-
cuistotied to see athletic contests take
place betwee6 certaiii unersities as
a matter of course antil witlut fuss
or feathers, why it should be such a
difficult matter to agree upon a time
and place for a boat race if all the
parties really want one. That this
is a country of magnificent distances
is true. It is farther from Ithaca to
New London than to Poughkeepsie,
also true. It is also farther from
NeHaveitto Poughkeepsie that to
Newe Losndoi,smre truth. Both
Harvard and Cornell would have
further to travel, in any event, than
Yale, a geographical axiom. There
is considerable room for argument as
to which offers the better water for a
race course, the Hudson at Pough-
keepsie, or the Thames at New Lon-
don. I am more or less converted to
the proposition that the Thames is
the better water for training purposes
and the climate in New London
better, for the same purposes, than
that of the upper Hudson. From
the old grad's point of view-the ob-
servation train-there can be no com-
parison. A better view can be ob-
tained from the edge of the course
than from the edge of water-covered
flats and behind rocky promontories.
I am also iichined to favor a straight
course over uniformly deep water as
against a crooked one, partly in deep
and partly in shallow water. But,
when all the pros and cons have been
canvassed, there remains the thing
without which it is not worth wast-
ing brain tissue-the desire for a
race. If there be that, what does it
matter where the race takes place?
The business of wrangling for months
over the place where the race is to
come off is not edifyiig. Why not
submit the whole thing to arbitrators,
agreeing to abide by their award and
to row wherever they say? Come,
cone, gentlemen, we want a little
less diplomatic manoeuvring and a
good deal more common sense."-
Outing for March.
Dance Postponed.
The Fruit and Flower Mission
dance which was to have occurred
Friday night has been postponed.
The committee when it made the
arrangements was unaware that the
date it settled upon was the one pre-
viously selected for the Michigan-
Pennsylvania debate. When the
conflict of dates was noticed, the
committee very kindly agreed to
postpone the dance for one week. It
will be held on March 10.
Chief Surgeon W. H. Daly of
Gen. Miles' staff, who is the author
of the report on which the general
based his beef charge, is a graduate
of the Michigan University. He is
of Scotch-Irish descent, saw service
in the confederate medical corps dur-
ing the civil war. He is a self made
man, great lover of hunting and
fishing, belongs to the British and
American Medical Associations and
is way up in his profession. His
home is now in Pittsburg, Pa.

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