4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER LAW BOOKS Cooley 's Taxation High, Extraordinary Remedies Legal Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations Elliott, Cases on Private Cor- porations SHEEHAN & Co. University Booksellers. STUDENTS ! PATRONIZE STUDENTS If You Do Not, Why Not? We can give you ite highest claw of works at the cegatar asasas. Eitherc finish. New 'Phane, 441, 202 S. State St. Student's Laundry Alssociation,. Win. Vaught, '99Lit, Wmn. R. Fee, '00 Law. A TRIAL ORDER. That is all 1 ash for an1y Laundry Agency. P. C. MEYER, Tel. Na. 179. 607 E . Williamu St. THE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will give lessons on the mandolin and guitar at the Uiaiversity School of Metric every Friday. For 'Terms and heuce apply to the Secretary. DANDALL, State Phone 144. Peninsular Engracing Comipangj, DETROIT, MICH. GO TO 1 WILL GIVE Stabler's Art Store 20 per cent Reduction to all Students Art Novelties and of the U. of M. on goods purchased FOR Fine Frame Mouldings. at ily stre. 217 . 4h Ae. ~line13. alisbury's SDrug InterG0lIOaitO Bureuoa f 01GGIG Gosunl. GOTRELL & LEONARD. AscNYN. Y. aps, Gown, and Foods made to order and rented. Also (lass Canes, Class lits and ais, Class College Pl'is. Address VV. C. KERkN, Wstern SMng., Hakell Mseum, niv. actiti eaga WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig in otr barn is being rpaitted atd varnisied for sprittg trade. MOLMES' LIVERY, TE.LEFSIONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY Catnspy furatislacul ftr parties. LA/ MPFS FORSTUDENTS. We call attention to our complete line of (enter Drat Nickel Plated Latmps. rangitng in price front 75c tat $.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most inproved patterns and makes. Inclding "'The New Ca heaer, ""TI'hr Yale," "'The Royal," "'The Ierlin Student Lamp, " "The IPerfectioStudent Lamp." If you want the best Lamp far the Las Monaeyg come and see us Old Number: D A 0 4SOA N ABO.MCH A N R O , M C.AT TH E A TH EN S. M arch O uting. Stetson's Co., under the tmanagement Otting for Mlarcha is a seasaballe of Mr. Wtm. Kibble, presents Uncle adStsyn ubr are 'Io's Cabin at tiae Athens 'Theatre next atd flut ilastag atitbr, wthichacrre iusdny. 'I he ast is a strong one. In tataty Ita llatttias airas the third act the landing o the boat lutitg it Nrtha Grecalattd, fihitng "R E. Lee" snd thae happy dakies wotk- itt Florida waters, statwrsoeing it leg on the levee and the child Ea's wesernat ls 'a' ig nSot faarfl precipitation into the rier andiisiatitg n ttt tier reascu by Tom, is a life picture. Amaeica, articles uptttterriers attd letween the acts, Stetson's uniformed spatiels, watf hantitg, bicyclitgatd band which is composed nmostl y of yaclting, affard at pleasitg variety. colored men, enlivens lbs audience by________ discoursing southtern pastimes. Pcc- vious to the performance the compatny Catdidates fr tec Junior class gires a street parade. relay teamt will repoart at te Gytat -- nasumanaay aday at 5 p.t. The inlander mtakes its appearance F. H. Loup, Matager. today. _________ RlEPUBLaCAN STATE COVENTION, Home Board. JACKSON, MIrsa.-Tite Attn Arbor Tree or faur people can fitd firs Railroad will sell excursion tickes class home bard at 924 E. Atn St. to Jackson at one fare for the rtaund Price $3. trip, Feb. 28 and Marcia 1; return MaS. J. M. GARNIER. limit March 2. NATIONAL CONFERENCE, UNION 1901 Trachmen. REFORMa PART.-Thae Annt Arbor 1901 will lald preliminary trials Htailraoad will sell excursion tickets for its idoor rlay teamt, snt Satr to Cicinatati, 0., atd return, Felt, day afternaon, at 4 o'clock. 27, 28 anad March 1, at sie fare far A. D. BROOKFEtLD, Mtgr. thec rountd trip fr the above occasion; return linit Mlaraht 5. - ______________ WANTED-Every oe en hy the latea and motinteresting eaue eerasitvented. "Iaac Ladies of thte University of Meli- Batl at iteriae." It isptlyd by two pesoat Yn joidatclasesaat Srs. R cB actirepesenttg a Base alt ine ant wlttor gait Satin rai, hts anat eossai its acme aseanygam Gratger's School of Datcitg. $3 payd onthe field. Stt pepaid is any addaes fromt Saturday until the seastn closes, 5Bast BALL AT HOME aCo., Mlay 1.ne n Desa trUaot Michh Don't Throw Your S-',Glasses no atater hew badly 1 {II~oltey aebroket. We Away will repair eye-glasses and sectacles while you tait, ar letd you anoter pair while yous ae beitg fixed. Ntthig bit the best mataerial, expert wark. ° o ss"°Gmatship and htaotest prices. Eyes 4D .5G exauined free of charge. Transacts a general Blankinig 1uiiness. SKof AssAsa FIRST NATIONIALBAKOan d16 Capiatal, $t00,(0t.Surptusandaoitsatt, 140,000 'rti'asgataratibankinsineiss. Foreigs excargaugahatan d rattd. Factaiata tettes at I. 0. KINNE, Preas. IHARRIISOiN 5t'LE, Vice-Pr. 5. IW. CLARKSOiN, Cashier, Cr.aanIri t is't. Catpitalf,000.eSurlustaic,$3o,000. 'ranacts a R, Kssr,'ares. Ct . tGtataasVice-Pe The flfl flrbor Savingis bank Capital Stiack. ,0,00.Suayltausa,e5000. tOrganizedder it~itthetGeneraltainking Laws tat aliassi at. Recis'depotti, busr andisallts echanatge a o lnth satprinial citairs tat tatheUited Slct s.. Dratlscashedaiupoapraoptraieticalr titon Saty dtosit bxst et r~CEttisa Chstians .lakPres.; W. D.ttait mana, 'irr-ies.; (t hai' E. itscca, Cashier; Ma t.aFitzAssistat Cathiat LAMB &SPECR THE Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-cass Grocery and Biakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT Ud. of X1. Btaiher Shaop "ie~d ,ltatha Roomis. J. R. TttOJANOWSat. 'rota. 25. State St PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER SHOP Dflyo desire first-clans work tied courteous treatnient try George and hlarry at 3312 5. State St. ENOCH DILIERLE, ~Ier aDico Calts atteaded nay as Night. No. 161 S. Libaety Sasset. Resiadence5S1 Faaurth iAve, t'itaaoa1d.; ~THOSEOBBYTROUSERS MTLAILO ~DRESS SUITS STATE ST JOS. W, KOLLAUF,. THE-- a14 East W~ahintotn St., nesar lth Avs. ANN ARtB0L . WJ. lOsten, PoESe. W. Attatisat Vice-ptess J. V.iSttHAN, d Vic-ie JOHN. C. W ALes, Asst. Cashier 8TRTE SIWINGS BRINK