THE U-NIVElISITY OF MI1CItGAN DAILY.3 *++**444.++++++*++4+++*+++.*+*++f +++ ..... 1++*+4++++*+#**+* +.......... +*++ *++4*4++++++ ++ THE NEW TAILOR, HIL 9 110 E. Washington St. +++++++++++++.4 +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Niagara Fails Route."' CO R T AN S YL CENTRAL. STANI)Aia'TTJME T GOInG lEAS. 1,88.Xe opevate the finest tailorinl; ttiade iii the city, and M ii ,tnd Ex~press4..7 P.m.eulayi h ae 01 N.NY & Boton Special .. 458.r, ei layi ieSae Fat atrn.......... A....9 3 We respectfully solicit youirvtliisl nge. M)eittNi,_ht lExpeess .0..'.......1.1.1,5155 Geand lRapids Expresso.......11 10" All garmnts nade by us (])t pr'essedl and 111 repai1f)1 GlOEoeO. lING WEST 953.,one year. It155, N. Y. &Chb'ao.......8S13 " st Western1Expres..........13 .M G. 1.t &iThat.Exess..........5 45 ,.~,''~4t 3 (bhiaenNightbress .........1) 43 " 106 E. Uroll. New t ) loi. 3 PcificExpess...........12 30 A. M. _____________________________________ o. iW. iRUGGLES, 11. W. RAYES, G3. P. &T. Al('t, Chiago. A't AnnEArboSr CALENDAR. Musical Club Notice. Tuesday, Feb. 28-Meeting of Tihers will be a niectilig of the Normal Training Association. Glee, .13:injo, aui -Mandoolin club. a, t - LagWednsday Mach I-Polf. 1Mce-lomorrow ( \oesahly) inight ini I~ 7Il .OA~D5 initie Secondary Schls ii Toppan awiumbers of the tuteecleubs are rse I'iOETAILE P'rols.lMsrchl--i'ruitaiid lotrl e portIs e toill ho brought, 111). aagtiledNM.issi~lS. lelon ilteS it tie tGyllmliilm. WI. C. lb30'1 IN, Pre" iuico Macu 3- Iluicogn vs. Pennevi.- bassAssArVaniba debaatole...Students Attention. NORTH Mareh 7-~~~Cihorali UnionConcest. A1otn1tbihlg1oleiiw 8.1U0. - 0 march 17 -'VriyOrticlo secure tue services of a I. iiveritiy * I:0 P 1'.. 11:25 . . eon esiit. _ of Michigani nan to represent iti'. 1_s_'.A__840P.m. Board of. Control lIVeninq. ing the osonths ofiltlaireli. Spseciail 'lb IItss a oSbeeecc Toed Isl tork can ialo be given to a few All tcbetwe hesen An1Aborandla do of Tise only actieu thiciithe Board Ilodergl ad iiates wihs CaIIgive a1 ilittls E. 5. 01 lMOlsiE, Agent. Cito oka islclgbtof toeir hose durinig tile1Eastersolil- W' H. BENNETT.,IS. P. A. eesh a srtl ~rcsri~l~oduos ini their ihomsecities.Is'rpr -----___ cli>dnlie of gulles swh l tic ie ee i lilr sisl~reso, Mlllslgs I, 111511124, )DTROIT, YPSILANVTI & ANN AR- pobile i te1515 3ItsBeacon St., 1351s011. B OR AIL'Y.lie 1P1i Delta Mihi, Beta Thbeta Pi,- BOR RAILWAY. 011(1d1P1i1Kalppa 1101 fraiternsities toill Thatt ospecialsale1of Walilo lmand~o- Caro lesave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti e" llit trille' elFi-tlS51 tilr ttl n io and Detroit e'ery balhobur beginning day cvcinig. 'This is thss secoinsi sf Musoic' o. goes meirrily Ill. Suhl at~~~~~~~~~ 7t1..U.ole.crlaeciy series of dalnces that Itheoe fraterni- geniuiie bargains halve lever beenl at7:5a.m U oM cr lavsCiyties have giveni tis toister. seeni in tis townl. Hull, Detroit, every night after Theater. NO NEED To set1 d to the manufsacturers when y00 cain obta110 A gelnuine se b m uaolin or I1igit i ere in sAnn Arbor, At the SHAEBEBLE MUSIC STORE iNo. 114 W. Ib C rty St. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emlm iing a specialty. No. 2039 S. 4th Ave. Amibulance night aid day. lies. idence 130.tifth Ave. Wn. Arno Lading 1 V (' I' l I1 GET YOUR L UN CHE S Ar W. W. TUITTLE'S :138 So. Plate Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE stons. Baggage, express and Students' 'B ~~"~ R~rryman. St11d supisreceived aind delivered. Walit- . lng roomo, corner of Ann and Main j lTentschler, the ll oto'maper, I (12 west Huron St. streets, Ann Arbor, ti1 Griowold street, Ietroit. ,,State holne 119, Trains 4 and I -Continental Limited. __ Wahanl, with free reecliniiig esair cars; New r nk - (Isicago. Wsgner sleepinggcas, paIlbcecoachesadf0 " [THLETIC 1OOD anmfnous dining caes, Th 1)J r f if ~~ TLTI OD Cloing est this tillO leaves Detritlisat j I i z') T1P*- Al o N 8:22 p. in.arrives New York 3:4) p. .N" f f Official otftnters to all the leading 13 dolig et, this tralin leav es 011111an t vscol iahet lusftecun 8:07 a. in., artlives Chicsgo 2:10 p. i.,lat.(INCORPORA'TED) Th.e SpaldingBiceycle, riddlen b I1.l1.reoiieblate A. A. A. A. Chamionu _osis 16:32 p. m. Kansas ty 7:I5a. mH., all slfolasel lgcolege idrs.o lfrry The Wabash is as good road.tOne sie l1 . il ilSal11 tilwlcovneyu Ifyucne-"AheisGynsu.tplate lmaking a trip is New Yors so to koSalding's Official League Cr California, or Is any point 10 XIissouri, IIs Ithe(31 .1l ii el fthCe National I Kansas, Texas, or Colorado, and will , d alle Ibainig Illerge aso15att writetis tie lndersi-nedtoe will b O E4OhAr re toI'lant1 ciades glad to give you any inforllidtisn.AE _____________ NME' in- I 's O1ii(111BasBal Gielf F. A. MaCIs , A. (.1 P.Abhtcago. MAINGSHAPED 1a4 t.1tents C. R.CsANEc, (1. P. & T. A., St. Louso. M L AS+TS ceNA. 0 SPALDING & BROS., NoesYor,C R. S. GaEENWOOon, 11. P. A.,tCio. 1 T __ ____________ - ." THES BUCKEYE RT Ohio Central Lines COLUMBUS, HOCKING VAI THE DIRECT LINE TO BolitgGret, areta The Newest All KIds AND TOLEDO RAIL.WA Ay9 o~11i 1Mtleot n ' Fashions O IIG H steol iefouteTld no ,C. 3 uLi le'ston .V, Nt 'tn45znt poIints eyon sd, salnl Colunmhus trains use Lake Sihnre U~nion NProrCr 2o a rains, Seuls 25 ots. station at rsleds tc ilbei.u nPAbrSoeabuuac s.~Isll ab les, Ngh Through taainaswSleepeepsnsoaNig" z7xR Stdnsoii netaldfelteDa lo om cars from eritvi ts1lled Il s lehelcey outeb . hFull b110 EAST HURON ,STREET. .7 aisensappiaionto local tiket 5155a5,en and loledo. " W.1I. FISHER, G.,10. a'nsd T MOULTON SHOUK, Geseral Pasoner Agt.i lsxr=TXrxzxxxx~xxxxxrX~xrZXr II IIu rzzZZx elllI~ zzlIsoollulsilbs. WE D PATRONIZE GOODYBAR'S DRG STOR E. jo S. dirges cry. is, asd Reqai- Kall for 189 Chicago FE. LLEY zstation :Union ht Trains ;Ohio.