2 Published Daily (Sundays eceped) durig the' College yeue. at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. '5 so': ' The tleisd Pesscecning Block Bott Phoe 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELuAD, '01 L. IILIIN1IS MANAGER. 0,I. II Ans, '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Edito, T. It. st'on, '00 L. P. W. JONES, 'l9, A.I.MiDOccntLt, 'OE. F.D. EIcNo'0 C..I eets.'OOM, G. D.ItoeeUTT 'Ol. J. B. NWe, '(0. The sbcktttettric cco the DItYisc-.0 oe the cleg" yewth aoreciar deliey eoee noch Iy.Notcescomunicutios', otnd other ot te inotededcifoe otlicoio uttbI e huunded itt atiee DlIterficebefieoec 8 p I saled to the eiteoe 3tcpIIm. ofcthe clot peeioue to cht onhich they e expected Io .atticcittioe maytce lcetc at te DtLY etiec, Meccees, tr tflets ctoe'torl.tetit i ttete ltetttttltly athIlis ciice otyfiluteeci cusiest to delieper All chaneseeit adertiitg mottetlmutseein the otce 4p. ttk. 00nteday pecviuseto Ihat n which the aeeltolecr. JITNIS B. WeOD, TPhcDAILY is pieaseitoI)puoblisi te cotmmcuntie'atito hchliap peati'ne thiasoisue. \Welae gtitflet ialt interest itt ost'itier-ctllegiae rla tiotis has bee1a0 ae1 dandlc e hc paitti te sbjec'tkcwifavorits01 ewith tiri viecw. 'Thle DAILYx is ittiparial, bittl a0stwe mutictthave soive plicy owe citt continuce to advocat thteoiiiittero legiateasiatiklo. It'we ce in ilthe wrog, teiy we be covicd. Mr. Lel-toy isndllerstantds 00 ill sayisg that te trgue tki ou'dr athletes ocghtkto metiit agood ttistny ottiers for te ptrpose Of gettig comptitlio.' We caimt tiithic oghtkto tteet otter godakhleteks not neceariy a good iasy att- letes. We refer to tte qctoi- ty sot te qantitiy. It it o sre probabtetat te attiete wilttteekia goto an its evey ace iss te ister- culegiatetsa itsacuatstiet. Very few coteges ha~ve reached ta stage of develottent cwhere tey tave i trsk-cass 111111 in every evei. A good ilustraiott of this toste Ilii- coiseek of took year. Te festwhoii akeded tiaktet wilt rettettiter thta very fete of te evets were cosey co;,Rested. Its fait, of te track eents, Micianl wntisvn with tardly at cotest. If several coeges hoad been iss khe meet, tiere wold have been its eacs event enougitetries to snke it impossibe to pick te wiatner befre te race. Manual Training Association. The Manusa t'raitisg Assocition meets tis eveing lt 8 o clock in the Ciristiats Church. Dr. Lares Consnors of Dtrooit, wcho is to address the oeeitgon55Milul raetinig ill te Poblic Scools," oct11 be eter taitted by Dr. Mry WoodAllens while inthie city. Dititgosised gests from Detreit, Muskegonsasd Ysilanti cwiii ake part its programn, amiog tose are tise tsayor of Detroit, tkesuoperns. tendesik of public scsools, ad Dr. Leartos Connor tf Detroit, Principoal of Hackley Mausal Traisisg Scool, Mskego, and Dr. Richard Boote of te Michigans Stae Norssal, whot has just retarsed fritts an extended trip stusdyisg idstril scools. At the close of kte program kise forma THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN DAILY. organiation electioon of officers, etc., wiii 10110 place. Te object of 1110 sssociation is to awakleo geteral in- teesk ittmasial 11triig witit toview to britgitg the mtatter teotie School looards. All are criallly wecomoe 1110 1n0 adis tts(ofee is charged. Te third oieetig ciiibe ihelldcritg tile Sclsoool M\asers Cicub. Chicago Track Team. Chiocetgo expects ts have a wititg trlck tc'ttm this sprig. We pcrintl tile follooitgelipjpigs frootm the U of C. lVeely, as they bear 0110011te citljeck t llmay be of itierest to 111011 ct liIciigat. -It to siothtiot Iogg, tie cracc cistatce rionnter ot Looes ltnsti tte, oct11 etier thle'vritiy tisnsprng. lie woutl ib aowecoe aiition to le track temo. Sold le eter, 1110 'varity octtlae the fasteks bucofottlof ile rnnrstll nthe coo t I tr. 'Herscioterger has regaied Iris lt tsts' iniskltrlis at ilc11tosto McLean, of Miciga, weothey "WVork oct11 begit s ooonotdevelo iog a relay teats foot the Penslylva ita races. All f lstkyears caoi pihp e am 115 itt '0011010, lut Burr'ogill out totry foot'the' tea. Pair, Whitie aod Mootty octl ooiako' it itseretiog fort'all coodiaes woo aspire to teit' postions." 'MoIsotoy tas the star peroreee 'oot Ciieogo its teintdoooor sek sit 11he first IRcgimet,owinitg firt place inthte gqotre, seco ntio hllki 300 yarol dassit 1n11 rotnig a beacti fclst askqtrter its the relay eat. Presiodent Agell oct11 speak at t: eootlod-up of the farners' itiotiute at Ponttiac o01 2tarci 3,0011 'Fasrinitg in OrienttlsCocntrio'.' IATHENS THEATRE I TONIGHT, Uncle Tom's 25, 5, ts ndsI $100. We sold like to moke4 as 11m0re active ood eterpriig 4 o CULTURE t tle Uier- 4' a iy, and i Atn Arbor. Ec- r~4 8 o tremely libel idcemsent 8 troill be offered for the text 4 3 thrtee mon0thsl, oond a little e40 Senergetic effort will .ecereaN 4 goodly iucome. ' Address with fall par- 4 8 tiulars, a8 I 44 d' SELF CULTURE MAGAZINE,8 t AKRON, OHIO. sa ++tt4'tts++++.4+-4++44444f THEZ Microscopical Supies + 1 * INLAND PRESS -ANe- 44 Dissecting Instfuments. AN ARO I~vry wr ounedoL scec ' Prin5tersI, Binders,~ J. J. QUARRY, I - t BLANK-BOOK MAKERS + CAMPUS 01RU0 STORE. * 4 1 I ttlING O CKct ++++++a+++4+++++++++++++++ u COLLEGE STUDENTS OVER ILISMOttKE Prices from $15 Up. rte C OLLEDEdtmen eeyhere reoneted to send foe the WahbuonoSocenisrCtlog. It containsanearly 3c0porteaitsaof'aetistsuandcollegians, becidesngiving comeoaccout cc the cntrctcn of Washourn intuenetanad a complete list o net price. Firtclausc deleesthecwoldaoer sell Wahurhos, arirstentstoayhse shtained resmt theaes LYON & HE'ALY CHICAGO. This shakec belongs to lie Stuodents' Lecture Assciticn. 1899 Crescents M. STAEBLER'S rCrescent Bevel Gear Chain-, Cycle Emporium, less, . . . $6000 FJuvetnileo, - . - 2.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., hAll ftted withsDunlap Deahable Thre. ANN ARBOR. GRANGER'S 3CM0OL. OF DANCING. r~$35.00 per Terixa of 12 Weeks. IPROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. bPrivate Lennono by Appoitent._ Bell 'Phone 246. p o i-ost tamosoc Ice (reost, ht lise ileenctecic that the c ose I Ian ~~~~it gtth oiso urcra II MAC WHITE, It11Pr tt *3 lS. MAIN ST. j~U~ ItdBe Po, 11; hae, 10.