VOL. IX, No. 108 Will announce that we have Dow received our Spring and Sumnmer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- tug ea ants is the largest we have ever showi, is exclusive ad confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, adl is composed of the best fabrics in every line that cn le obtained. We carry the larget line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call and inspect the same. G. H. WILD CO, t08 L. Wntsliig tou St, ANN AHtBOI. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. Wolin DayUad MOIh. Durin the ret of the olgeyere wil ser e nhe oatl hones. day o ight. Fol in oe of Pipe, iigne, and Toco. R. E. JOLLY &irCO., 3015 So. State Street. TOthe Dregs.- Nobody ever leaves a glass Of our Soda Water unfinished. Woeter le buys a live ccit or tens cntt dri, lie dritiks it all-anti comes agan. Odikins' rdId u Law Books For the Secn Semester aed Text Books For att the deprtment. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Boght and Echanged. Best Linen Pper, 5, 20 and 2 s perthL. WAH'5 117 1 ff:. II yr4 TRtEsCENTS ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1899. MEMORIAL SERVICES Held for Profs. Walter and Coole at Unioersitmi Hall Yesterday. Utniversity Utall wts well filled yesterdtty afteroont, the octsoit beitig the nmettoritl exercises giveti in hotter of Profs. Walter aitu Cooley. Prof. Huodsono deliveredth de address ott Prof. Walter swhile tdge Ketnt, to lifelontg frietid of Judge Cooley, spoke sit the decetsed jutge anti hislife oork. Presidett Aitgell mntode sotoe ittro duetory remarks after whichlo Pf. titdsont spoke. Ilie sowed Mr. Walter too a shiolar, tetcier atd totot respectively attiledwelt ott ilawovrt ott the Univesity atd the betefit lis todentsito ito derived,nout oly fromt lila teanttg bit fritm his fpesoatlity. ils ardett zeal for leartnig tandicot- tre had beenth ie tteus of isp~ira- tttio ttto tttny wo hadtouatfterwrd rtsett to sutccess. In SMr. WValtero deathm the Utiverity atd the world suffered ato oatoost irrepatrble loss. Juge ent tiok utpo it detail Prof. Cooley 's early life atd his strugegle to sectre an ediucutiotad aplalce inot the worli. Ie tout was to mitumwmo lied doune moch for the Utiverity and~ especially the Late Departmnt. As a jorist ttnd ott iterpreter of kntoty legtal questions hsfiamttte wsto niit boitded by te cottfies of Mic- gant. is legal works tre statidatrd ott legtal quetiuts. I lpriviate life too wechl005 it1public lie es irreproachl- able. Seldotot till his equatl be mtet. Baseball Matters. Th'le tpitiad cotcho ittve select. ed fle followitg list of tmict to reort for lprtctice at thoe gymtocags every day. T]here was a large list of cadi- ltes anid ai oeedingot tas necesory itt erer thttt aty beteit at ali could be derived from thle itioor practice. Anty otauo whose ntie does ntuiatp- pear ontheo list eed nt titntk imti- self excluded front tryitg for the tetott, bitt tiy cootitntuie to dcsts out if lie feels thatothle is the necssary stuff int hittfofr itt plyer. Te select- itig wariobligatory oi the purt of thoc captanmamd coaci, mucthl as they di- liked to do it. Te following is the list selected: Pitchers: G. A. Miller, W. C. Miller, Lelr, MGinniis, Gillett, WVitt, Wall, McNeil, Megarge, Ytale, Lijoleitier. Catchers: Lutnt, Molt, McGee, Spoor, Blanese, Bennett. Fielders: Ciodomn, Mattesomn, Wotlf, Snow, Fleher, Streit, Worley, Sullivtan, J. C. Taylor, KIt. . Taylor, Rogers, Bidwell, Davies, M1eris, Crafts. All cadiidates whlo have not as yet giventh ieir nites itt ttust report at otie before it is too ate. Newo Books Receied. The general library has received frot nEtglantd acomoigtneit of about 300 bosks. Attotng the 1ot are 100 volumes of the Tempe Bar an Etg lish literary magazine. Thios set is cotoplete frotm its fict volute to this year. 'Te othe ooks in te com- sgunett were on diferemnt depart. ments of study. CARRENO COMING. FRESH LAWY BANQUET. Secured boy Choral Union For a Came Off at the Cook House on Concert Here. Fridaq Eening. Tuesday, Marcch 7 Teresa Carreo The latecostoto of holig a ban- wiii give a contcert lot University Hll. quet ditcing their first year ith le The ptrice ot tickets imcludoimg c-idepurtmtettwtes corried along Friday servetd sett is 50 cemts. Tickets oni evemnimg by tie lrsetitfreshmman sale at Scholii of Music, W. W. class, twho held their fttnction in te Wetore's ott Mtinm street, timd E. E. large and welapspoited dimig roomn Calkin's on State street. Sale of c- of the Cook Ilouse. Tie Commmittee, served seats beginstisomtorrowe at 9 Messrs. Olds, liogers amd Verdier, o'clock at W. W. Wetmoiere's forbhad woroked hard itimakig tie souttthitalf of main floor amd south mecesory arranigeiments amdtas a con half' of gallery aiid t E. E. Clkins sequemce everytiimgmoved off tech for torth hatll a mai fioor andh mortho anti core na deserved sumccess. half of galery. 'Tie affair trus a little late in stat Thib great artist, us trite Ammazonmsof lng, twing t e absencee if tie toast- tie keybouard, is at tie very apogee master, Mr. Deiches. For a time it of her fame, ectrt mamiilie life.hloed as if lie ail beets kidiaped, Still otto of tiemosest ftscinaig, but aving had tie foresight to con- most str'ikintg-uappjearig women oin ceal himsef dering the duyle had tie concert platformi, ee charms itanagedl to elude tie members of have melowedl so that ir druamatic tie rival class who owere after hist. persooniity hustatukeimanass dtedu Abut 9:30, Mr. Deiches having tenduerness, to sueetitess that is somme- apeared, those presemt, 60 its oumber, thing rare antud itingishet. esaosetsamd until 11:30 were ocu- Curreno wais it wonide-child anti is pied with tieunomocos dishes nmaking a tvneule-womano~. She hus literualy nit the lage amd vuried ments pro. greownmoui before this public, for sie vided for this occasiomn. At that tisse weau ini shot skirts, us tiny child sithi Preidet Ker introdnced tie toast. appealinug eyes, wvhensmhs caine ere flster, Mr. Deiches, owo, after a froinc Caracas, Voeezuela. Fromtuishortt amd oitty preelimimnary called Gottschaulk sle ent tRubiinstein, upon IDean Hutclhins for tie first aouc Isarumethfroin the Ruissiaumstter toast of this evening, ''ThisLawye this art of piano necromauntcy. She, timd Sciety.'' Prof. Wilgus tl. tot, cams contol thus thtundter of the loweud tithiam exceedimngly witty stormu, umd un ydo the itmp~etuotsity impt~romptutowichohe cuolled "Fireh- of ec temphteamoent trus tremuendouus matonLaw,'' iii whicih he arated Yet so sterno has beens beslf-disci someo very lumutorous aswers le had plinte that HiansmonComBiulowr waso received to some of tie questions forcedl to confess that she wis thus askedthtie first year classes during emly pianist ocf the fuair sex Ihe oh the recnt exumuiations. eer heard play Beethovenin iia suts-Tho 'ie prograi cut speeches and faictosrymannue. Carreno cams give tosts continue until muealy 1 o'clock, her pcubluic this glory amid glitter osf a whemn this affair broke up. Liszt rhapodlcy, amid tiemn with philo. 'lbs folowig was this regular list sopiic calumireaud a Bacho fugue cr of touasts, besides whioi th iers eccar interlpret theinmtlectul cntet of ssmie imspromptum: a Besethoevent sonatfa amdpicture t hisTtc Lwyer and Stiety ...... twiight and sultry splenduors of o ." ".".--"- enHhings FreshmnLa.......IrfW gu C'hopuinu. iler proigraims tre richli iiTe Dignity ofthe Proetsion... variety, timd vuarious ucid vemtatile .f.t.. ...t.apt W M.Shuaman ace 1er readimgs usf Bach, Beethoeni, Art and Sincieit Law ...... Schuumanini, szt, Cholisamd Boahtia . e .MCndles Sheis minntl ' 1biroresiveartstThe IFreshmnin muthets..... Site ~ ~ ......... iseumsstl.a..o.s.veatit C. .Widnan hainimg aitlistimctive horrorucocthtie Our Alma Mater and the W.... rut, of thisecsonventionatl, of main .""......-""u M. Thomas traveled thoroughfaes. Ilie grat Our Professr .......V Newcomb vitlit, wrm eat ad ken rai there~Shman_. ..Prof. . .. Knwton give ir enoursmouus advantages over Concert bm the U. of M. and. this mes virtnoso, welile lie bil- 'lhe S. L. A. lines arramged with iancty of style, dash amd resmarkahl this Uiversity Bad to linestie technsic stampillie as this piamist boric atter give a concert as a regular to wear the urime. numsber osn the ousrses. lTe date has There is a troipical color imo her nomt beeno defimnitey settled is yet, but plauyng-a color that corresponumds till prbably be sms time in April. writlie glowuig beaouty andusuthuerns lie program till csnsist emtiel of birth. 'lo hear iem- play this first pouiair airs, such as di nst require muovemensmt of time Rubinsteint D minmor a~ thorough acquaitace with Class Ctoncerto is to listens to iubinstein. hal mutisic to apphreiate. 'lie bad He said so himsel. Amid withs what is worokig hurd to prepare for tie unmpralleledl uudacty Cacreumo at. evemt amd will no doubt render a tacks a Liszt elhapsody! Her ntives musical ret to thoc fortunate smduancesamd powe of restrtint sum emoght to liear them. able ie to preserve a fisetonual Omm Irdoy evening, March 3, the bwhms niprfnirld s senseo of reiose Fruit amd Flower Mission will give orflleridngthe ianro.paod Sofe mu -adamusesat the Gymnsum. This is emi msters of the pam.Sm s ~ mc escote umnique artist, a unique indeiiclu the first dac hchte ave given' slilty. this year and promises to equal those - -- which proved such a success last Ferbert loss returned romt his year. 'Tie admsisson fee will be $1 house where le was on account of Iis per couple. Single admission, 51) sister's illness, cents. Up rows Stats St. ANN ARBOR Dswn Town Opp. Court llouse tlin ,St