4 w THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER LAW BOOKS Cooley 's Taxation GO TO Stabler's Art Store I WILL _GIVE JOS. We KOILAUF, 20 per cent Reduction -THE- to all Students of M. otjtgood(1s }ur chbased TA L R Art Novelties and of the U. FRFine Frame Mouldings. a yysae ( 14 East Wsheington St., near' 5th Ave. SalisurysSDrug AN iBR 2.x17 S. 4thi Ave. PlIoie173. Saibuys t,, ANABR __________________________________________________ W. iJ.Boors, PCts. T-T W. Assas, st ice -prey 8h Itoreolloulate Bureau Of f1GaderIl6Gost u me. V. S IISAVNG GOTRELL & LEONARD. i ALBANY, N. Y. IMINK w i.! Cape, Gowns, aod Hoods made to order and rented. Also (lass Traosacts a genteral; Caoes, Class Hats aod Caps, Class College Piss. Address Banking Business. W. C. KERN, Westerra 1i~tgr., _______________ Hasell IMtasem, Uit'. aofClitago WE EE PU TO DA E.FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oo ro WE K EP "UP O DA E. apital, 510,' 00. u5st and ProCits0, 40,000 Every rig its our hbtritis heing repaioted and(3vtarnislhed Trasactsa general banking businessr. Forsign for sp~rin~gtrale. exchangebought anddsold. Fus~ rnisest H LdMIjS LIVERY, S'1)l. KtNNEPrCs. HARISON SOUJLS, TELE.PfOiONE 106. 515 E. L113EeRTY. S. W. CLARKSON, Cshies, Canopy) furnished for partie.. High, Extraordinary Remedies Legal Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott. Municipal Corporations Elliott, Cases on Private Cor- porations XAPSOW call Ateottotn to otr cottpleteeltoe otfICenter lDral tN-ickel Plated Lamps, ranginint pricer frons 75c to -32.ad each. ITieee Lantps are of the latest and most intproved patterns and makes. Including "'Th1s New ltorhieslter, ""T'he Yale," "I The ILoyal, " "TIhe lierlin StudentlLamp, " "TIhe Iperfection Student Lamp" If yost want the hest ILamp forthetlkte lo'fihsej come antd see us Otd Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DE N& O ANN ARBOR, MICH. E I 0 . 111LFfIT iITtC 3 Zang I £ MY FRIEND FROM INDIA. L~. D. Verdier, '0il, itoasbeeti SH E EHIA N C& "My Frieed froto India" as originally cailledlto Isis hoiimeits Granod Rapis produced it the Dijon Theatre Nest hy the dethlof Iis gtrandmlouther. University Booksellers. York, witls Waler Perkins and Smsythe ant iche's C niedias, will eogage the Frasnk S. Simoss, 'IlS lit, stnd '00 attention of lovers of pore cotnedy at T'c thse Athens. tonight. The fertile rain law has hectn calledl iose 1o Detroit UD EN1 F S #1 of H. A. Dout'ouichet is responsible for hy Ise illises; of Isis father. PATRONIZE STUDENTS this gem of comedy whichi is foonded on ______ the onususil thetse of theosophy, and he- Catndidsatrs for the Jtttior class You Do? Not, W\hy Not? in interpreted Dy the excellent com- reltay teaiti will reposrt at the Gysi- ,f paoy whch will presetit it hers, no tie;tt iyssya .ti Wte eans-ive yci t 55 "i"-'rcass oftwosi t s doubtiso left of an eveing of much Iatn n a top n the reoict ' psice. Eithe istiih. niore tlhsn usual enjoyment. There is F. H. Louts, Manisgetr. New 'Phase. 41,t. 202 5. State St. no need to dswell on the excellence of Students Laundry (-ssociatiot), Mr. Wsalter Peskins performance of "A Ladies of the Unilversity of Michsi- Wm. Vasght, '55 Lit, Em. R. Faa. '00 taw. Keene Shaver," the innoceist canoe of gait, joi classes it Mrs. Ross ____________________________all the troutble, the arber who is fore Greanoer's Schiotol of lDatiltng $3 the time "My Friend from India" a , A TR IAL.. ORDER. one cosld hardly chronicle tll that. has fritiSaturiday unttil the seasont cltises, Deco said itt prise of this quaint tisme- May 1. 'i lat i .11 I sli:fbr dian's onccessful efforis to extractHoeBad I h~s is ill .es for laughs at d enjoiyment from Ike materi- HosBad ( cr. Ns.t_ ic tCaiital, e50o000. Surpitus, $30,000. '5ranstcsra R FRtECi. BL~CaOsthier. ct~ The fliu flrbor Savings Bank Capital Stoctk. $t0,000. Surttusc,15t,000 tR esre.s, :I ,100,00 traizduttie the hGeera}tBatintg Latts oftll tateo. 5Reces d}o ioitt , bitadse siexcgeontthte pittcipal ecities of te tsitsei Safety desittbtoe to tent. ttESC is tian tMa)cck. Prse.;XW. D.ttame Ivao, 'ice-CPe.; (Chas.. I noe., tashrtt; Ii LaisAMB & SPECER . T E ,. Fancy bG roce rs We keep everything usually kept, ina first-cities Grocery and Batkery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT } .ice teiitui . ' H _ UAIIL , . 1 ai in nana. P. C. MEYER, 607 . Wiltiam 5t. THI E51ENOW NMANtDOLIN VIRITUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, tWXill gt.ce lessons ots the mandolin and guitar at Ihe tiiv rsity Bellto of Mitsic every Friday. For Termss tid hours apply to the ;Secretary. D AN DAL L, State Phone 144. Peninsular Engraving Com--panij, DETROIT. MICH. Mass Meeting in Unicersittj Hal Ihor l dtrsill he asitssmseetitig Ltsv iiti11Dull, Souiday ight, FE 26, stis rthile asies ro tf the St Siudts' Chitiaittt Associsitis Sut.ttJohst IF. Brat, ofJLsttisht o. A. Wtrihtf thtiDe-tittGo (,tss'sritoi'itLiesgue net dttthe tte Dr. Ditte-i ofIDetruilt, still ope. ott ilfeen otpi secs of snti-satlo strttc aid especially iii the inteet thls'1t1 nost peodinge hefore tile st legieslite f'tr lth'etosal of sloo fiotta'lles~lttwnso. Thriee or foir petople cat inditii rst-- U. of' M. ~tBeohe Shop 11. class homtelsottrtl at 924 B. Ann tsS. anud Bth Rooms. inPrice $3. ,. Cr'. O .ttet eh. ______ PATRONIZE ttl- 1901 Tracltmen. WARREN THE BARBER, te 1901 swill hldiprieliinasry triauls AND YOU WILL ALWAYS )it. for its itsdoor, ireIay team, ott Satuir- BE IN LINE. Ft9 datyuafteruoon , at 4 o'cluock. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. toil A. D. BOOT FELDsn, tgr. THE MODEL of State Street ,V. is BraN & ELY'b ak WANTED-Evtety ioi tiiiuyte liestttd BARBER SHOP If you deeire mstriniterestingct its everutuventesd. Btse first-Class work and courteous treatment ion Baii ntHosme." Itis iplayedt byitws pesocs ofeach rprseting atBase Ballinissamd wiil ecsre try George and Hanrry at 132 5. State SI. oiteirimsns, htitsimnderrors__tesame__asanygame ate playedionathe 5fi. Sent prepaidto s ay aidresseme' n All ccti BASIS BALL AT HOME CO., NOCH LITRE Funeral Director 508. 500. ChatersI o tam ece 0Deti toich. allsttetuded Dsy or Nigti. No. ins E. LibirtySteeet. Besid emce06*15 Fsitrth ve, CPusne ts.. Don't Throw Your . Glasses noiinatelhrlbow hadly,; A way will repaire~yte-glaisses andw sprctcles wieyott wait, oitt M!L W A RD hlshd t tui nthietrpairsvhiile THE hurstere heisig fixedl. Nottbing bu heest tmaterial~s, expert svork-.ITAILOR toiunshuip sandItotnest prices. Eyes examinesd free of charge. ~ M DESSIS S A ES ° -=a k ' 4'IR 4KT .891 -