THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Lecture on Education by Mrs. Ellen Ia. ~ ~it~.Richards. Pablished Daily (Saadays excepted) duriag the Yesterday afternoon in University College year, at Hall an address was given by Mrs. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ellen H. Richards, of Bostoa; sub- Irpie: The inantd Presso, Otoniag Bloeca. ject, "The Education of the 20th Boilh Phones 147 Century Woman." The lecture oa' EDIT~tO preceded by an organ solo, played MANAGING E hoR y Mr. Aniderson, a pnpil of Prof. F. 13 oaeasa, '01 L. Stanley. Mrs. Richards was intro- BUsINESS MuANAGER. duced by Mios Childls, president of 0. . AN,'00 L. the Woman's League, and hegani her EBuanTORSt adidress. by saoyng the centutry closing Athlotic Editoor, r. R. Woouota, '00 L.. is important in many thingo. The P. W. JONaS, 'Si, AD I. 1M1oDoesoot. '01 E, F. D. E~Amo. '05. C. tI. OLeoa.'oO M, attitude towards wonmen loss changed, 0. D. tleosee. '00 E. J. B. WooD, '00. opportunities have come to them,_ they have aill they ask for. What is toi he the ontconie of it all is the question. Ciollege edutcationa like that Th-ooooltot500 fto -to of father aiid irothier is theirs, and The ssriptonpite of thegDLYo ist12.50ofor they Ihave just takeln their place in nosuon ata. Noticeco oooiuniatioao, tod kttoovledooe.Notmay ersa0a othor matterointeoded topublications tttbe sot ets.g handedttis 00 theoDILotY oloffcebofore 85p. a., 0orltWomantlWilt)waoteidto kntotwLatin mailed to the oditor before 3 p,1i. toof the dya o Geetatonlele wne previoss1tto that ohich theyt areextpected to i re ta otsdee voe to'lol t toromof andui lpursedher stuidied untder diffi- Manaer. ubscibe stwillconfa f aoro ty re tingpromptly at hisofofico ony failoro of centu~ry tmust 1know00somlethitngif carrioro to odlive1001per. buiies 5g 110ic a telO a Ge5 Alcagsintadvotiosing toatter mstte50isn~tils liii l re thetic by4. ti. 0 on toly pitlosto tat a1nd1Latill. Thecy mutow enioutglu owichetotty aret too111r.11o (f salilliry scietnce to be alielnl- Os CHARGo oTOoY'S ItStE, hle tothte law o if Itatutre'. Whlat is A. x. McDOUGALL. thi'lll'5ltlg itf life butt thiatt se 111110 Lzll flu000 ,00 )0 00 000 nrr ci 0-toooooo ,too 0 MicrscoicalSuplesTHE MicrscopcalSuppiesINLAND PRESS Dissecting Instruments. Z ANN ARBOR Everything you seed foe Laborca- rn e sB n e s tory work yowill ftdto ~nes inders J. J. QUARRY, f -AND-* CAMPUS moUo STORE. : BLANK-BOOK MAKERS COLLEGE STUDENTS 'THE COUNTRIY 'SMO)KE Profl. McLaughlin's Lecture. ages? Thle ttonicii of todayo are to 0 Oil WXentesday evettingeProof. A. credouls; tli lieIvie5a1y'statle- C. McLatuglit lecttitred11inO Harris inentt motte too (111111by tradine01101or Haill heforie tile )lolluloVerooiithers;5thoey tre not accurtr o b - Prices from $15 Up. 5 Li~es As'olclstiouand101theu( llghters sirvroterleftore they 1)11)140soeclp- s, 4; ofi tthe Ainiei call sovioltontuontthue in- iad stt toe u> ceuutuury',1111, 015 Kihillg says, ". 01 e lcueilsrtd lro 1"N heslie ' hasit'foundtl lersef owhiat . Spi, nd thti eimAnglo-Suixiotthe till site dt"~' Best hioa 000pr111 iciles ut1deeluics goveriniig t natons',amogsoluoti, 115switlo ijutli. ATa'GRANooxi Ai's-1'le usual pro-a^ vidti us the oldl huexltorstle louts'grauhmptl t oglt phctuslerOt The se11is 1to hl t,0 u_- 0'l'lue stages e of ostilite. ;5ifd sill us oh itlo " Kiodo, ill '"Soculu Evoluotion"i losslutist-uhIlat it is theu Inoral qualitieslby welicli peolie all(] IATHENS THEATRE, /' OLLEGE menoeverywshee areinvted oto sn o he oWaosh'urn oa 0 OOiCotaog. . , 0.01' it 101 _________________________ Itcoontain.snearly .000 potrt~soatiosts taod collegianst, besides givinog'soome accouto lOatlolaloive andtilto ll ol3higoh0deve010p5.1fathe oistootoooof \VahurnoistLmec.s anid oomylete list et Fpo 01nen0titnd Prof. MtcLautin htolehl ATTRACTIONSFirsttclastosioodealers the orld0o1e s-etll '.oooh too atorinstrumsenttsoy be Spain 011 as aon exanmple ott the loss Saturday, Feb. 25, obtained fesm the makersc andi decadenice of a great powser, T ro nda YON& HEALY. CHICAGO. swhiclo once, by gratta1111 tavor of M yrriend rm n i thus Pope (whuo, in the 1thtlcentturye o ay est anhtta camdpseso ofewoeearth) loelol sovereignty over laf of InGaetM n ta. thte Western htenmisphere. Her swest- emn possessions hlave been host to Tuesday, Feb. 28, Spain througil pride, arogence, honTm- tiuerence, gred, and cruelty. Her Uncle Tm Cabin. wtelon cruelty to her htepless colont-_____________________ miss ttas too harrowinig for recital. -_ti pc euustoto Suet'LcueAscain Prof. McLauglhin hesitated to do 'lit pc eog oteSuet'LcueAscain more thlooead the imlagination to as some coceptionl of it, by sayinlg that burnitngstnd quartering seere toterci- as ful execultionls comtpared to lte hocr rible tortuores itnflicted by the Spanish IWe ahould ike to maoke upont oenot, entantd childreno. Iaoroangemettawith one or The moethodiis of Enogland seesina tore octice ond enterprisinog colipotrasoulinlercif ul oatd liberal, atnd a tdnst ersttSL- ____________ ________________________ thtotugh responstble for persecutions 4 tudents__torepresent__ELF- Jat hoome, her cohonies weere treated C UUE at the Univer- 1 - kinilyantd seere perotitteti large Asao Abor'18CU" r liberty ofi'conscience. England'si $350 M. 1,an jtEx T re ce t S IE BL E R' S colsooizationooint Aomerica, swhichlaseso }>t-eately liberal ionducetaents C$35.00oiu led Raleigh anld othlers, sas under- 14, resllt beelofferedin Spaitn,ots Atoerica seas thoen Spain's 4' thr-ee months, and a little Juveniles, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., base of sotplies, froitt sloeosee old ~eegtcefr el euea a All ftted with Dunlap netahable Ti-es. ANN ARBOR. ioturedin tto her coffers. Thoe de- 4 goodly itocotme. GRANGER'S SCH0OJ...OF DANCIN G. structiool of the Spanish Artmada seas a 4 thoe openitog sceooe of thte struoggle Address with full par- $5.00 per Tern ot 12 Weeks. atitfaetaprpeiofteed ticul ars, PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. -wehicht los cotme inouor oweotitue- a Private Lessons by Appointment. Bsll 'Phone 246. Read history arighot, atud take warn- ~SL UTR AAIE~* *5 e110OoosteCmt a otg 57 K the differesce ie that the coder 4 AKRON, OHIO. ~U~ it gets the moo our ecream The mtanagemneot of the Michiga-'EU E U "E EiIlUF you watt. enusuto desires thoat alprossend-'4Mb.WHTE hug photographs for publicationa sill U 9t 11Po Se.' MI T if possible send theit unmuounted. ' 00 tte04